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Is it possible to make an offensive gaurdian

in Guardian

Posted by: Ashara.5046


A Gaurdian is by far capable of damage. If you know how to best use weapon combinations and what skills you can use best with each. You can one vs one any other Profession and be on even grounds and in some cases be in a better postion to win. Due to the amount of CC, free blocks and additional dots Gaurdians have, you can deffinetly cause a lot of pain for people.

My current build focuses on being able to get close quick, often by passing their front lines and getting point blank to an enemy, I then use skills to control the enemy to maximize the symbols and aoe skills in a quick burst to rack up dots, vunrabilities and burns. I use a lot of burns because of the damage bonus of 10% on burning foes. If I also go for stability it’s pretty hard to be put down or feared, so you have a lot more time to go through a combo of skills. Unless everyone targets you, your dodges can keep you clear of the mass of AoE that panicked players tend to throw down in reaction to your sudden attack. But after you either kill the target or down them, it’s a matter of what you have left or if people followed you in.

I’d recommend never dodging until you need to, as it’s easier to take one AoE than 3 or 4 at once. The standard heal is by far the best due to the ignore damage. I have survived a lot of tough moments just by using my heal at the right time. Not every moment mind you, but enough to make it my favourite heal.

(edited by Ashara.5046)

Symbol of Swiftness bugged? hidden change to the mechanic?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ashara.5046


Far as I have seen the SoS won’t keep you in combat unless you are kept in it via damage or your actions. I change my 2h sword for the staff using this in WvW a lot and never have I been unable to change any thing that can only be changed out of combat unless I am actually in combat.

Was there specific conditions for this to happen, or did it happen in any condition (in PvE or WvW and so on)? Other than that, remember the symbol damages enemies and will trigger combat via that. Invisible or not.

Ask a quick question, get a quick answer.

in Guardian

Posted by: Ashara.5046


To be honest as a Gaurdian you should use nearly all the weapons. I have all of them on me at all times. Each weapon (2h) and set weapoms (single handers and off sets) offers a lot of utility and options in both PvE and PvP. I also modify my Skills (6-0) depending on what I am going for.

You will always have a favourite, but by far the biggest strength for a Gaurdian is the ability to manage the weapons to each situation. I have won a fair few fights I shouldn’t have because I picked the right weapons and skills. Plus got lucky on picking up the enemy patterns and so on.

Personally I have at lvl 65:

20 in Zeal (Fiery Wrath – Increases damage by 10% against burning foes. , Greatsword Power – Greatsword damage is increased by 5%. )
0 in Radiance
20 in Valor (Strength in Numbers – Nearby allies gain +30 toughness., Honorable Shield – Shield skills recharge 20% faster. )
15 in Honor (Superior Aria – Shouts recharge 20% faster. )
0 in Virtues

Note: I only pick the shield recharge as it makes the buff and bubble really useful. As opposed to rarely used.

This build offers a lot of tankyness, but also a lot of team support and a nice amount of damage. I have yet to have issues with any thing but really hard Champions or Elite mobs. In PvP I have a nice mix of damage resistance and over all ability to CC and kill someone. The real kicker is skills (6-0) and weapons I pick for the purpose.

(edited by Ashara.5046)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ashara.5046


This is some thing that really annoyed me in this Halloween event. I didn’t get a chance to go into the dungeon. Both due to work and family, plus the fact that it wasn’t clear that the event would be removed before it was actually Halloween and before the holiday ended. I do get that a lot of people think that if you wanted to do it you should have put aside 15 minutes. I can understand that perspective for those who could do it. But it isn’t as simple as that, nor should it be as clear cut and excluded.

Now I am in no way saying my free time is any more valuable than anyone elses. Nor is it that I have it harder than anyone else in any respect. But I am simply annoyed that an event that doesn’t need to be removed was. In doing so removed the enjoyment of a large holiday event that should have been about being able to fully experiance it in a fair time span. Even if you miss a couple of specific things like the Mad King being sealed again or the portal opening event. Those events that happen once and in real time and allow a live interactive experiance for large groups of people is fine and I ‘m okay with that as it’s unique and will never be repeated. Yet every other event was repeated, again and again. If it was the case that you could not go into the Mad Kings realm to fight him, then you should not be able to go into the same realm to go to the PvP arenas, Labyrinth, and Clock Tower. All of which are based in the Underworld in his realm and under his control. His sealing only prevented him from leaving the underworld. Not stopped us from going in and fighting him as before.

I offer this up only as a critique of someone who really did enjoy all the event had to offer. Only to have it spoiled by a seemingly pointless and sensless decision to remove an aspect of the limited time event, by making it even more time limited. I’d ask that even if an event ends during a Holiday event that there be a means to still go into it to experiance it until the actual Holiday event itself has ended. That way there is more chance people can experiance it and potentailly reach their own goals. If this was done to arbitrarily add value to items or allow for more content spread over many years of the same event. I’d only say that if it’s exactly the same next year there will not be as much sales via the Black Lion Trading, if you want to keep your gains you will always need to add more things people will want to buy and more things people will log on for during the holiday. As simply you are competing with their other options via real life, work and family. All of which are as justifiably worth the time. You need to have a good experiance to attract people year after year.

As for the reason of lore, I’d only point out that this in no way would have broke the lore nor impacted apon the event in anyway. As the Mad King is only sealed in the Underworld and you go into the realm to fight him. The seal prevented him from fully appearing in our realm so it doesn’t even cause an issue to have the dungeon open via a portal after the fountain was removed. A door would have sufficed and wouldn’t have caused an issue as he still exists in the Underworld and would still be a boss we could fight. Just the impact of him being able to escape would be void and that would be it.

(edited by Ashara.5046)