Showing Posts For Assassin Zero.4628:

Minimap on Spirit Watch broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

I can confirm I have this bug too. It doesn’t seem like it’s bugged for everyone all the time based on a couple streams I’ve seen, though it’s been bugged for me all the time since feature patch.

We need a bank in Heart of the Mists.

in PvP

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628


Unblockable Skills that are blockable?-Thief

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

The blinding, teleporting projectile is unblockable. This was to prevent the projectile from being reflected and enemies porting towards thieves as a result. The damaging strike afterwards, however, is blockable.

Super Boom Box Utilization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

That could work too; I like that idea

Super Boom Box Utilization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

Sorry if this has already been posted, but I would LOVE to be able to have the Super Boom Box music play in-game while in combat for dungeon runs and whatnot.

I believe the easiest implementation of this would be to have the boombox music still play when you drop the bundle (swap back to your weapons). Also it would be good to be able to use the 1-5 skills that trigger the music while in combat, thus being able to switch songs in the middle of battle if desired (as it currently stands, you can equip the boom box in combat but can’t activate any of the songs in combat, the bundle is dropped when you get hit, and the songs deactivate when the bundle is dropped).

If anyone can think of an easier way to implement this, that would be great too.

Meatless Murder -Guardian help

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

Don’t even go for this until they fix the bug. I qualified for getting this achievement multiple times, and I’m kitten ed about it.

Guaranteed victory for Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

Vote independent! Vote Commander Shepard!

Plot Hole: Kasmeer Meade

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

Ah, I can’t believe I never noticed the unshakable buff on other “champion/legendary status” npcs. My mistake; thanks for clarifying that!

I really hope this isn’t the case, but I feel like they’re going to make her a villain :/

1. The way she was portrayed in the cutscene after Logan asked her what she was doing there seemed rather devious (at least in my opinion)

2. Her lack of appearance in LA that the OP mentioned

3. A rather big hint: she has the Unshakable buff that basically every boss you fight in this game has…

Truly hoping these are just coincidences, but we’ll find out sooner or later.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate her in terms of being ‘sassy’? As we all know, our personal nemesis is going to be sassy. Is Kasmeer sassy enough to qualify for the role?

I don’t feel she’s that sassy, maybe like a 3 or 4 haha.

Plot Hole: Kasmeer Meade

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

I really hope this isn’t the case, but I feel like they’re going to make her a villain :/

1. The way she was portrayed in the cutscene after Logan asked her what she was doing there seemed rather devious (at least in my opinion)

2. Her lack of appearance in LA that the OP mentioned

3. A rather big hint: she has the Unshakable buff that basically every boss you fight in this game has…

Truly hoping these are just coincidences, but we’ll find out sooner or later.


Who is E?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

Not sure if this has been said yet (sorry, not going to read through all the responses since I was last here), but I really doubt that E is a female, not just because of the “Mr.” title, but because Marjory has been referring to E as a male and, in her part 2 story on the front page, she “met” with E and heard his voice while he was talking, so unless she has some good reason to lie about E’s gender, I am quite sure he is a male.

The adds in Orr events are off the charts

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Assassin Zero.4628

Assassin Zero.4628

Like just about everyone else here, I see ABSOLUTELY no justification for the buff to orr mobs, and that is because there is no valid justification. If the intent of this was to reduce farming in general in the game, this has done nothing to support that. If the game designers want to avoid making this a game about farming, they have to add an efficient alternative to it that promotes diverse activity through sufficient rewards. Practically eliminating one of two main options of farming by making it impossible does not promote the reduction of farming; rather, it just forces everyone to now trend towards the other primary farm method (which is, of course, cof p1). This was a horrible step, and if they take the next one—eliminating cof p1 farming too—ESPECIALLY without providing a viable alternative to farming, the results will be catastrophic to the count of people who play this game. This update regarding orr did not fix a single thing, anet. It peeved off a lot of people who now have the option of either cof p1 farming, quitting, or playing with the disappointment of such a downgrade to the game, none of which are good options. I personally detest cof p1 farming, but now it is my only efficient choice to working towards my second legendary, and I am NOT happy about it. I am not alone in this discontent; this thread is evidence enough of that.