Showing Posts For Ayriuss.8205:

So... where are the Norn?

in Living World

Posted by: Ayriuss.8205


Yess make Norn interesting =D. I really liked the Norn parts in the gw2 novels, especially their use of animal forms and the shamanistic side of things. There is much more to Norn society than brute force and ego and I think it should be explored more. The idea of Norn adventurers way out of their element (much like the real world ancient northern people) is really intriguing to me.

Ancient Jungle Wurm Eggs Unblockable!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ayriuss.8205


It is kinda disappointing that we still haven’t had an official response about this bug yet. Considering it’s the largest world boss event. Im really not impressed with Anet’s response recently to community concerns… All it would take is someone to say yes this is a bug or no it is not and then we can just change our strategies to cope with it.
Ive been checking the dev tracker and this thread every day now for like what 4 days?
Edit: edited to be nicer..

(edited by Ayriuss.8205)

Things I'm not happy about with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayriuss.8205


No game is gonna live up to all its promises exactly. Sometimes those promises just dont work perfectly in the real world after trial. It is quite easy to get upset about all the bugs and insufficiences right now , but think about down the line when nearly all the annoyances are ironed out. Thats the game they advertised and thats the game im looking forward to. I can put up with 6 months of the game in its current state, and by then they will have fixed many many things. Maybe not everyone can, but look at the features they have added in just these first small updates… the TP works great, the massive supply of some items has decreased ( softwood logs anyone?), you can now discover from your collections tab and more. Yea they have undoubtedly screwed up on some things and subsequently fixed some of them. This is an ongoing process, dont give into your emotions, think about this in a logical way and enjoy your self.

(edited by Ayriuss.8205)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayriuss.8205


They just did actually, check out the bottom of the first page in the newest blog post on the main site.

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayriuss.8205


Your issue is obviously a bug, Submit your DXdiag or something to support and tell them the problem. Lots of other Nvidia card users are playing fine as well.

What about mounts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ayriuss.8205


This would not be good for the game for a few reasons.

1. The maps are designed with walking and using WP’s in mind. Waypoints are a very important money sink that prevents inflation. Using mounts would also let people skip over content and ignore dynamic events in the area.

2. No where in the lore or the story or anywhere do we hear anything about mounts other than with asura. A Norn or Charr would never ride a mount while traveling; it just wouldnt happen. Asuras already have golems (yea I know other races can ride in golems but they are huge so…). When people in this game travel on foot, they use a dolyak or other pack animal to carry their belongings and walk beside it.

3. Mounts are obsolete when you can use waypoints and asura gates to get to far places and walk anywhere else.

4. Bling should have no part in this. You already have minipets, weapons, armor, dyes ect. to show off. People that care about the story or immersion at all would not want a huge group of people riding on pink sparkly drakes or whatever everywhere.

5. When you make something like mounts, you force everyone else to use them (regardless if they want to or not) as walking just makes you slower than everyone else.

I dont think it would hurt the game to put something else you can ride in WvW as they already have golems there (something like charr war wagons/tanks) and the areas are so vast and open, but I REALLY hope we never see mounts in the normal areas. I get it that alot of people from WoW loved their mounts but this is a different game.. Its ok if it isnt exactly the same.