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Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arran Pellaeon.8437

Arran Pellaeon.8437

Here’s my log. It’s all single bit errors from what I can tell, so I assume that it has something to do with memory. I’ve run memtest, system file checker, etc, and nothing turned up.

What i’m wondering is this. My motherboard by default sets my RAM to DDR3-1333. The RAM itself is 1600, so I need to enable DOCP in order to force it to be recognized as such, and then manually set my voltage to 1.5 or else it becomes unstable and I get BSOD’s. I haven’t touched timings, the defaults are all what they’re supposed to be according to the manufacturer. So in theory I could potentially fix this by rolling my RAM back down to 1333, but as you can imagine i’d like to get the performance I paid for. So is there something else that could be causing this?

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arran Pellaeon.8437

Arran Pellaeon.8437

I can confirm the above, Sanctum of Rall, gogo!

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arran Pellaeon.8437

Arran Pellaeon.8437

Yeah, same one. the maincli.cpp crash.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arran Pellaeon.8437

Arran Pellaeon.8437


I’ve run memtest before several times and havent gotten any errors. Also ran sfc in command prompt just in case, that didn’t return anything either. One thing that came to mind though, could this be an issue with Solid State Drives and/or higher clocked RAM? The RAM I have is 1600, but the mainboard will try and run it at 1333 by default, forcing me to manually force it to 1600 and set the voltage to 1.5 in order for it to work properly. (Would bluescreen all the time without the voltage being set). Could GW2 be reacting badly to this?

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arran Pellaeon.8437

Arran Pellaeon.8437

I’m running a FX8120 and Radeon 6870 and and am playing the game fine with no issues. Settings all maxed save for shadows (on med), and getting a consistant 50+ fps all the time. WvW can drop a little lower during keep sieges but still perfectly playable. Intel may be a better performer but AMD’s not a pile of garbage by any stretch.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arran Pellaeon.8437

Arran Pellaeon.8437

I’ve got the same issue as well, same crash error. Running a Radeon 6870 and have the game installed on a Crucial M4 SSD. Drive integrity is fine and have other games installed to the same drive with no crash issues.

*--> Crash <--* MainCli.cpp(510)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arran Pellaeon.8437

Arran Pellaeon.8437

I’ve had the same issue. Running repair will seem to redownload a file or two, but then it will happen again later. When it occurs is random, i’ve been doing events, porting between zones and have this happen. The error log always reports MainCli.cpp(510) as the issue.

Edit: I have the game installed on an SSD, not sure if that would make a difference.

(edited by Arran Pellaeon.8437)