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Looking for high level fire elementals.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


There are some in one of the temple squares in Straits of Devastation. Not entirely sure which one though, but each Column there seems to have a different type of elemental guarding them.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


Guild Wars 2’s screenshot quality is poor. So I’m considering using Fraps to take screenshots.

You can also just set the GW2 screenshot option to use uncompressed Bitmaps, rather than the default JPEGS. The quality of those should be better, but they’re quite a bit bigger for obvious reasons.

You do this by adding -bmp to the command line in the GW2 shortcut.

Like so: “G:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -bmp

From that point on, the screenshots are stored uncompressed, which should be better quality than the default JPEGS.

why does the legendary shortbow looks like.....a my little pony bow

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


Even more hilarious, it literally shoots rainbows.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


Character Name: Manisha Kaivalyam
Race: Asura
Profession: Elementalist
Order: Durmond Priory
Level: First attempt at 76

I did forging the pact solo, but the NPCs around Trahearne reference events I did not experience (getting the Krait Orb), I did the volcanic rescue and the traitor mesmer.

The initial conversation triggers without a hitch, and the event appears to run smoothly, right up to the point where the Ghost ship attacks the harbour of the Fort.

The shore based cannons won’t harm the ships (and I can’t man them either), and no enemies spawn after the initial wave is defeated.
I can swim out to the ship and kill it by hand with my Trident, which takes forever, but nothing triggers when I do. So I assume that’s not the way to do it.

After that, it’s just loads of friendly NPCs walking around and nothing happening.
The objective “defend the harbour” stays up and doesn’t complete.

Trigger for Secrets of the swamp

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


The Secrets of the swamp meta event is one of the meta events I would like to experience. I was not able to in the beta. Problem is every time I want to play it the swamp is dormant.

The wiki says it is on a 3 hour timer but nothing about when the event starts. Or when the timer starts. I was wondering if anyone would provide insight on this.

I also seem to recall there’s a Necromancer in a small hut near the location of the initial event with a book. He’s afraid to read it, but you can do so.

If you go read that, it’ll trigger a demon to appear, and from that point it seems that the portal appearances escalate and the events ramp up until they start appearing outside the swamp. Once you finish the event chain associated with that, the Colossus will spawn.

I’m not sure if that was a Beta only thing though, as that’s the only time I did the event so far, but if that main trigger is still in place, you may want to go and try it out.

What is your favorite elemental attunement for underwater combat for an Elementalist?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


I’ll use water if I have the room to use it properly, otherwise, if I’m doing a close-range kite, then it’s either fire or earth.
Both have pretty decent utility and damage output, but require that you circle strafe quite a lot, especially fire with the delayed detonation on the primary attack.

Air isn’t bad, but it’s not very strong offensively, but contains a lot of mobility stuff.

The Little Details. Simply Amazing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


You might want to watch your character when you’re sending and receiving mail.
A carrier pigeon comes and drops off/picks up the message you just got or sent. And when you’re underwater and this happens you get an aquatic bird swimming by to do the job.

It’s a tiny detail, but it’s out in the world, so you can actually see people around you receiving mails too.

Trading Post underpricing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


I hate that people are selling items for so cheap on TP. I can hardly make any money there thanks to low-ballers. They could sell their items for the same price at a shop but go to the TP. That just does not make any sense to me. Is there any chance that the minimum amount to sell items for goes up? Or am I stuck with getting next to nothing for most of the items I sell?

1st off, give the market a while to stabilize (let’s say a week or 2), right now everything is very much in flux, which makes it very hard to do anything on there.
Personally, I’ve started vendoring my basic Artificing products, because in general you’ll be making a loss after deducting the listing fee. Jewellery tends to have a small profit margin, but I’d rather recycle them to get the gems back and reuse those.

Once the market starts stabilizing, actual trading should become an option, right now I wouldn’t bother because it’s just too unstable.

Elementalist Question, (How to play, guides, tips?)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


I use a staff as my main weapon on the elementalist, and compared to the dagger stuff described above it is a slower paced form of combat, with loads of AoE spells.

Generally, Fire deals lots of AoE damage, but has almost no conditions (apart from skill #3). It also has a nice escape in the form of Burning Retreat.

Water is supportive for the most part, weakening and slowing enemies and providing AoE healing.

Air is about movement (either pushing enemies away or moving faster yourself) with strong direct damage, and a blind and am AoE stun.

Earth is all about area denial basically, keeping enemies in place while using conditions to kill them. Eruption explodes for a good deal of damage and applies a stack of 6 long bleeds, but is visible and can be avoided (NPCs won’t though), Unsteady Ground cripples enemies, slowing them dramatically. Shockwave immobilises briefly and applies a single long bleed.

The style of play is quite different from dual daggers, but quite rewarding in my opinion. It relies on positioning and rewards forethought.

Mass Disconnect

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Azhrarn.6735


Gunnar’s Hold, the entire guild got kicked off.