Tarnished Coast Server
Showing Highly Rated Posts By Arkard.3970:
Tarnished Coast Server
“Our first release in the new year will be on January 21 as we begin our countdown to the end of this story arc. We’ll use the longer break to spend extra time to ensure that our final four releases are as polished and exciting as possible.”
Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/living-world-2013-the-year-in-review/
I for one would like to know exactly what was “polished” during this extra time.
The last batch of releases have not only been far from “polished,” they’ve been some of the buggiest patches to date. Each release has not only contained bugs that have literally crippled the content they were supposed to introduce, but introduced along with it stuff that would make any QA professional cringe.
Examples include: The marionette event not working right if beaten once, worm chain breaking at pirate rum, EOTM literally being down for half a day, everyone and their mother being allowed into EOTM map causing crippling lag, worm exploits, worm scaling, Miasma and citizen counters broken, attunement circles not showing up, Prime hologram going invulnerable, knights not dropping loot, inventory bags magically increasing in size everytime you open your UI, WvW scoreboard being FUBAR, and heck, even an entire server being locked out of a borderland for nearly a day…. and that’s just off the top of my head.
So I’m left to wonder if this was just an excuse to give the devs some holiday off time or just incredibly poor execution. If the former, not many people at all would hold it against ANET for taking some holiday time off, just be straight with it. If the former, seriously? ANET insists it does QA, but the player base seems to be holding fast to the belief that it’s nonexistent, and that’s being reinforced time and time again, not debunked.
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Tarnished Coast Server
(edited by Moderator)