Showing Posts For Asharona.9741:
Hey guys! BuLL is up for some scrimmage 20v20 in new arena. Contact Asharona or Shoepato ingame so we can arrange a date.
Have fun this matchup!!
BuLL is looking for some 20v20 GvG action this week, if anyone is interested contact Azharon or Shoepato ingame.
Have fun everyone!
If any guild is up for some GvG sparring (20v20) contact Asharona or Shoepato in-game.
See you on battlefield.
New matchup. Good luck and have fun!
Did BuLL wind up staying for good on BB? Or did some of you guys move to SoR in NA?
We’ve decided to stay on BB for now.
Yesterday evening was relaxing for Necrosis in Elona BL.
We focused on Bay,escorting dollys and providing support to any defense needed on the south-western part of the map.We were only 9 tops so not many things we could do.
Thanks to SFRJ,SPRT from our side and [imp]/[merc]/ [BuLL](jesus how many melee do you have?Alltogether you truly make a bull)/[WAR](weren’t you on Piken some time ago?)Cheers
Hey! We were about 10 people too, we were just having fun, our raid begins at 22:00 CET.
Best Regards
interesing evening in EB border, Germans were just holding while BULL… well they are too many and too strong :-)
some nice fights but this time we were no match for you.
great gaming, really
Hey mate! I’m sorry since we were outnumbering you. Btw, thanks for showing up, you have our respect.
See you around!
Thanks for fights WAR & BuLL, love u!
Hey! Nice to see you, Pryda.
We’d like to fight WL every day!
Hey! You should get better information because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
I know exactly what I was talking about, I have been one of these two.
It’s my last reply about this, but you’re wrong again. I’m not saying that there were not BuLL members there. Just they did not call any blob to cap this structure. Totally false.
So tired of BB. Always 5+ chasing single players all around the map without being able to kill even the white stuff on the way. And just now these awesome VF guys met 5 of us in Lake on BB border and where so frightened by us that they had to build a cannon protected treb on the ruins to get the tower. So pro, reminded me of the 4 Bull in the last matchup who where unable to take briar and called in a 30 man zerg from another border to roll over TWO defenders.
Hey! You should get better information because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Apart from that, good fights with Second. I’m glad to see Sylas around
Been great last night on Riverside Border. We faced crazy numbers but we got our fun. Freakin love you guys from BuLL – amazing showcase of organised play!
Hey! We loved those fights too <3. I hope to see you again ^^
We miss old Deso much : (
Yes, awesome fights with DW this afternoon.
Hey guys, great fights in Baruch borderland. We hope to see you again this week <3
Hello, BuLL (BB guild) is interested in arranging GvG organized fight with any guild from Drakkar or Underwold , just contact Shoepato or Asharona.
Cheers ~~
Congratulations to ALL Red Guard on being the strongest guild in game. See you in Camelot Unchained.
Best Regards from BuLL.
BuLL is up for GvG these days. If any guild from Deso or Viz is interested contact me.
Best Regards.
Greets to Bull!
Thanks for the nice GvG! You got us hard this time!
Looking Forward to a rematch!PS: As it is for scnd…we love your aggressive Playstile!
Keep on the great work!
CU on the BattlefieldsEkitten
was a good battle, I hope next matchup versus SFR so we can rematch.
P.S. I’m sorry with CoN, you guys deserve our respect because you were waiting a long in order to fight. I hope we can re-arrange that GvG soon.
Hello all! It’s a pleasure fighting SFR guilds again. BuLL is up for GvG this week, just contact me ingame or pm me in forum.
Best Regards!
Hello Deso! We love you <3
On topic: BuLL is up for GvG. If any guid from Elona or Deso is interested just contact me ingame or in forum.
Best wishes !
Blobs and blobs again from Abaddon’s mouth… Only 2 days since the reset and I’m already bored of this. Is there no other solution to fight ? Really ? Anet please do something to made the 25men’s groups the base of WvW
And i´m bored of reading allways the same since weeks. That´s our way to play, cause we don´t have much organisized WvW Guilds, Accept it or take a break this week.
If you want small scale fights and/ or GvG, just ask. We have some Guilds, which will accept the challenge, like LNS, DP, ADAC, DH, Ewig or FAME (sorry when i forgot some).
So keep this thread in a good way and see you on the battlefield.
Hello, according to your post, if any guild is interested in arranging a GvG this week (20 or 25 people), please contact me as soon as possible. Thanks!
T3 EU is the same matchup.
kitten it! This tier will be missed.
matchups not changing tomorrow! \o/
Much love all around
Good news :p
Very good fights tonight. I personally was never really a fan of Bull after the blobing crap from t1 and co but now much respect to you guys. Some seriously insane hard fights in our gvg tonight i rank you guys among the top we have faced now. Ever since you started running alone these last 2 weeks has been such a big difference to your guild rep.
That first actual fight was maybe the best GvG match you will ever see. I could not even talk because of lack of breath at end of it.
Lol also good effort by your mesmer you got me a good few times 2-3. Nice necro love also targeting me
Also nice of Anet to bring all the PUGs in zone for more lag. As you can see you need to wake up and add GvG to the game like 4 months ago..
Some epic bombs in EB also later i am french hero now after taking SM and leading realm to victory!.
If matchup stays same would like to finally GvG vs DsD/INC and Scnd. If Your intrested. Maybe even Nuke?.
So yea much love all round big kisses.
That first fight was really awesome, I totally agree.
Well played guys, you deserved a win. I hope the matchup stays next week (at least).
BuLL is interested in arranging organized GvG fights. If any guild is interested do not hesitate in contacting me ingame (whisper or mail ingame).
P.S. First BuLL WvW footage video:
(edited by Asharona.9741)
That bull pack <3.
Some epic fights vs. Bull the last 3 weeks to be honest more of the same. A lot has changed since Desolation days and its making you stronger. Good job. Shame you don’t play more in our prime time but looking the best guild on Baruch Bay at the moment.
Yes, there were some epic fights, especially last night.
Welcome VoTF, nice to meet you again!
It is a pity that our prime time does not coincide with a European for a few hours. And when Europe wakes up, we still have 10-15 people.
And yet, we have time to face the VLK, Black Horde … sometimes with DsD and Bull. Thank you for fighting.
There was one question: on Deso Bull ran themselves and the oche is not bad. Why did you become the BB, often combined with other guilds?
Maybe I misunderstood you, but we’re running untagged every night since we came BB. We’re running much more ourselves than in Deso so you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Sadly the Iron triangle guys will not be fighting as a 24/7 guild anymore, we may come on a couple of times a week, we shall have to see. But this latest patch and the kitten scoring system killed it off for us.
Eternal Iron decided to leave the community and continue their exceptional efforts in EB as a seperate entity, wish you guys all the best.
Maybe Anet one day will actually listen to the community and/or put some effort into wvw.
Anyway big thanks to our allies and our opposition for some awesome times.
BuLL wish you all the best. We want to thank you for your great effort aand dedication building an awesome wvw community @ Desolation. We enjoyed much our stance in Deso, so thanks so much. You’ll be missed.
Have a good night.
Hello, BuLL is up for some GvG action, if you’re interested in arranging one just contact me ingame.
Have a good night!
So I report to the guild [BULL] that there is a hacker in their guild, witnessed by players using a teleport hack to get into briar when downed, send them SCREENSHOTS of the incident, they infract my post and call me a liar…trying to cover something up are we??
You’ve sent this screenshot and we’ve checked it. I can’t see any type of hacking involved tbh. We’ve asked this guy and he says he’s clean. Maybe lag?
I can assure that we’re a sportmanship guild-based and we’re against any cheating behaviour. I expect you’re not trying to damage our reputation.
If Augury finally drops, awesome fights will be missed next week
Hey, thanks
I was under impression that we have contacted guilds on all servers that were in the list of potential new home for us. But I’m not an officer so can’t say for sure.
Welcome mates! I really enjoyed playing with you @ Deso. I’m glad you transfered to Piken <3.
/bow Rich, Amurrag, Glamurko, Yaro etc…!
Yes, indeed, we enjoyed fighting you and FG! We will be in contact mate.
/bow Dalure and rest of FG!
I can’t get onto Deso BL ;(
Best wishes to DeX from Bullfighters in their new road! You’ll be missed!
Im tired of reading this crap, you all think you are so good go prove it in a game format that matters
Like concerted GvG? Oh wait…
if you want we can 5v5 in spvp and I can show you guys what real pvp is.
Let me guess.. Ele, mesmer or thief amirite? Nobody cares about your “real pvp” (lmfao). Btw we got EUs #1 mesmer, bet he could melt you in 10s flat. And yeah, you guessed it, hes just another one of us, no special snowflake. Its a whole different ball game in the lakes, thats why u suck at it, Jackie of the Gold Capes (rofl)
You got us once on even numbers, yup the one were you bunkered uphill with a warrior cheese ac. Well played. Tbh Sac was hasty, but thats how he rolls. Balls deep, never hide inside other guilds/blobs, always looking for a fight. Thats why hes #1 and you are a footnote.
And on another note, Bull could swap tags to PUGS and nobody would notice. Think ive seen you rollin alone like twice since you betrayed me. You are a disgrace to your past. Im ahead by a mile in the “jump on u” race btw, keep trying.
Good night and good luck. Youll need it.
Since BuLL is on holidays and we’re on low numbers due to holy week stop trakittenalking.
It looks like VoTF hurts.
Could we get any explanation about these changes? I can’t understand why we’re getting nerfed…
EU does have stronger guilds to fight than NA. Although the recent loss of KAZ hurts quite a bit.
They changed to Bullfighters…but some players that have left the server….had some good contact with them and was a sad day for them en ofcourse me.
/Salute to those people you know who you are;)
Confirmed, there was not any loss in this case.
Hello, from The Bullfighters [BuLL], if any guild from VS or ER is interested in arranging GvG this week, please feel free from contacting us.
/w Asharona
/w Olonnais
/w Sapato
Hi all,
Sad to hear Kaz has these troubles…..always a kitten to see a good guild go through this.
GL to you all my friends:)
Don’t worry Felerina, we won’t give up
Just a quick clarification: KAZ has disbanded as guild, but 90% of former KAZ has created “The Bullfighters”. We will continue playing on Desolation and making the greatest effort possible for the server.
Cya all @ battlefield.
Just one thing, we do not have any “oversea” guilds in WvW @ BB.