Showing Posts For Ayano.5986:
Not to be rude, but your post is hard to understand. I will try my best to reply.
The last two fights that were 1v2’s the players were definitely less skilled as otherwise I doubt I would have been able to beat them together.
The condition ranger fight you might be mistaking that for a skilled fight because he interrupted a duel I had going with a guardian and found me at low health. I had dueled the condition ranger previously and it was not close.
Similarly the warrior jumped me at low health and had a significant advantage. This is a common occurrence in WvW for me and most solo roamers I am sure.
With this video I wanted to include fights that were entertaining. These fights (except the 1v2’s) were not stomps, I hate stomp videos, and honestly these were the most entertaining fights I had. Often when I come up against another skilled player in a duel it lasts five to ten minutes and ends in a stalemate. I made friends with players from YB (after stalemating, finger tiring duels) this past match up that can confirm this. I did not find the clips entertaining to watch so I didn’t include them.
With my next video hopefully you will enjoy it more.
Thanks for the feedback,
For the thief fight I am running a standard 44006 shatter build. My gear is a mix between soldiers and berserkers. TBH though you will be hard pressed to beat a thief in any build in WvW if they are skilled.
Vs. the condition ranger I can help you out a lot more.
You come to a power pu thread, make statements, than back down saying power is bad. My statement regarding shatter is im comparison to the topic thread power pu not condi which you so frequently pointlessly bring up. I can pm you if you ever bother logging in? Trying to back down and save credibility wont work here. If you “always” back up your talk you wouldnt back out like that. I hope ppl see this behavior for what it is, lacking any true substance. I only post again now cause you wimped out. Chuckles, nice man.
I will not be replying to your posts on this thread again. Your arguments have gone Way of base and now are wasting my time.
Please refer back to the post that outlines my points Vs. your points to understand.
My name is Ayano.5986 if you are willing to prove your statement “PU Power builds tear apart thieves”. Remember i will be recording it and posting it on the forums. I highly doubt you will do this and probably will just keep posting your irrelevant information on this thread.
“I’d love to see your definition of ‘huge’ damage from those autoattacks. "
You are thinking that they do huge amount in ONE hit, i am talking about OVER TIME it adds up to be a huge amount of damage and thus VITAL to the build.
“Phantasms don’t get fooled by jumping and kiting. "
You didn’t read my post, phantasms have to be within a certain distance to attack. And are easily kited around, another example of your inexperience. Thief can kite far enough away without breaking combat to avoid the damage and kite the phantasms.
“but I’m not sure how you can claim that phantasms don’t die instantly against multiple opponents if they’re even halfway decent.”
I never made this claim. Now you are putting words into my mouth to try and prove and irrelevant point. When i quoted yoy the point was you dont PLAY the build which you admitted too. Of course phantasms get destroyed by multiple opponents.
*This is the WORST type of person, one who doesn’t try to actually read the others arguments and just makes the same points over and over. This is shown by all the condition information in the post @ me. I made 0 points about condition, you wasted your time typing it because it is completely not what I was talking about. The topic is titled Power PU.
“PU condie builds”
I will stop you there, we are not discussing PU condtion. Although I believe this is where you draw your false assumptions.You go into great depth about condition build that has NO relevance to the points I am making. ZERO.
“While I don’t really play gw2 anymore, I’d be happy to come and trash whatever thief you feel like finding to pit against me. "
Send me a message in game, we will set it up tomorrow, remember you will be playing Power Pu as this is what the thread is about and what the points I am making refer too. If you are not willing to play power PU than do not make authoritative statements about it.
(edited by Ayano.5986)
1. You don’t understand my wording as it was probably done badly. Im stating that PU Chaos builds need extra condition clear. Than I give an alternative phantasm build options for facing condition users that doesn’t involve Chaos or PU.
2. You are completely wrong, of course phantasm are a main source of damage, but auto attacks do a huge amount of damage in phantasm builds. It is vital to be attacking with sword, and kiting away GS does do a lot of damage when you get range.
3. If you get beat by a thief in PU you were outplayed. This is a joke of a statement and makes me think you don’t know what your talking about. I don’t know what to say to this.
4. You must be basing your information against bad players, any decent thief in WvW will out sustain you in a Phantasm build and win if you don’t push them out of SR.
A “good” S/D thief is not able to be effectively handled by a PU or phantasm build.
This doesn’t apply to Condi mesmers, and this is where i think you are drawing your falsle information from.
Phantasm might be good against rapidly stealthing thieves if they stay in place and the phantasms are able to “Instantly” attack like you say. But this is never the case in WvW,thieves kite and jump around and your phantasms are left chasing and unable to attack before they re-enter stealth. This is another clear indicator you lack experience with WvW phantasm builds.
5. “Phantasms dying quickly vs multiple opponents is an inherent weakness and one of the reasons I don’t run phantasm builds while roaming.”
Here is the main problem with your post, i don’t think you play or understand phantasm WvW builds at all.
Feel free to post a video proving your points, as i feel like my video does with the points i made. Honestly though, you are way off base and your statements are blatantly wrong and I don’t see a conversation to be had. Just because you talk with authority does not make your points correct.
**"PU builds will tear apart thieves." I am willing to setup this scenario in game and coordinate to make a video proving your point. It doesn’t have to be you specifically dueling a thief, but someone PU you consider skilled. You have my tag. I see you post a lot on the forums and Idk why you wouldn’t be willing to back up your statements.
(edited by Ayano.5986)
1. Does a phantasm build need deceptive evasion?
In my experience no!!! You will be putting out enough clones to make traiting into it worthless. The only build I run DE in is shatter. As Fay said destruction of Phantasm is a real problem.
2. Does a PU build need condition clear?
Yes! a PU build needs condi clear badly, I would suggest not traiting any points into Chaos when facing a condition class in WvW. Instead, trait deep into inspiration to boost your health pool, regeneration, and gain condition clear on heal. I would also suggest picking up cleansing conflagration, phantasmal disenchanter, and even null field. Do not waste a utility slot on arcane thievery, when comparing it to null field, the
cool down is 5 seconds longer and it only cures 3 conditions. Null Field gives you a combo field, rips all boons from enemies, and cures all conditions.
3. Is Torch offhand the best in a Phantasm WvW build?
This one is highly debatable, what I see is people having a issue with torch not having a high damage phantasm attached. You have to remember that running a phantasm build, especially vs stealth classes, your phantasm attacks are not that reliable. A lot of damage will come from your attacks like sword 1 and 2 and GS 1. Torch gives you that extra stealth that allows you to reposition yourself, blast finisher, condi clear, blind, and gain vital CD time will stealthed.
4. How do you handle a thief?
Higher skilled thieves will still be able to put enough pressure on you and burst you down in PU. I have seen on here that shatter builds are thief food, but I would suggest they are the best possible way to defeat thieves. Now here me out, when speccing shatter it will be a burst battle to see who can win. You have to anticipate there attacks with Sword 2 and shatters. You have a higher chance because you will have the burst to take them down or die trying.
If you are running a Pu power build your phantasm damage is very unreliable when thieves keeps stealthing and unstealthing. I have experimented recently with a 00653 build that has had decent success but everything depends upon you pushing them out of SR to win. If they run D/P you have to cleanse the blind before trying to push them out and get lucky they aren’t dodging at the time. What to do when your facing a skilled S/D thief? Run.
(edited by Ayano.5986)
If anyone wants a build for a particular fight I can post it. If possible I switch my build before every fight in WvW depending on the opponent.
(edited by Ayano.5986)
Just another scrub bearing the malaise of everyday life.