(edited by Astrus.7480)
Showing Posts For Astrus.7480:
What you’re missing is that you can only have one instance of GW2 open by default, if you need to run more clients on the same PC you’ll need to use something like MultiWars 2
Third party program, unsupported, use at your own risk, not the best performance, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Not my cup of tea but sure, go ahead and add more skimpy stuff for guys.
More options are always welcome and it really can’t get any worse than the myriad of birdpeople running around.
That quote still confuses me to no end but what I think it means is that there’s only the one Tyria Mastery Point to be had for each chapter of the Personal Story.
So if you’ve done all of the original PS chapters on a Sylvari there’s no more points to be had if you complete the PS chapters again with an Asura and chose a different Order to join.
My sylvari warrior.
It’s bound to have been done before but I like the way the Nightmare Court armor meshes with the t2 cultural pieces.
Shoulders, chest and legs are sylvari t2 heavy cultural armor (Warden).
Head, gloves and boots are Nightmare Court
Fervid Censer for the backpiece.
Head: Enameled Sky, Blue Rose, Glint’s Isolation
Shoulder: Glint’s Isolation, Enameled Sky, Blue Rose
Chest: Glint’s Isolation, Enameled Sky, Blue Rose
Gloves: Enameled Sky, Wintergreen, Glint’s Isolation
Legs: Blue Rose, Enameled Sky, Glint’s Isolation
Boots: Wintergreen, Blue Rose, Glint’s Isolation
I prefer mixing armor parts to be honest but I like your thief on account of him looking like the polar opposite of mine
(who also doesn’t look very stealthy but that’s sort of the point)
Just wait until you reach champion points part. If people thought mastery was grindy, try ESO champion points, It drove me insane.
So much this.
I really liked ESO when playing my alliance’s storyline back when it launched. Having to start from the ground up with “go fetch me my boots, peasant” quests in the next alliance put a damper on my enthusiasm. The grind for champion points killed all motivation I had.
Now that it’s free to play I still log in occasionally but it just keeps driving me away whenever I get back into the champ grind
I just don’t get these changes being made in the name of esports…
I’m honestly wondering how it’s going to make it any easier to follow a match when they reduce effects to the point that you can hardly tell that someone used a skill, let alone what skill.
They might as well go all the way and just display combat logs. That might actually make it easier to tell what’s going on than these borderline invisible effects.
It’s precisely for reasons like this that I’ve always been a fan of friend lists being handled by mutual agreement.
When you try to friend someone they get a popup allowing them to accept or decline the request. If they accept you are added on eachother’s friendlist, if they decline neither of you are added on either list.
If they initially accepted and later decide to remove you from their friendlist they are also removed from yours.
Sadly I don’t really see them revamping the whole friendlist system.