Showing Posts For Attaroa Wolfwood.5917:

Has the policy about multiboxing changed ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Hello, I have read this topic about ANet’s policy towards multi-boxing.

I got told by someone that multiboxing was not allowed anymore since January 2015 and a modification of the EULA. Is it true ? Or is the policy I linked really no good any more ?

By Multi-boxing, I mean playing multiple accounts on one computer, with one keypress=one action on one account. Basically, alt-tabbing like a madman to try to play several accounts !

Chat changes affecting EotM!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Ok, i’ve tried a few thigs, it doesn’t seem to be locked by the client language. I was in a french QD with my english client and the option toggled, and could still see the text. Tried to restart the game, it didn’t change. I guess it takes your home world language rather than your client language.

Regular chat or /me emotes?

Regular chat. But I edited my post, I was in my home world, thus I could read everybody and everybody could read me. SO my “findings” are irrelevant.

Chat changes affecting EotM!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Ok, i’ve tried a few thigs, it doesn’t seem to be locked by the client language. I was in a french QD with my english client and the option toggled, and could still see the text. Tried to restart the game, it didn’t change. I guess it takes your home world language rather than your client language.

EDIT : I may be mistaken, I forgot you always see what people from your world say…

(edited by Attaroa Wolfwood.5917)

Chat changes affecting EotM!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

I’m usually the first to go defend Anet on their choices, but this one is just… bad.

I’m French. I play on a French server. But, like most people who’ve dabbled in MMORPGs for a while, I’ve learnt my fair share of English, enough to communicate easily with non-French players (in my case, it’s even better, i’ve also learnt enough german and spanish to understand the basics).

Suddenly, when I want to play on other language servers (i’m looking at you guys, amazing Desolationners !), it’s like I’m not there. Worse, now with the Megaserver, I don’t have the choice to be put with ppl with other languages. People who likely won’t have changed the option, because they won’t know it was there and they don’t read patch notes, especially when they are not advertised on the site. (it took me more than a year and a half to figure out there as a way to put timestamp in chat…)

So suddenly, it’s like I am ignored by potentially most of the map. Bad, bad move? I could very well be speaking english, my client is French, no one will see it. That’s effectively building a real wall based on the language barrier to destroy the feeling of community that was the strong point of the game.

Another example. In order to follow some guides on skin unlocking, I’m currently playing in English. My whole server now ignores me. And I’ve sometimes before switched to an english client, just to experience a different experience with different texts and voices (and to be able to use the /wiki command… which doesn’t work well in other languages !) … now I can still do so, at the price of being read by the pther players…

I think players who don’t want to see other languages don’t understand what a MMO is for, but OK, if they really want, they can shut us all off. But don’t make it by default.

If a player REALLY wants to only see his language, he’ll be able to do it. For the majority of players, I’m sure it’s not a problem.

All Skills stop working (not input lag)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Same to me. Happened 3 times, each time on my warrior.
The first time was in CBE, could see people moving fightinf, could move myself, but could not activate any skill. I went well away from any fighting (to starting area) and it still didn’t work. I could also use waypoints, sell, repair… just no skill. Had to restart the game, and thus lose my spot in BCE.

Last two times were in Lunatic Inquisition, happened after like 6-7mns of play. No apparent reason or way to replicate this.

"Swift Closer" achievement bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Hey ANet, I’ve done it multiple times, made sure to tag only scarlet minions portals, stayed until the end to get gold, tried also getting bronze b tagging many events…

Still nothing ! Today, got the daily portal closer way before the 15mn, but no swift closer achievement… It’s really getting on my nerves.

Please do something… and before September, for Dwayna’s sake !

EDIT : finally got it… after like 7 portals closed, and after 17:30 mins :-/
Something is wrong in the kingdom of Kryta…

(edited by Attaroa Wolfwood.5917)

Crab Toss Daily Champion bug...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Attaroa Wolfwood.5917

Had the same problem, logged late, tried to do my daily, including this one.
Something weird happened, as a new game of crab toss began, we ended up being only 2 players, with 2 crabs.

As I had some advance in score I won (the second crab disappeared after like a minute or two, I guess it was killed). And when I looked, a few achievements later, I didn’t have this one and subsequent wins did not give me the achievement.