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Hearts and Minds (spoilers) - advice?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArthurvonLindenfels.4638


Dear people from Arena – Net,

I would like to registry a complaint.

After trying the “hearts and minds” mission for the fourth or fifth time, without managing to successfully finish it, I feel a little bit frustrated, to say the least.

Although I have been playing GW2 since release, I am not a player with much so called “skill”, as I am already a little bit older. Nevertheless I enjoyed playing GW2 over the years and love the game in general. For this reason I even like to spend some Euros in the Gem- Shop, from time to time, to support you people.

Now this mission (in the present state) is annoying me to a point where it keeps me from logging in to GW2 at all.
After managing to kill Rytlock, Marjory, Caithe and Forgal I was not able to catch the next flight, so to speak, and therefore got a nice electroshock from Mordremoth.

This meant I had to start all over again, as Mr. Rytlock and all the other guys got magically resurrected (okay it is a fantasy game), waiting to be killed again.

This, imho, is the main problem of the design of this mission. I understand that you wanted to make this last mission a challenge. But to me it doesn´t feel like a challenge. It feels like a treadmill. Killing all those evil Illusions for some more times (quite time consuming actually) is not my idea of fun. And I really would like to finish the living story.

So please allow me to make the following suggestions:

1. Remove the “Start – Over” mechanic, i. e. if the player dies, let him or her continue at that (time-)point in the mission.

2. For those players who are able to finish the mission without dying create a new title,
for instance “Undying Dragonslayer”, so people with skill get a nice reward as well.

If this changes should not be possible, at least consider renaming the mission from “Hearts and Minds” to “Frustrations and Treadmills” (sorry for the sarcasm).

This mission, in the present state, is imho dead. And no, it is not resting. It is stiff, bereft of life and joined the choir invisible. This is a late mission.

A sincere consideration of the suggested changes in mission – design would be very much appreciated. Finally (this time without sarcasm or irony) I would like to thank you for creating this great game.

Best wishes

Ranger Help Ranger [PET LOCATIONS]

in Ranger

Posted by: ArthurvonLindenfels.4638


Here a little song about the tiger, I hope you enjoy it while searching for the pets:)

“Where’s the tiger, can’t find the tiger…. Has anybody seen the tiger?”

(Singing starts at about 0.45)