Showing Posts For Asgard.7429:

Near Invincible warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Asgard.7429


Many people tend to underestimate PVT builds. Warriors has many traits to increase raw stats and with nourishments and FGJ my stats are pumped really high. Having twice as HP as most glass classes is a huge advantage, high power also gives lots of damage even when I dont have that much crit (29% with Fury, shield sigil of accuracy dont display on char sheet). High armor is also another nice thing to have as warrior.

I dont believe you need that much crit to kill someone with Axe… its base damage +eviscerate are enough and with my build (look at my stats) plus shield I can survive most glass spike damage.

I have 15 in Strengh, for Endurance I just use my Burst skill and I can dodge again. Also, Auto-Shake it off, Shake it off, FGJ with 6/6 soldier runes means 5 conditions removed from me and my mates.

Can you post your build and your gear? The stats looks very good and interesting.

Finally! A Non-Cheese WvW Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Asgard.7429


i got similar stats with greatsword as you and is kinda tanky for wvw.
I don’t use condition removal at all , and i regen 350-360 hp /sec
3050 attack
36 % critical chance
83 % critical power
2914 armor
21592 hp /385 healing power
but as secondary weapon i prefer riffle. it gives me great advantage vs elementarists /1 knockback vs thieves /warriors /guardians followed by an 5k damage volley looks better

Can you post your build and your armor please. The stats are very interesting. I search for a new build.

Found A WvW Warrior Vid

in Warrior

Posted by: Asgard.7429


This is another good warrior wvw vid from this week:

Hello, do you know the build from this warrior? Sorry for my bad english.