Showing Posts For Azerack.7285:

How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


1. I still check the forums to see if the general consensus is getting better or worse on the game.
2. Two reasons. : 1. An expansion for EQ2, which my wife and I have spent a great deal of time on (so much so that we take occasional breaks from it so we don’t get burned out, entirely) came up so we wanted to check that out, but 2. After I went back (to EQ2 and started reading the forums, more) all I heard was the disappointment about the weekend, and I really couldn’t bring myself to feel like a game was going to be responsible for pinning me down to a time slot where I had to play to enjoy the game more than another time slot that I could schedule for.
3. I found that reason why my wife and I played EQ2 so much, again, because it feels like it has a lot more depth and detail to it than GW2 does. GW2 will always have excellent artwork, I will say that, right away, but the mechanics are just entertaining and won’t hold me for as long as my long-invested game does.

I’m hoping that as GW2 matures, it gets more interesting. As it’s free to play, I’ll be watching out for it and ready to jump in, again.

The Female Human epidemic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


I think it’s funny that this thread has gone on this long.
Nayru said it as well as a few others…
Basically.. “BECAUSE”… What more reason do you need?
Why do people pick X with Y and Z?… Because they do…
Unless the OP is doing some Thesis for a Psychology Masters degree or something there really isn’t any need to defend/explain/antagonize about what model/race/gender you like to play in an MMORPG (or other game for that matter… Lara Croft games you only play the Human Female, right? Silent Hill or Resident Evil you play one or the other (or both) genders…

I saw this thread when it was just one page long and thought that was enough, but 7 pages later?.. Sorry to go off topic (or maybe I’m dead ON topic), but it seems like the OP has enough “research” to go on now.

Although, people DO get curious about train wrecks, so by all means play on.. = )P

Personally, I just like to have some female and some male. The artwork for GW and now GW2 lends itself more, in my eyes, to female characters. I have a male Human Engineer, though and a Male Charr, so what does that say? I originally had a female Necro in GW1 as a main but then I also had a Male Warrior.. and then a Female Dervish…

But back to my point.. it really doesn’t matter… “Variety is the spice of life” so go on out there and live how you want.

Who are your favourite enemies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


Centaurs… because I can outrun them… = )P

…at least that’s what my characters tell me roughly half the time I play them… >.>

Tier1 Culture items worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


You can always preview the items (unlike items in the Trading Post listings) and see for yourself how you like the look of them.

That should help you decide on if it’s worth it or not (since you can then preview all of the sets, 1-3, on yourself).

Hope that helps!

Lack of rolls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


I have been wondering why I have not been alt crazy as I usually am when I play MMO’s.

It struck me today why I am not with GW2. It is simply the lack of rolls.

The cooking in this game DOES tend to lend itself to a lack of these bread products, I agree. What happened to the cinnamon rolls? The egg rolls? What of them, I ask? What interest can we have in a game where Pies, Burgers and Breads can be crafted, but no ROLLS??

How are we supposed to find any interest in this game without the proper representation of these items? ANet is apparently not interested in their role as a leading MMORPG provider if….

Anyway, I don’t think it has anything to do with the “Trinity” at all. Each of the classes has their own method of play and people can become the best of a facet of that class, even. Personally, I like having an Elementalist that has a focus on healing so when things go “south” a rain fall or healing spring really can make a difference.

There is also the challenge aspect. I mean, have you TRIED playing a Mesmer in GW2? I still can’t get my head around it, but once in a blue moon I’ll bring out my Mesmer and try again.

I am an alt-oholic and have quite a few alts and I’m even considering yet ANOTHER alt just so I can have a Norn Female Warrior (no, I’d rather look at a big female butt, instead of a big male norn butt if I’m going to be playing one a lot, thanks. = )P ).

I always say, play the way you want to, you paid the money for the game, but since you posted you must want opinions, so I’m giving you mine, too.. (and a rag on your incorrect spelling of ‘roles’, while I’m at it. = ) ).

Faux Sushi's: Mad King's Clock Tower Video Guide

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Azerack.7285


I found this one to have a little nicer music to it… ;-)

Still, grats to everyone who’s made it up there. I have yet to muster the patience (and lack of frustration) to do it, yet. = )P

Halloween Act 1 Informational Aid (With ToT Locations)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Azerack.7285


Posting for your requested “thank you”! = )
This helps at least give me something else to do casually, that can be entertaining for this holiday event. I didn’t know the Personalized ToT bags could give recipes, either, so that was nice (got a Major Rune of the Mad King recipe for Armorsmithing from one bag).
Thanks for taking the time to post this info! B-)

Is it worth doing the Shadow of the Mad King Scavenger Hunt on alts?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Azerack.7285


Just as reference with as minimal a spoiler as possible…

Any alt that’s lower than 30 might have a problem with getting the last item for the “quest”.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


I play the game, solo or with the missus, we definitely do not get tired after just an hour.
That’s not to say the way you play is wrong, you just have a finite patience level now, or something…
RIFTS definitely is not my (or my wife’s) all-time favorite game. That would probably have been Everquest 2, where we made a lot of friends and actually stayed in a guild for years, not just weeks.
We spend afternoons playing but we prefer playing on our own… We spend lots of time together but on GW2, we prefer PUG’s to remain as people we see during dynamic events.
We do have a level 80 character, each, which we’re playing, currently, to get the rare metals and gems to make exotic items.
We also have (and will play again) LOTRO, EQ2 and The Secret War.

Play in the way that makes you happy… You bought the game, you own it, now, who’s going to complain at you for not being in there 20 minutes let alone an hour?

Oh, and for the record, I play for maybe 30-45 mins in the morning before I have to get ready for work. Currently playing a Human Engineer, kinda fun, actually… In that time, recently, I’ve played in the Metrica Province and the event stories are kinda zany but entertaining nonetheless.. After 45 mins I exit to desktop and get ready for work. ;-)

(edited by Azerack.7285)

Let Guess what Halloween weapon skin they be give out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


Back again on topic, I wouldn’t mind seeing a couple different options for the weapons…
Staff – A Crook or something similar OR a Witch’s broom
Sword – A Stake or a chainsaw
Greatsword – Scythe or Scarecrow
Mace – Skull on a stick or a Candy apple
Dagger – Boney finger or Sacrificial dagger

Just to name a few ideas…

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


I’ve had a few staff meetings where if I could have just Dodge-rolled under the projection screen I could have made it out the door opposite where I was sitting…

Personally, I might just go for a cinnamon roll, instead, though… yummy cream cheese frosting melting on top?…. = )P

Bots have ruined the Ranger profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


I, too, have stopped playing my secondary Ranger alt because the botting just made me feel “dirty”… = (

I’m playing an Engineer as second, now, just because they only Bot solo in stationary areas (so I don’t see them as much…) or my Necromancer..

Would you support a total reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


Only for those who exploited or botted their way to success…
…What? Don’t have a magic mirror or crystal ball that can tell that?…
…then no thanks.. just “fix” botters (like fixing animals….).

Bots out of hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


Well, most of the Bots are naked rangers so the clothed ones are probably not, for the most part, botters…

Saw the funniest thing, though, while my wife and I were in Frostgorge sound near the Yak’s Bend waypoint… A bunch of bots were appearing constantly and running off somewhere, then would reappear and run off again. My wife and I finally got curious and followed them around the southern part of the same area. All 5 Bots were getting hammered repeatedly by Arctodus bears (including a Veteran Arctodus) and they just kept coming into them over and over.
No revives going on.. they just kept getting killed and respawning. The Bot rangers’ bow shots maybe did a few points of damage before the bears had at them.

… My wife and I watched this for a good 5-10 minutes for entertainment… At least, we thought, the Arctodus are not amused by the Bot antics…

Forget banning accounts… Get the MOB AI’s to just gang up on them all and leave us alone. ;-)P

(Okay, don’t forget to ban bot accounts… but this was fun to see.. )

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


I don’t know what you people are talking about… I’ve seen quite a few groups all following each other, aiming at the same target and playing the same race/class and all running around killing stuff and they look like they are having a great time!….

…oh wait.. those are botters….. = /

But seriously, my wife and I play together all the time and we work really well together. It’s the main reason why we don’t group with others, much, because we have a flow that works. We group with people we know because they’ll work with us most times, but often we’ll just be part of dynamic events and work with whomever happens to be there and that’s the most PUG’ging we’ll do.

Some like to, some don’t like to… Some already have a group home-made….

…and some are botters…. = P

Tab Targeting Shenanigans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


Not only do I get annoyed when I cannot even tab to said mob right in front of me… But also, for the times when I play any of the ranged classes and my character feels the need to, after killing the mob in front of me, immediately tab to another target and let off one more blast.

But wait.. I was on auto-attack? Are you saying my auto-attack is buffering? and then I am auto-targeting as well???

I have a couple games where I can use “C” as “target closest” and it does work… GW2, not so much… might need a little looking into…

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