Showing Highly Rated Posts By Astartes.2380:

Graphics toggle off for Legendaries pls.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astartes.2380


Don’t even know if this is possible….but I’m putting it out there anyway.
This is for all the people out there who can’t stand those legendary effects, as I know there are so many of you.

I have no problem with people wanting unicorns flying out of their bows, oil spills to put the BP disaster to shame or strange colours oozing out as if they’ve just been hit by Ebola…but why must the rest of us have our entire environment affected by it for miles and miles?

Surely two or three footsteps of black vegemite/oil spill and 20% of the current ‘weapon swing’ smear of Twilight would have been more than enough?
One Twilight guy in front of you and you think you’ve had a power failure or he has one hell of a severe tooth cavity.
Lately, as more people have made/bought these abominations we have had our surroundings covered in green splotches, white smears, grease stains etc. It’s hideous. The Bifrost actually manages to get it just right. 3 footprints that vanish quickly…discreet effects that don’t move in and take over my entire lounge, kitchen and bathroom.

Guildwars. You have such a beautiful world. Such details and such a care for the smallest things.
You’re the classiest mmo out there by miles.
Why have the environment smeared with these cheap blotches so everyone has to deal with it?

Whatever happened to ‘less is more’?
This is like sending a 500 pound woman in a tight pink latex mini and clear heels to the Louvre and expecting people to nod and utter..‘beautiful!’
I don’t mind if she stands in a corner and sips a drink. But I sure as hell don’t want her cartwheeling and doing backward flips through the room while I’m trying to appreciate the artwork.

Let the people love them and have them, by all means.
But give the rest of us a little ‘click that * off’ button. That way everyone can be happy.
No player weapon or item should pollute the environment to that degree. This isn’t Final Fantasy meets cartoon network.

Other than that…totally stunning game. Thank you.

