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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arian Sterling.4372

Arian Sterling.4372

Sorry for the double post – it was a computer glitch on my end

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arian Sterling.4372

Arian Sterling.4372

Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Annulus Of Ascendancy [AoA]
Location: Divinity’s Reach

Can not access guild bank.
“You must first seek a guild to join.”

I checked that I am representing a guild.
This wasn’t happening a week ago when I last logged in.

Character Arian Sterling, guild officer
The guild settings are set to allow officers the ability withdraw and deposit.

Our Guild Leader tells me this has happened intermitantly to her as well but changes with location changes.
For me the error is constant (logging in or restarting the computer doesn’t change the area, nor does changing my location. I have also checked Lion’s arch to see if that would allow me access.)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arian Sterling.4372

Arian Sterling.4372

Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Annulus Of Ascendancy [AoA]
Location: Divinity’s Reach

Can not access guild bank.
“You must first seek a guild to join.”

I checked that I am representing a guild.
This wasn’t happening a week ago when I last logged in.

Character Arian Sterling, guild officer
The guild settings are set to allow officers the ability withdraw and deposit.

Our Guild Leader tells me this has happened intermitantly to her as well but changes with location changes.
For me the error is constant (logging in or restarting the computer doesn’t change the area, nor does changing my location. I have also checked Lion’s arch to see if that would allow me access.)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arian Sterling.4372

Arian Sterling.4372

Same/similar issue for me.
64 bit OS playing from a very high end laptop… all my video setting are set low and I had no problems after I sorted out a video card issue I had during the first Beta weekend. (I’m at the moment not on the computer I play on currently – so can’t recall the video card)

Here is what is repeatably happening.
When there are a lot of people in a small area, the computer freezes (both sound and video seem to get stuck) and I loose keyboard control.
When I press control alt delete many times and wait for a few seconds (rather then hard restarting… which is tempting) I will eventually get my windows task manager screen to pop up. Just that seems to unstick the system but recently (over the last two days) this has caused my connection to the login server to be dropped and I get an error message (the next time I play I’ll post the error log and screen shot… but I suspect it’s the same issue as the folks above).

A related issue (maybe… or at least I think it’s related) is that sometimes my keyboard just quits allowing me to enter text in the chat window or move anything on any smaller windows (like inventory items or buy stuff) but it will let me keep playing an moving in the main window. This symptom often preceeds the crash even by anywhere from a couple minutes to an hour.

If I log out and log back in the problem clears until it starts again.
Like I said the issue seems to increase in frequency during times when more people are in an area.

Another possible related issue (though maybe not) when I am dead and try to move to a waystation (or sometimes when I am not dead). Clicking on the ‘travel’ button will cause the location of the waystation to post in my chat window… sometime it will cause multiple posts and get a you have been banned from chat message to show up. It will not take me to the waystation in question, and if I wait for some kind soul to revive me when I come back my keyboard will not type in the chat window (as per above)… and I do like to say thanks when healed…. and inevitably end up having to ctrl-alt-delete to regain access to my keyboard in the chat control (causing me to disconnect) or play until the game crashes and I have to ctrl-alt-delete or hard shut down (again causing a disconnect).

I will post log and other such attachments next time it happens.