Showing Posts For Azri.6571:
I had some PvP dungeon armor skins that were obtained via achievement chests. They are not in my wardrobe. Bug or intentional?
Same thing happened, I had my CoE, cultural armor as well, but only a partial of the CoF armor is appearing in the wardrobe….. (CULTURAL ARMOR SET ME BACK 60gold) hope they made sure we get all the skins into the wardrobe not partial
Edited: fixed by logging in other characters and going into the mist. yay my cultural armor
(edited by Azri.6571)
thanks for the tips guys. l ended up just pulling kraits from land to the heart quest area to complete it.
The “Help Dolsileep protect the Moogooloo village” is undoable without the event happening in this area. cant find the crab meat and the other krait slaves are gone with the tower over it. It is the heart quest NW of the tower, at the Moogooloo WP.
Please consider the affected events when doing the living story. Otherwise great update.
Fresh friendly guild!
Mainly an oceanic aus/NZ guild, PM/mail me or Deadeyes.6098 for an invite
THANK YOU!!! it worked my shortcut needed to be run as administrator
Previously before the 15th Oct patch went live, I was only required to download once before being able to play immediately.
Now I have to download approx 20mb-ish data before I am able to play.
Is this normal? if not what should I do
It is only when i took screenshots, that i was able to ponder and look at the awesome art and effort put into the game..
Really appreciate what Anet has put into this game
Share your epic moments
I have tried looking on the forum, but i was not able to find it.
It would be nice to be able to replay all the cutscenes that your character has, and watching it again just see how awesome you did in your story.
Also able to see again the story of destiny’s edge reunion story mode after unlocking them instead of going through the whole dungeon again.
what do you guys think
Hugs < ( " ) >
As per title, we were doing P1 in HoTW, some of us also had connection issues, but they were lucky to have it early on, i was unlucky to have it just before killing the last boss.
Was just wondering if is it possible for any compensation for getting the rewards, at least the tokens etc.
If not then I might just have to leave it just like that. T.T
Fell just before the boss for about say 15s, then dropped into an ocean (pics attached) had to relog to get back in
just something to share
Wonder what the buildings and trees are..
Love the random conversations that happens when travelling! The effort put into the game is really inspiring. Just to put a post here to compliment one of the many fine details that the people put into this game