Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: darksuport.2053


im having the same problem .

had this since 3 weeks back and since it was time for a upgrade i actuary bought a new machine .

i5 3550 8 gig vengance 120 intel ssd 570 gtx

log in, game crashes ,says corrupted data. run repair the repair finds nothing …
done a memory test comes out ok (memory 3 days old)
i find this really strange that all my games works fine and gw 2 dose not .
since ive now had same problem on 2 machines i find this highly unlikely that its a hardware problem
if this is a hardware problem for all of us how can other programs work?


Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


I had to attach the -analysis in a document because i exceed 5000 characters.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaulMarden.4619




I had to attach the -analysis in a document because i exceed 5000 characters.

Detahmaio, have you run any hardware-diagnostics such as memory-tests? If so, which tests have you run and with what settings? Your analysis also shows what I’d expect to see for issues with RAM — whether it’s the memory itself or settings related to it (such as timings).

If you’ve overclocked any settings on your computer, you could consider turning them back down and see whether the problems go away.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


I ran a memory test and no issues were found. Ill lower my Overclock back to stock values and check back in.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


Set everything to default so far everything is running normal

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bakau.3849


I ran memtest and all is ok, my memeory settings are normal and I still get this problem. This is not an issue on myside.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trujillo Sammut.2307

Trujillo Sammut.2307

Yeah I’ve also run all the tests and followed all the advice in this thread and other threads and the problem has gotten worse and worse with every patch. I can play everything else just fine and had no problems during the beta or the first week of launch.

For the last three weeks I’ve run all the diagnostics, reinstalled my game, updated my drivers, reinstalled my drivers, moved the guild wars folder even though it wasn’t in program files, did the -repair, changed all my settings to low, tried every resolution option available in game, run as administrator, tried new characters, and I’m still crashing constantly.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


Crashed after making a new toon and used black powder #5 thief ability on offhand pistol I was on a level 3 or 4 personal story quest as a slyvari.

my new report

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaulMarden.4619




Due to the overlock, you may have file corruption that needs repaired first.

An excellent thing to point out. Thanks, Cindas!

To ensure understanding, I’d like to also point out that you should only ever need to run -repair once after you think you’ve remedied the issue with your system. If you continue to hit archive-corruption crashes and/or prompts to repair your archive, then the issue hasn’t been fully solved yet.

Detahmaio, would you mind sharing the specific diagnostics you’ve run on your machine? Which memory-testers, which set of tests, how long the tests ran for, etc. Even if you’ve already done thorough tests with nothing turning up, the information is useful to me for understanding how the corruption does and doesn’t present itself. = )

Also, it looks like you’ve got well over 200 instances of corrupted files. Would you mind running with -analyzeFull and attaching that result to this thread? The regular -analyze option limits the results to keep the log-size low. If the log-file is too large for attaching to this thread, let me know and I’ll arrange something for you.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arran Pellaeon.8437

Arran Pellaeon.8437

Here’s my log. It’s all single bit errors from what I can tell, so I assume that it has something to do with memory. I’ve run memtest, system file checker, etc, and nothing turned up.

What i’m wondering is this. My motherboard by default sets my RAM to DDR3-1333. The RAM itself is 1600, so I need to enable DOCP in order to force it to be recognized as such, and then manually set my voltage to 1.5 or else it becomes unstable and I get BSOD’s. I haven’t touched timings, the defaults are all what they’re supposed to be according to the manufacturer. So in theory I could potentially fix this by rolling my RAM back down to 1333, but as you can imagine i’d like to get the performance I paid for. So is there something else that could be causing this?

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


I ran the windows memory diagnostic it took about 7-9 minutes to complete after I put everything to stock

Here is the -analyzeFull file

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


I ran the windows memory diagnostic it took about 7-9 minutes to complete after I put everything to stock

Here is the -analyzeFull file

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alxa.6527


What i’m wondering is this. My motherboard by default sets my RAM to DDR3-1333. The RAM itself is 1600, so I need to enable DOCP in order to force it to be recognized as such, and then manually set my voltage to 1.5 or else it becomes unstable and I get BSOD’s. I haven’t touched timings, the defaults are all what they’re supposed to be according to the manufacturer. So in theory I could potentially fix this by rolling my RAM back down to 1333, but as you can imagine i’d like to get the performance I paid for. So is there something else that could be causing this?

I have hit this exact situation, I had memory that would only work at a slower speed then it was rated for. You said you ran memtest – that would be memtest86+? I had to run every test it had, and not just the defaults to be able to see the problem I had on that computer. It was intermittent, a pain to locate.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Faolchu.1629


So no oc’ing in gw2? lol what?

“Significant ranger improvements coming in the next patch. "-Jon Peters, Nov. 2012…

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alxa.6527


You can OC your memory / cpu etc. Just be aware that it can cause stability problems. I’ve OCed my i7 and ran GW just fine

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaulMarden.4619




Here is the -analyzeFull file

Thanks for posting the full file! Looking over it, I’m seeing two distinct one-bit errors appearing over and over again at the same relative locations. There are also some completely scrambled files, but that is the sort of effect you can see when compressing data that differs even by one bit.

I ran the windows memory diagnostic it took about 7-9 minutes to complete after I put everything to stock

Sometimes memory-issues won’t reveal themselves except under heavy stress. If you’re able and willing, I’d suggest something like an overnight run of MemTest86+ with its full suite of tests. Another option is to run a similarly long session of Prime95, which is highly sensitive to memory-errors.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Would be curious if it IS all GTX 570 card owners.

I have the eVGA model, if that helps/matters.

I own a Gigabyte 670 Windforce and have the game on a SATA III Octane 128GB SSD and it still crashes on me =(

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rolo.9248


Difference: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00800000

Difference: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00800000

Difference: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00800000

Unquestionably bad memory.

Memtest86+ overnight catches most errors but won’t catch the intermittenly failing memory when the PC is under load/warmer. Intel Burn Test at max settings will fully load your PC and utilitse/test all RAM.

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonball.2380


I had this issue and found the issue running Memtest86. I had/have 16gigs of ram and the second 8 gigs in DDR3 slots 3/4 were bad. Removed them and everything is find now and no more crashing.

Give memtest86 a try

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


Here is the -analyzeFull file

Thanks for posting the full file! Looking over it, I’m seeing two distinct one-bit errors appearing over and over again at the same relative locations. There are also some completely scrambled files, but that is the sort of effect you can see when compressing data that differs even by one bit.

I ran the windows memory diagnostic it took about 7-9 minutes to complete after I put everything to stock

Sometimes memory-issues won’t reveal themselves except under heavy stress. If you’re able and willing, I’d suggest something like an overnight run of MemTest86+ with its full suite of tests. Another option is to run a similarly long session of Prime95, which is highly sensitive to memory-errors.

Ill have a full report tomorrow

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bakau.3849


I ran Prime95 all night and no errors at all – everything passed. There is nothing wrong with my ram.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaulMarden.4619




I ran Prime95 all night and no errors at all – everything passed. There is nothing wrong with my ram.

Hey, Bakau — would you mind running with -analyze and posting the results? I notice that you’ve reported encountering this a lot, so you could also consider running with -analyzeFull and attaching the report rather than posting it inline. This will at least give us an idea of what the corruption looks like and give us some clues.

Do you happen to have GW2 installed to an SSD? If so, you could try moving it to the HDD and see whether it helps. I’ve seen a few posts and heard various anecdotes about some SSDs having issues with “silent corruption”. As of yet I don’t have any solid sources on this, but it’s easy enough to try.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: drake.2135


I tried that -analyze thing for the fun of it, but it came up with “Download failed!” How odd.

“The beginning is the beginning. The end is also the beginning.”
~Drake from Blackgate

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hiccups.3790


I installed GW2 on my SSD, too. No crash at all so far.

yours sincerely, hiccups

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Demogorgon.1387


I have been experiencing the same problem as others, specifically:

(1) Lag – Freezing = 5-10 seconds; the PvE world around me is going about its business, yet I’m stuck in time. Then (I presume) the server catches up and I’m either dead or close to it.

(2) Random disconnects = with that notorious error code (I’ll jot it down next time).

These problems started occurring ~ 1 week ago, or less.

What I’ve done:
(1) Ran gw2.exe – repair, no errors found, or reported according to log file.
(2) Ran Memtest86+ last night, for 9 hours. No errors reported.
(3) Corrupt .dat files are dated August 21/2012, nothing more recent.

Firewall settings (Windows) are correct and I’ve disabled my anti-virus (Avast) during game play. If it’s of interest, I have no issues with either Skyrim or Serious Sam 3 BFE (multiplayer online).

Windows 7/64-bit
i7-860 (default clocks)
8 gb Ram (G.skill PC3 12800-default settings)
Sapphire 7850 OC (factory overclocked-default clocks)
Western Digital Cav.Black 7200 rpm

My graphics driver is ATI CCC 12.4. I see no reason to update this driver, as there is no mention in release notes from ATI pertaining to Guild Wars 2. Last official release from ATI was August 15/2012.

I should mention again that these issues started happening often within the last week.

My frame rates are fine, I have v-sync enabled and most of the time in less populated areas it’s 60. Highly populated areas or busy world events, may dip in the 40s. That’s never been an issue.

Thanks for listening; on a positive note, it’s a gorgeous game with obviously alot of love and effort put in. The vegetation has so much detail

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rolo.9248


I ran Prime95 all night and no errors at all – everything passed. There is nothing wrong with my ram.

Prime95 doesn’t completely test RAM as it doesn’t test every location with every combination. You have to use the proper tool for the job.

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bakau.3849


Copied files from SSD to SATA – it still gives the error but not as often – i think today it only occurred once where normally it would occur over a dozen times. I still haven’t run full memtest form prime yet

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deadman UK.5473

Deadman UK.5473

If you’re using xfire, close it. Just recently, running xfire crashes Guild Wars 2 for me often.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zab.4572


First off listen to what Paul says, if you ran memory diagnostics and he asks what you ran and you say windows memory tester.. you did NOT run a memory testing utility. Memtest is really the best option and you really do need to run it for at least 8 hours as many sticks of memory wont show any sign of being bad until they have been stressed for hours and hours. My friends computer was having this issue. Said he ran memtest for 5 hours with no errors. He went out of town for the weekend and let it run for a day and came back to a slew of errors, swapped out the memory and poof the issue was gone.

I’m sorry to see that so many people are still having this issue, i wish my “fix” worked for everyone but apparently it doesn’t. If you have any friends that have extra memory or have some yourself (even if it’s a tad bit slower) try it out. If this fixes your issue congrats! buy new memory or don’t give your friends back.

You should also make sure there is nothing interfering with the connection of your memory (i know most ppl probably already did) but take out your memory/dust the motherboard with compressed air and use an eraser on the memory sticks themselves. Make sure it is a new/clean eraser and don’t push hard, as little pressure as you can on the gold connectors followed by a can of compressed air should do the trick. After this try to run the game and see what happens, sometimes a non-visable spec of dust inbetween the motherboard/memory can create issues.

I’m not sure anyone listed this as a suggestion but i’ve already typed so much i might as well continue. Make sure your memory settings are actually right. 99% of the time you need to configure the timings/speed/voltage of memory to actually have it run correctly. Make sure your voltage on the memory is what it says on the box. And loosen the timings on your memory from what the box says (make it slower essentially). Memory speed and timings have such a low impact on game performance you will only notice the difference in benchmarks.

Other then that i can’t really give any other options as this more than likely has nothing to do with video cards i tried a GTX 275, GTX 295, GTX 450, GTX 470, GTX 560TI,GTX 560TI 448, GTX 580 and last but not least a GTX 580 3gb card. out of these cards i tried single/dual/triple/quad sli setups and after that i figured there is no way it is vram related like some people earlier have stated.

As always make sure the drivers on your computer (MOTHERBOARD) are up to date. If you don’t know how to check what motherboard you have, the easiest way is just to open up your case and look for writing on your mobo. Google it and you’ll find drivers for it.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bakau.3849


Still happening but not as much – so time to run full memtest

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


I’m stuck in a repair loop… again. The only way I was able to fix this before was to reinstall completely. I had no issues prior to the lastest patch, so I’m going to go and chalk this problem up to the patching process.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaulMarden.4619



I’m stuck in a repair loop… again. The only way I was able to fix this before was to reinstall completely. I had no issues prior to the lastest patch, so I’m going to go and chalk this problem up to the patching process.

I’m afraid I’m not seeing any posts from you in this thread detailing what things you’ve tried other than reinstalling (on the same drive, I think). Here are some things to check out:

- Try moving the installation to your HDD if you have one (and haven’t already tried this)
- Run MemTest86+ overnight with the full suite of tests enabled
- Run with ‘-analyze’ and post/attach the results here

Post here with any findings (or lack thereof)!

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soot.9435


A while back I had an issue where I was stuck in a repair loop.

I found that because I was using Win 7 I had to move the install directory out of the ‘program files’ folder – to somewhere like c:\GW2.

I read somewhere on these or the GW2 Guru forums that Win 7/Vista handles the permissions on that folder differently and that even removing UAC doesn’t get around it.

Moving it out and doing a repair fixed my repair loop issues and also managed to get me through a story line quest that kept crashing.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


Thanks for the replies. The only reason you haven’t seen a reply from me in this thread is because there was an almost identically named one at launch where I had the same problem with corrupt files. Sorry!

I’ve done memtest twice and all came back clear. I don’t want to install on another hard drive unless it is the last option since I want to take advantage of my SSD if possible. Anywho… Here’s my corrupt analysis.

I’ll try doing what some of the others have suggested. It’s not a huge deal, but it is a pain in the butt when it does happen.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Myth Shaia.4856

Myth Shaia.4856

Getting out of repair loop is relatively easy, just go to your my documents folder and delete the contents of your GW2 folder – doing this does erase your username though so just type it back in and re-tick the box to remember your login name. Start GW2 and then turn your Textures to medium setting.

…from elsewhere…
“I am not a complete idiot, there are some components missing still!” …

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


Thanks Myth, that did the trick… I’ll have to remember that one.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Risible.7169


I’ve started having this same problem just not at the frequency of most. I’ve crashed to desktop 3 times in the past 5 days. I’ve played 5+ hours on 4 of those 5 days and one day I think I even played 6 hours straight with no crashes. Prior to the first crash on Thursday I’ve had zero crashes.

I’ve had no issues with any other games/programs on my computer. I’ve ran the memtest as other said to do over night and there was no errors. I’m running 10gb ram / 550 ti card on Win 7.

After a crash, I do the repair function but it hasn’t found anything nor has it fixed/downloaded any files. It just tells me I’m good to go and lets me play. For example last night I was in straights of devastation following the zerg after an event…. pop crash. Ran repair…. back in game and went and did Arah and all the final story quest stuff and then ran around for another hour….. no issues. (3ish hours)

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: akon.4239


I’ve been having the same problem for a while now. Even reinstalling didn’t work. But after my last attempt, it seems to work alright. Have been playing for an hour now, without any problems.

This is what i did:
I tried the repair cycle over and over, never seemed to work.
Reinstalling the game didn’t work.
Shortly after, i noticed another program on my computer crash, VLC media player. Still happening.

The game was installed on my D : drive, so i tried installing it on my C: drive. So far it seems to work. Had no problem yet.

In my opinion this means either my D : drive is failing :’(, or the game needs to be installed on the boot drive. Anyway, try this maybe it will work for you guys as well.

(edited by akon.4239)

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Myth Shaia.4856

Myth Shaia.4856

Glad to hear that solved your issue, NaughtyProwler.

The trouble is, after each patch it seems to reset the Graphics options to automatic in GW2, thus for all us ppl with higher spec vga cards, Textures is always reset to High.

So always remember to check this otherwise the crazy crashing/repair loop will rear its ugly head again – unless Anet Devs can stick some code in to remember a players Graphics settings.

On the real topic though, why is setting your Textures to High causing this crashing? Have we found a point for he devs to concentrate on? Is it the game or the vga cards? Some new technology or coding not optimised yet?

But yeah, as long as you play with Textures on medium setting, it seems to stabilise things a lot and in my case even stop the crashing entirely.

…from elsewhere…
“I am not a complete idiot, there are some components missing still!” …

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bakau.3849


I am having probs with memtest86 for some reason – so still yet to post files of running this.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

delete local.dat from My Documents\Guild Wars 2

On the real topic though, why is setting your Textures to High causing this crashing? Have we found a point for he devs to concentrate on? Is it the game or the vga cards? Some new technology or coding not optimised yet?

on x64, it shouldn’t
on x32, it would be because the game requires more than 2GB of virtual address space with textures on high

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bakau.3849


Can we get an update on when anet will be fixing this please?

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Telum Machinator.8954

Telum Machinator.8954

I have been having this problem on and off since I installed GW2 about a month and a half ago. Typically it will crash out of the game, and if I try to re-start, the crashing-out becomes more frequent. A re-boot of the machine though, will enable me to play for hours on end with no issues. After a few days of evening play, it will crash. I put my machine to sleep in between play time. I can play other games for hours/days on end with no issues.

I have run Memtest 86 overnight and found no memory issues.

Win 7 x64
GTX 560 Ti (306.02)
Core i5 3550
16 GB Patriot 1600MHz
Gigabyte UD5H Mobo
System in on a SSD, but GW2 is on a HDD

Attached in my analyze file.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bakau.3849


I just fixed mine – for last few days it has been running good and no crashes. What wans’t updated was a Windows update of about 400kb which fixed memory issues. So check all your windows updates.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


add -repair in the GW2.exe shortcut. Try -verify too.

If crashing is persistent, it might be your hard drive, or a simpler problem- a faulty SATA cable which has happened to me before.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

(edited by Teknobug.3782)

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darkone.8731


Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Judgement.4517


An unstable over clock can cause corrupted files, if you are over clocking try turning back to defalt speeds, and I was talking about the CPU not gpu

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Myth Shaia.4856

Myth Shaia.4856

@Squall Leonhart.2075

True, it should not be, yet a lot of us are using W7 64Bit and experiencing a problem which should be prevalent under W7 32Bit conditions….bad coding somewhere then?

There just seem to be so many ways to ‘solve’ these crashes and it seems as if nobody knows where it’s coming from, I mean I went through a crazy number of things to just get to playing with 98% uptime:

On the other hand, is GW2 turning out to be the BEST diagnostic piece of software to test hardware? Is there no other game out there that stresses a cpu the way that GW2 does? Are we being sold badly optimised/quality controlled cpu’s from both Intel & AMD?

Now wouldn’t that be something, hehheh

…from elsewhere…
“I am not a complete idiot, there are some components missing still!” …

(edited by Myth Shaia.4856)

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drusan.1639


This is ridiculous.I literally cant play the game now.I was able to play for mabey an hour today,after not being able to play for 4 days because of the CTD’s.Im on a new laptop,it is NOT a hardware issue.None of my hardware is overclocked.My ram and HD’s have no errors.I have reinstalled the game 3 times on three diffrent HD’s.At first i was having the problem entering the vigil keep in lionsgate.Now,i have it everywhere.I have verifyed and repaired my instalations numerous times.I have never had this sort of problem on any other game.I understand that your first thought,is that it must be a problem with the harware of the user,but at this stage,it is obviously a problem with the game itself.

Enclosed are pastebins of my verify.log,corrupt archive.log and arenanet.log