Showing Posts For Babanovac.2496:

Corpses = different nameplate color pls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


This is really needed.

Downed State needs changes

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


People argue about this because people play differently. The downed state can be an interesting mechanic or a really frustrating one.

Most times it can add a little extra to the game. For example in zerg vs zerg, of balanced small fights. In these cases downed state can add a bit more strategy to the game. You need to decide when to res, who to res and who to leave for later etc.

The problem is with the other scenario. That is small group vs zerg or small party (1-3 people) vs larger parties. The problem here is that there people that are skilled enough at the game, that they could beat the odds and defeat a lot more than their number. They don’t do it by cheating or abusing, they just do it by playing really well and having a coordinated team. The downed state is a misery for people choosing to play this way. Not only are they going against the odds, but when they do manage to kill one or more enemies, they find out they actually have to kill them twice…

Personally i’ve played both ways, and my vote goes to either completely changing how the down state works in wvw or just removing it altogether.

PS: change the title of the thread.

Why generic Colours in Armor WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


The culling issues have nothing to do with what colours are being rendered. So changing anything on the texture will not improve are worsen the culling issues.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


Assuming u all have exotics gear, how did u get them?

Earned karma in WvW and bought the gear in Orr.

Why generic Colours in Armor WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


A preference that let’s you decide whether to be anonymous or not would be a very good idea. Although since ANet did this on purpose, i guess there is little chance of it happening

Why generic Colours in Armor WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


We must be playing different games i guess. To me the realm colour is barely visible on character models even up close. Let alone at a distance that the name tag has no appeared yet.

Why generic Colours in Armor WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


What benefits? You don’t recognize the enemies by their color. You recognize them by the red tag above their head (which is big and shows even if he is hiding behind a building – another problem in WvW that no one seems to mention, it’s almost impossible to create ambushes because of this)

Why generic Colours in Armor WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


This is one of the weird design decisions concerning WvW. The other one is making all enemies anonymous and not displaying their names.

Apparently no one at ANet played Warhammer to see how important rivalities are for the beauty of WvW. It might not matter the the average player, but for a guild it’s reason of pride to show your colours on the battlefield, or spotting the names of known enemies and fighting them.
If i’m not mistaken the decision was a conscious one, although i don’t know the reason for it, and i do wish they would have gone the other way….
Player Vs Anonymous sucks.

WvWvW situation in Fissure of Woe

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


Also, since this thread was about FoW, yeah, you guys are doing even worse than RoS. And there is no way out of it, since whatever server will replace Dzagonur will have more people than RoS and FoW combined.

WvWvW situation in Fissure of Woe

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


I have been pestering my guild, The Valour Legion, to transfer off Gandara to a low pop server since launch, so that we can do organized wvw with guild groups. I finally succeeded a few days ago and we transferred to RoS.

I must say i love WvW on Ros. We are few, but very organized. Everyone follows orders and in primetime we actually push back Dzagonur. The only problem is we can only do this in one zone, the other 3 will always be lost. Also in off peak hours we will again lose everything and the next day we have to start from scratch. Personally i don’t mind this, as the wvw that we do have is awesome.

The problem is that generally speaking RoS is a ghost town, and if you want to do PvE, you’re alone on the map. This is the reason i am incapable of keeping my guild here. Playing outside of peak hours is impossible, and those in the guild who do this don’t want to stay anymore. You can’t PvP cause you are solo against the german zerg, and you can’t do serious PvE cause there is no-one to do it with.

Unfortunately i see no way out of this unless more organized guilds transfer to RoS, and until then we will be moving out. It’s sad, cause i really like the people on this server.

Dzagonur VS Ruins of Surmia VS Fissure of Woe

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


Yeah, night capping ftw.

Anything we take during prime time is irrelevant. In the morning the germans will still own every single objective.