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Precursor Crafting Overpriced?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arnianor.5489


No they are not.
They are meant as a long term goal over many months.
The idea is to go out and gather the mats needed not pay top price for items already made. Jeez

So in your opinion, it is completely normal that, let’s say, Tooth of Frostfang costs 459g on the trading post, and over 1200g to craft ? Or Storm, less than 400g to buy on the trading post, and just the first tier being more expansive ? Or maybe the Colossus, 748g vs an easy 1500g, to take a two handed weapon ? I don’t care that you have to buy 0 resources because you can gather everything, because it doesn’t matter : the price of what you gathered is still here, whether you see it or not. And if the gathered materials’ price on the selling end is 2-3 times higher than the finished product, then there’s a problem.
Any person with a slight notion of economy can see something is wrong. But please, continue not to think, craft two “old” precursor, and then think you might want to do a legendary armor too, and come tell us again in 5 years* that you were correct and those were not overpriced, when you spent 2-3 times more resources than someone who can actually do basic math.

*Complete random number, might be 7 or 3, but if you already spend months to get a precursor (because yes, it’s stupidly timed gated), which is NOT, in ANY way, a legendary, then spend again couple of months to transform it into a legendary, then it won’t be many years before you’re done with a legendary set.

(edited by Arnianor.5489)

Precursor Crafting Overpriced?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arnianor.5489


It IS too expansive. No matter what you put behind. For the “old” legendaries, the only reason you could have to craft your precursor is you’re doing either Bolt or Twilight, or for the pride of “I did it all by myself” (congrats, it’s not written on the final product ).
Other than that, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to craft it yourself, because the price if way too high.
And to answer the people with the false argument “you can gather all the mats yourself, so it doesn’t cost anything”: congrats Sherlock, we’re so stupid we didn’t figure this out ourselves.
Here’s another for you (that obviously, you didn’t figure out….): you could have sold all those mats, and with the gold you just made you could have bought 2-3 precursor, depending on which one you want. Or sold just enough materials to buy the precursor, and keep the remaining for, I don’t know, your legendary backpack / armor ? Or another legendary weapon?

Error 42:5:7:878:101 unable to login [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arnianor.5489


Kicked from Jade Sea [FR] in WvW, can’t login.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Arnianor.5489


Well, I know that a 1% drop rate don’t assure a player he will get his drop within 100 tries.
And I actually believe the drop rate is lower than 1%.
Let’s take X the base probability to success, drop or whatever, and Y = 1-X the base probability to fail.
Each time you try, you will have X chance to success.
However, after N tries, your chance to have succeeded at least once is 100%-Y^N.
This means, the bigger the N the bigger the probability to have succeed once (though it will never be 100%).

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Arnianor.5489


Hi everybody,

I was wondering about the drop rate of precursor in the mystic forge. Do we have any official NUMERIC information on this topic ?
Not the common answer, the higher the level and the rarity, the highest your chance.
Since Christmas, I already threw over 1’000 rare daggers lvl 80 in the forge, and quite a few exotic as well: got nothing.
Using Magic Find runes, stuff, boons and so on didn’t help.
So let’s have a look at it. 1’000 weapons give 250 tries, 0 precursor. With 100% magic find bonus, is the drop rate really still below 1 over 250 ?