Showing Posts For BIOT.8513:

Client Crashing - Constantly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BIOT.8513


I was having similar problems – crashing every 30 minutes with OOM.

By setting Textures to Medium instead of High I’ve been able to play normally without the crashing (all other settings left at max). This might work for you – so just putting it out there.

Mesmer Skill's-you never use?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BIOT.8513


I find many mesmer utility skills extremely lackluster.

  • Veil – I don’t run with zergs so no use. CD is too long for a selfish stealth.
  • Arcane Thievery – I want to like this skill. But the CD kills it. Not to mention it can be LoS’d, blinded, dodged, evaded and cancelled which all put it on a ridiculous CD.
  • Illusion of Life – lol
  • Mimic – I loved the old block functionality, felt like an engineer running away with that gear shield. Now it’s useless. Plus the CD.
  • All mantras – charging them is so dull. LoS is also annoying with the 2 offensive ones. There’s little feedback to tell you they’ve failed to activate.
  • Phantasm Defender – Cast time and the phantasms desire to facetank your target kills this guy.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter – I try to use this guy – but he too seems to enjoy inspecting the enemies face. At least when he does attack something happens. (also why are both these phants 0.5s cast time underwater but 1.5 on land…)
  • Signet of Illusions, Inspiration and Midnight – both passive and actives suck on these. At least Domination gives you a 3 second stun.

One I use but am beginning to detest in Null Field. It says “removes all boons and conditions”. Well actually it doesn’t – it does 1 of each per second… Still – at least it’s a reliable condition removal.

[EU] LF Dungeon Guild - excluding Fractals

in Looking for...

Posted by: BIOT.8513


Searching for a guild again which meets these requirements.


Killing Tequatl. Let's organize! (European)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: BIOT.8513


I’m up for this. Got a 80 Engineer or Mesmer.

[EU] LF Dungeon Guild - excluding Fractals

in Looking for...

Posted by: BIOT.8513


Hey all,

I’ve been playing GW2 solo since release and am returning from a 3 month break. Since returning I’ve spent the last month trying various guilds, all of which have been extremely disappointing. So I thought I’d give here a go.

The following are absolute musts for me – no exceptions:

  1. Inclusion of all guild members. By this I mean I don’t want a guild where 3-4 friends use the other members as a LFG pool. It’s fine to have “preferred” party members, but if it’s the same guys grouping together over and over don’t invite me please.
  2. No requirement for 3rd party voice chat programs. This kind of bleeds in to the first point above. I don’t want to be in a guild where all but a few are nattering away on TS – it makes the guild feel barren. For reference I will not be using 3rd party voice chat programs ever, so if you expect your members to be present and listening don’t invite me.
  3. Maturity. This is something I never used to care about, but I’ve been finding certain behaviour starts to grate. I don’t want to be involved in a guild who brag about how much booze they downed last night or the various encounters they claim to have with one anothers mothers.
  4. Speedclears. I don’t want to join a speed clear dungeon running guild. I want to play dungeons where things go wrong and we have to think on our feet. I want to learn the dungeon mechanics, not how to abuse them. I can see why people do speed clears, especially if it’s the same content over and over, but if your members are at that phase in their GW2 experience you’re beyond what I’m looking for.

What you’ll get in return:

  • A member who is prepared to rep exclusively full time and help whenever possible.
  • Someone who is prepared to learn from or teach others in dungeon runs. Notice I’ve not mentioned anything about experience level in my requirements. If you want to get into dungeons and want someone to come along on a regular basis give me a shout. If you want to experience a dungeon without stacking in a corner give me a shout.
  • I’m also prepared to help with any PvE open world content.

A bit about me:

  • I’m a long time GW1 player who played solo for many years. With the release of GW2 I was extremely disappointed in the direction the game had taken. But having come to terms with “it’s not the same game” I’m picking and choosing the content I want to do.
  • My goal in GW2 is to collect all light armour skins. I’m now on my final one – the Arah set. Most of the dungeon armour skins were obtained before the “Res Rushing” change which is why I took a break for 3 months – so any dungeon changes since then are new to me.
  • I’m currently on the Underworld server, but am prepared to guest on your server for a while. If I like the guild enough I’ll consider a transfer.
  • My main is a Mesmer, although I also have a lvl 80 Engineer.
  • My play time is roughly from 6pm to 10pm BST weekdays and whenever on weekends. I work full time which takes priority over anything ingame.
  • I’ve played MMOs for about 13 years now (and games in general for many more) and seen how much the scene has changed over the years. I’d like to find a guild with that “old school” feel that is absent from many online communities now.

Thanks for taking the time to read. You can contact me ingame or on these forums if you have any further questions.

Looking for EU based Dungeon guild

in Guilds

Posted by: BIOT.8513


Still looking if any other guilds are interested.

Looking for EU based Dungeon guild

in Guilds

Posted by: BIOT.8513


Hey all.

I’m currently looking for an EU based guild for relaxed dungeon running.

About me:
My only lvl 80 is a Mesmer (the same class I played in GW1) which I plan to use for most of my time in-game. My current goal is to have all Light Armour skins, which I’ve managed so far with PUGs. I’m now on my last 2 dungeon sets – CoF and Arah, so I’d like to get a group of regulars together to help with this goal. But I’m not expecting purely CoF and Arah runs – I’d like to be able to share my experience with others for the dungeons I have previously done. My current available playtime is limited to weekdays after 6pm GMT and weekends. I currently reside on the Underworld server.

What I’m looking for:
1.) Regular dungeon runs during weekdays from ~6pm GMT onwards. Regular here means more than 1 per night. This could either mean a large guild with many players all running dungeons, or a small guild with active players who do regular runs. I’d prefer the later.

2.) Players with patience. That means no raging at each other when things go wrong and taking the time to teach new players the various paths – whether this be PUGs or other guildies.

3.) Ideally I’d like to play with people who do not believe in skipping content and enjoy taking their time going through a dungeon path. This does not mean I’m against skipping 100% of the time, but it is nice to take your time sometimes and kill the trash. I’m not looking for people who just want to farm tokens as fast as they can.

What I’m not interested in:
1.) Any form of PvP/WvW. If your guild partakes in these activities over dungeon activity please don’t not invite me. I’m fine if others want to play PvP/WvW, so long as dungeons take priority.

2.) Smack talk – I’m not interested in a guild which belittles others or trash talks about how great they are / how bad someone else is.

3.) Excluding players. This could be on things such as class, equipment or skill level. This also applies outside of the guild, for example if adding PUGs to fill teams. This also includes things such as age +18/21/30 players only.

4.) Voice chat. I’m not going to be joining any VoIP services to play a game. I’m kind of okay with others being on VoIP so long as I’m not expected to join – but ideally I’d like to stick with the good old keyboard. My stance on this may change over time depending on how things go.

5.) Fractals – I’m not interested in the slightest. If most of your runs involve fractals again please don’t invite me. I’m really only looking to run the dungeons present from launch.

6.) New guilds with many “plans”. If you’ve just started a guild and “plan to do dungeons” I’m not interested – you must be actively doing them now. So far 100% of the guilds I’ve joined with this promise do not fulfill it. Unless you can convince me otherwise please refrain from inviting me.

If you feel your guild meets these requirements let me know and we can maybe start a trial period.