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Kit backpacks as skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Auck.3076


I agree with this. I would like the option to choose a particular backpack to carry. I will stick with the level 1 pack regardless, but I was rather fond of the bomb, healing and elixer gun packs.

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Auck.3076


Regardless of whether the guild halls are instanced or not, please make it so most furniture can be interacted with. Yes, give us the typical beds, chairs and benches but, I would love to be able to sit on the side of a coffee table, lean against a railing/wall, or sit on a staircase. It always seems in-game houses are made to look like a home, but not feel like one. Let us turn on lights, light fires in the fireplace, sit at the table and eat/drink – perhaps actually go through a dining animation that takes longer than a few seconds.

I would also like the addition of more held items. Make it so we can carry sheets of paper, books, maybe some tools, food or bottles of wine. Have our characters pick up and move chairs or slide around couches. As much as we like simplified UI to easily drag and drop, it can be immersion-breaking. Isn’t it better to take a few steps to get the bottle off the shelf instead of opening the inventory to click on an icon?

Maybe create a in-game voice channel within each guild hall so we can have public conversations. People complain that open voice channels lead to people randomly yelling and being trolls, but having it be guild specific and only within their respective halls allows guilds to regulate the chatter.

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Auck.3076


To continue…

Highest Ranked:

The highest ranked guild will have their physical hall prominently displayed with lights or something of the sort. They can participate in any events across the Hub and receive the highest rewards for their participation. The highest rank, when in a group of 2-X, can influence any city or zone they enter. They do not require an outpost or claim. Each member is given a guild cloak which shows everyone they are the highest ranked (these are taken if they do not win again).

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Auck.3076


The Guild Hub should be an airbase composed of several layers. The Hub will float across the world map and cast a large shadow as it passes overhead. Each weekend there is a GvG contest to determine the leaders of the Hub for the rest of the week. Guilds can opt out of the contests and still engage in the variety of events, but their rewards will not match those within the contest. The GvG contests will be decided by a new currency called prestige which is earned over the course of the contest. The boost described below adds a modifier to prestige gain.

Below are the layers of the Hub.

Bottom Layer:
Site of engineering sectors, waste processing plants, foundries and additional machinery necessary for keeping the Hub airborne. Guilds which are lowest in the rankings, not size or strength, are assigned quests and events on this level to repair machinery, test prototypes across the world map and prevent sabotage. If they perform their jobs well, they get a sizable boost in the next week’s contest. If they perform poorly, they do not receive a boost. In rare cases where these guilds do not perform any of their duties, the Hub may be forced to land in a random zone (though malfunctions may cause a landing regardless). This layer has the highest potential boost.
In the case of a Hub landing, all guilds are switched to the lower level maintenance and defense of the Hub. This allows all guilds a chance at an extra boost.

Middle Layer:
Site of trade district and marketplaces. Mid-ranking guilds are assigned quests and events here which involve making deliveries across the world map, gathering materials and tracking down thieves/stowaways. Since this is the main floor for trade and commerce, it is the most susceptible to infiltration and attack from the outside. It is the guilds’ task to defend it. Again, a job well done grants a boost while a poor job does not. If bandits/infiltrators successfully steal enough from this layer, the Hub will be forced to land at a city to access the banks and, as a result of the shoddy security, many merchants will close shop.
All guilds can attempt to recover the stolen gold and goods for an extra boost in the event of the failure of mid-ranking guilds. Return of these items will reopen the shops as well.

Upper Layer:
The location of all guild halls and site of arenas, mini-games and all festivals/events. The highest ranking guilds are assigned quests and events here which involve the defense of guild halls, diplomatic visits to respective towns across the world map (think players appeasing local NPC’s), and participating in larger-scale events such as a ghost attack on the Black Citadel. Guilds at this level can construct outposts in zones or cities which influence the areas. The outposts would have categories like war, trade or social. Each affecting the zones differently. The potential boost for next week’s contest is the lowest on this level, but the other rewards (gold, karma etc.) are substantially greater. Again performing poorly leads to no boost while performing well leads to a boost for next week’s contest. If these guilds unsuccessfully appease NPC’s around the world or fail to defend a major outpost/city, public opinion of these guilds drops.
If public opinion drops far enough, members of lower ranked guilds can act in the place of the highest ranked and be granted the same gold/karma rewards.

At any point, guilds can challenge others in direct combat with a select number representatives from each. Victory grants a prestige during the contest and a boost for the following if the contest has already concluded that week. Guilds can also take their own guild airship into a zone and lay a claim to a section of it. Successful defense grants prestige or a boost while guilds who deny their claim can challenge them. If the challenge manages to remove the guild’s claim, the challengers receive the prestige/boost.
No guilds, regardless of rank, have to accept challenges or be forced to lay claims across the map.

The goal is to encourage each guild to perform its tasks and promote an equal chance for all guilds be capable of becoming the highest ranked. This is why boosts are greater to the lower ranked. I want the highest ranking guilds to feel they have earned it through their effort, not their size or gear. That said, after they attain the highest ranks, NPC’s should be saluting them, merchants should give discounts, there should be posters with the guild’s name on them around the Hub etc. They should feel like they won and that everyone else knows it.

(edited by Auck.3076)

Was the voice acting of Asura done by Johnathan Potts?

in Asura

Posted by: Auck.3076


After playing Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, all I hear is Fayt Leingod whining through my Asura. I wish I could just choose to forget that one bit of my memory.

Color Blindness Accommodations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auck.3076


I, as a color-blind player, support this completely.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Auck.3076


I liked their industrious mindset, their lack of any faith-based beliefs, and their sense of pride. Humans are norn have weird beliefs centering around “gods” that left them, or animal spirits. Asura were annoying(the male having the same voice as whiny Fayt Leingod from SO3). Slyvari would be the only passable alternative, but even they barely make it.