Showing Posts For Axiom.6490:

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I gonna bump this thread.

My avarage ping is far beyond 300 ms with lag spikes up to 3k. I am only able to play GW while using WTFast. But sometimes i cannot connect to the login server because of the different routing.

Even if I have lost faith in GW2, I hope that someone from Anet reads this.

Necromancers in Tournament of Legends Finals

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


They nerfed everything because of dhuumfire, then nerfed dhuumfire. And voila, now everything is nerfed and necro is underpowered.

This is totally not true. Our new curse´s grandmaster trait is freaking good. I´ve modified my spectral build around it. Result is a great dmg output while staying tanky during deathshroud regen

Parasitic contagion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


It doesn´t scale at all.

If you´re doing 100 dmg due to conditions, you will get healed by 5 points. That´s all

Confirm or Deny (Condi Builds Related)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I can confirm, that they said they will try to improve it. But wont hold my breath for this becoming truth

Is Terror worth it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


it´s 926 dmg per second. concidering how long your fear last, it´s very powerfull and a very common used trait as a conditionmancer

New Life Siphon & Definition of "improvement"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I wouldn´t recomend a siphon buid at all. The only viable build is well’o’mancer in WvW. In this case you only benefit from the amount of enemies.
For normal PvE i´ll recommend Spoj`s build or a typical 30/10/0/0/30 build. The last one is pretty straight forward and easy to learn

Defiant Stance discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: Axiom.6490


It´s not about getting interrupted, but about able to use your heal while stunned or disabled. This would result in an interessting counterplay.

But an increased uptime would be way to much. 3 seconds are fine

Not in Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


It was pretty fun using it as power necro, because it was a nice bonus due to the low cast time. Plus it dealed 2x 2,5k up to 3k AoE-damage

Not in Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Before patch tainted shakles were hitting enemies twice. The first one after casting it, the second one after the delay is running out.
Now they only do damge after the delay.

But i guess this is how it was intended. Therefor it´s a fix, which decreased our dmg output a little bit

Necro Speed Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


This is not true @ Siobhan.

You will receive +25% movement speed while dual wielding. They dont stack

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I totally understand this and bump it

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


So, as advised in this topic a few pages earlier, I did send a full report to the Assistance, with all the data I could (lengthy description of the problem, three Game Advisor reports everytime they’d ask me, I even made a livestream video to show exactly the problem), and after a couple replies, they told me they would be investigating it and would get back to me as soon as they had something new.
I think everyone encountering the problem here should send a lenghty but polite request to the Assistance with all the data from Game Advisor, so they can cross-check what’s wrong and finally find a fix. Complaining on this topic does give the problem attention, but I guess doesn’t help them fixing it, so all we can do is send them formal reports with all the data.

I’ve had a blast with this game for the first four months, and I’m sad I can’t go back after my idling (and for such a stupid, annoying little problem), but I don’t hold any grudges and I just want to help to fix it.

That´s what I did months ago. The support`s conclusion was, that they couldn´t help me an I had to wait for ANet´s patches. Well I´ve waited and no patch, fix or even response about this issue appeared.

Nevertheless I will open another support ticket. Just for the fun and because I updated my system.

I am pretty sure I know, what the support will tell me

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


oh, I just found this thread.
On the one hand, I’m relieved now that it’s not just me/my mouse ..
on the other, 8 pages already .. this is overdue for a fix.

It´s not only your mouse. Nearly every guildmate has the same problems. Some occur more often, some don´t. But the problem still exists!

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


This is realy realy sad

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Hey guys, the absolute BEST way for us to collect data and look into as well as troubleshoot this issue is if you guys can create a Technical Support ticket so that we can assist you one on one. Unfortunately through the forums there just isn’t enough data for an issue such as this that we can look into this issue off of these posts alone.

Please refer to the thread below for information in regards to contacting Technical Support:

I am going to push this thread once again. Like I previously said, the support was not able to help me. Furthermore this can´t be an issue of some people. Because of this focussing is compleatly impossible during big fights.

I dont want to be rude, but I am going to push this thread until someone replys to this issue. At least it would be an act of fairness to let us know, if this problem even is listed on your priority list. Otherwise we all have to interpret your silence as an overall resign

My daily bump

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Bumping this thread so that it wont disapear out of the line of side

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


wvwvw is unplayable with this problem.

I totally agree and bump this thread

May 14th - Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


It was realy confusing, cause the devs said in their latest state of the game, taht the upcoming patch will focus on bugfixes (no balance changes, rennoko). Maybe there will be another “bigger” patch in a couple of weeks

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Hey guys, the absolute BEST way for us to collect data and look into as well as troubleshoot this issue is if you guys can create a Technical Support ticket so that we can assist you one on one. Unfortunately through the forums there just isn’t enough data for an issue such as this that we can look into this issue off of these posts alone.

Please refer to the thread below for information in regards to contacting Technical Support:

I am going to push this thread once again. Like I previously said, the support was not able to help me. Furthermore this can´t be an issue of some people. Because of this focussing is compleatly impossible during big fights.

I dont want to be rude, but I am going to push this thread until someone replys to this issue. At least it would be an act of fairness to let us know, if this problem even is listed on your priority list. Otherwise we all have to interpret your silence as an overall resign

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


So true! So sad

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I fixed this problem! Just move the slider (In options, camera, rotation speed) to 50%!

This doesn´t help me either

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


This isn`t the best solution for me. I want to use every single mousebutton and if I remove my driver software, I couldn´t use all of them.

Used mouse: logitech mx 518
Used Software: Logitech gaming software 8.45.88

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Since they wont have replied to this thread for months, I won´t hold your breath, that it will be fixed. At least Arenanet probably don´t know what causes this problem. If they would know, they actually would let us know.

PS: don´t even try to contact the support team. I did and they said after a couple of advises, that i have to wait until a patch will fix this, cause they also couldn´t find a solution or a temporary fix.

The Epidemic Nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Thanks for all your replays. I still hope, that our cast time on epidemic will be reduced a little bit. Maybe a 3/4 s would be a goog compromis. 0.5 s would be too strong

The Epidemic Nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I do not want to create another topic. Therefor i`m typing my question in here:

Why does epidemic have a different cast time underwater? The cast time underwater has a total time of 0.5 s while it is 1.0 otherwise.

During big battles / zergs this 1.0s can be very very long, so that my skill often activates after my target died. Does anyone else got similar problems?

Making underpopulated Maps more attractive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I´ve got a little suggestion about underpopulated regions in Tyrias`s world:

What do you think of giving events a bonus (experience, karma and gold), if they weren`t triggered for a while. This system would nearly look like the one used for normal PvE mobs which weren`t defeated by players for a long period of time.

The idea behind this is, that people will not just run the common events in orr but also explore the other maps aswell. Hopefully the populatione will spread a bit more around the world.

Please leave your comments and ideas about this suggestion.

Will the fps be fixed?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I’m running GW2 with this spec:

i5-750k Quad @ 3.2 ghz
8gb 1600MHZ ram
AMD 6870 1gb gddr5

My PC will happily push out 45-50 FPS on GW2 and i have to say, for the visual quality of the game and the effects, this is about right. The game is beautiful guys! Draw distance, depth of field, the ability to super sample your res – they’ve put time into creating a game that will allow great PCs to display a fantastically detailed world. Yes – there’s always room for optimization on the game end but due to the differing nature of computers anet would be spending months of work for minuscule improvements. Minimum specifications are precisely that – the bare minimum. Everything on low, lowest resolution possible, for those who just want to scrape by.

And i don’t understand anyone’s references to xbox360 ports – we’d be looking at an absolutely massively different game if it was. The talk of DX9 and DX11 – the 360 doesn’t work like that. The 360 runs DX9 out-of-box for developers, but as they can write code to run closer to the metal they can write in addons and extra features to emulate X10 or x11 capabilities as best they can. Maybe they placed a focus on 3 cores because most of your newer dual cores these days come with HT, and on a quad core it would leave a core free to actually run background tasks? And its DX9 to allow for people using XP (appealing to the widest audience is always the best idea for an MMO)

People don’t seem to be turning down settings, and completely disregarding the visual quality of the game in comparison to others (and those other games similar system reqs). This is a modern, detailed game with full range of effects released in august 2012, and as far as performance vs quality goes, its right. This is most likely why no one has and will continue to not receive any feedback from Devs on this, because they cant do any more than what they’ve done. People will disagree with me but it really is true.

Please do some World vs World or dragon events and show us your fps. The biggest problems are massive events. This is where the optimization should go forward.

I do have a low end mashine, but still can play normal PvE content mostly with 50 – 60 fps. During massive events my fps drop down to 10 – 15 fps. Even if I would buy a new PC, I would get 20 – 30 fps during massive zergs. And this is not acceptable. Therefor I will not buy any new components until arenanet managed this performance problems.

Btw. it doesn`t matter if I use best appearance or best performance. My fps are the same.

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Ive had this issue with two generic mouse products and with my new logitech g600 so its not a specific issue to logitech. The real problem for me with this is that, because I have two displays almost every single time the mouse loses focus it causes my system to alt-tab back to the desktop from the mouse going off to the other unused display. Since my comp is frankly ancient, it takes over a minute to get back in to the game once this bug strikes. Its caused many deaths of my characters as I am a sitting duck while alt-tabing.

Needs resolving asap Anet.

I can give you an advise concerning your alt+tab dilemma: have you tried the resolution option “fullscreen window mode” ? I´ve tested severeal things and this solution seems pretty stable.
Nevertheless I haven`t discovered a right click solution

Still waiting on Arenanet`s statement and fix

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Correct. it seems to be a GW 2 software`s problem. Everybody in the guild got this problem. They just try to ignore it, because it`s been available since launch

Any for hope for better optimization ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Nope. Not in near future. Even if they say, that they are working on in, they probably don`t have the manpower to achieve this.

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Double clicking on RIGHT button will attack/interact with mobs and whatever else is in front of you or near you !!

This is the major problem. For me it doesn`t matter, if I´m in the center of a massive zerg or event. I still can target / interact with NPCs or enemies even if there`s nothing around.

Should i have that low FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Unfortunatly, yes! Your CPU is very old. Even with my old q6600 @ 3,0 GHz the game simply does not run smooth in every situation.

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Hey guys this is still being looked into. Unfortunately I don’t have any information to provide on the status of this issue other than that, but again, I would recommend creating a support ticket for one on one assistance.

I´ve created a support ticket. After some chatting and testing without any solution, the support finaly said:

“We have noticed ArenaNet of this issue and they will be looking into it. At this time, there is no resolution. I suggest trying another mouse to see if the issue persists, but beyond that, I suggest watching the tech forums at

If you have any further issues or concerns, feel free to let us know."

Well, I guess we have to be patient. There won`t be any good news in near future

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Here we go again.

At least a statement about “we`re on it. Don`t give up” would be appropriate…

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I hope on the next update they will fix it… i can’t handle this anymore.

I do not suggest a fix soon, since their last statement was posted 2 months ago!

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


It really makes me sad, because I nearly allways lose target during WvW or dungeon fights.
Hopefully this issue will get once on their priority list

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I am going to bump this thread, because there are still this issues

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


You all need to address your fps. If you get this massive drops in lionsarch, it is most likely, because of winter´s event. There are much more details and people around.

If your overall performance decreased, Anet could have changed something in the background. I personally haven`t noticed any changes during common PvE and dungeons. WvW is still performance killer

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I gonna bump this thread, because a support ticket won`t fix this issue. it IS a game client`s problem. and truely an anoying one

Used mouse: MX 518
Set point driver: 5.33.14

Q6600 + GTX 570 = 14 fps without even many people around

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


This should tell you where your system needs improvement. (If anywhere) Other than what I listed that is all I can think of…

Maybe reinstall your O/S and have a fresh clean install old windows.

This homepage won`t help anyone because they only have listed the minimum requirements Arena-Net published. There are tons of discussions about the meaning of “minimum requirements”. In the end it means you can barely start the game. And this will not help.

Until Arena-Net doesn`t announce recommended requirements your posted homepage only empowers unfullfilled wishes!

Q6600 + GTX 570 = 14 fps without even many people around

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I am sitting in the same boat and also use a q6600. But I overclocked it up to 3,0 GHz combined with a HD 6870 and 8 GB ram. The game runs in common PvE pretty smooth about 40+ fps. Nevertheless my frames drop really hard in great cities, large fights and while camera turning. WvW is nearly unplayable while running on 8 – 10 fps.

There need to be done many engine optimizations. At least I hope, taht Arena-Net is able to handle this.

- everything is up to date.
- Resolution: 1440 : 900.
- Settings: best Performance, excepting rendering (it`s on native)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


michaeljhuman, you have to keep in mind, that some option require a map reload. I guess many people just simply change their settings, without leaving a zone.

Nevertheless I agree, that reflections and shadows got a pretty high influence on fps

Transfusion stones not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


I guess you are wearing your clothes while tryinig to transmutate, am I right?
A couple patches ago A-Net changed the transmutation stone behaviour. You have to to unequip your armor so that you can transmutate it.

Respond on this, if this helped

Minimum CPU requirements unrealistic

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Axiom.6490


Nah, C2Quad @ 3Ghz would be “Recommended”. My Q6600 playes it pretty good @ 3Ghz. Anything lower it starts getting choppy.

Well, i also got this kind of CPU @ 3,0 GHz. The game runs pretty well in PvE, while I´m running alone (40+ fps). But as soon as there are more then 10 people interacting in my line of sight, my frames per second drop pretty hard (<20 fps).

World vs World is kind of unplayable, because of only getting 7 fps in zerg action.