Showing Posts For Bad Skulls Rod.3746:

Giant slayer Achievment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

went to the curesshore to get my giant achievment of giant slsyer an killed over 15 giants an only 2 showed up of 10. Im not the only one that ishaving this problem. They dont seem to be registering when the kill is made even if you kill the giants by your self

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

I would like to see seige Equip. made account bound instead of soulbound.If you have seige on say 5 charactors it takes up 25 slots in your main bank just to store it.would be nice to put other things in those 20 slots

Guild Wars 2 | Guild Compendium

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Home World: Devona’s Rest
Guild Name: Badlands Of Lor
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Bad Skulls Rod
Focus: PvE,Dongons,WvWvW an PvP
Quick Notes: We are a laid back group that likes to have fun. We help each other out were ever needed. We have vent an we welcome familys an there childern. We are a international Guild. We are a english speaking guild.

Looking for guild - 18+ - Fun and leveling - Northern Shiverpeaks

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Hi Ellondu, We are just out with 7 members an 2 more coming on are interests are PvE,Dungons,WvWvW an PvP. We are laid back an on to have fun.we do have vent an web site. check out the guild link below an see if this is what you want. Thaks

4 Gamers Looking for a guild thats fun and will actually enjoy the game

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Hi Leopold, Check out the Guild link below an see if we may be what your looking for.

Looking for a PvE based guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Hi foxdenvixen we are starting up our guild. We are so far all adults in age range of 21 to 60 plus. We have a few that are just learning the game an is there first mmo. We love to help out doesnt matter what level ya are. if you feel we may be the guild your looking for give me a pm. Also if you check out the fallowing link here in guilds there is a bit more info we do have vent an a web site.

Looking For a Guild, With laid back interesting people. Currently play on Desolation

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Hi Critical Pixel, We are a new Guild just starting out. Most members are 25 an up to 60+. We do let younger players in but none under 16 unless there parents are also playing. we have several members that are just starting out an we help out each other werever the help is needed.Check out our thread below an if we sound like the guild you want give us a pm. Thanks hope to here from you.

Looking for a Home

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

sorry about soome miss spelling dont type the best old fingers lol

Looking for a Home

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Hi Ssagoa, We are a new guild just starting up. Our intrests are PvE,WvW, Dungons,an PvP. We d allow players as you as 16. All fo us in the guild are in the age range of 25 to 60+at the moment. If you like check out our thread an see if this is what you feel your looking for. Hope to here from.

New Player looking for a Family on GW2

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Hi Blamminator we would like you to check out our thread. We welcome all players from 16 an up. We are just starting out. We as a Guild wnat to cover all aspects of the game. Check our thread out an if we sound like the guild your looking for please leave a pm or mail us ingame an we will contact you. thanks Bad Skulls Rod

LF eu guild, prefer balanced server also.

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Hi we are just starting out our Guild an have lots of improvements in all areas chech out our thread if you want to help us out an build a great guild you are welcome to join us.

Badlands Of Lor [Devona's Rest]

in Guilds

Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

We are currently recruiting new members. We are a family based Guild just starting out. We have a age limit of 16+ . Family members with younger childern that play along with there parents are welcome also. We have a Web site an Vent server.

We are currently looking for members for all areas of the game:
PvP Structured

We are a helpfull bunch here. If you need help with story line, crafting or opening up the areas we all work togather as a team. We have a few members already lvl 400 in all armor classes, cooking, and weapons smithing. Also heve a few members working on the other classes in crafting an are close to max lvl that way we can help our new members out in armor an weapons upgrades.

For new members just starting out in the game we will help you out learning the game skills, story line, events an general game play.

We have a guild stash started an working on treasure cove next. Plus we are upgrading economy an politics to help out our members with xp, karma, and magic find boosts.

Fallowing rules apply to all members.
No Racial comments
No Sexual Harasment
No Political Veiws
NO Hacking or Cheating
Any member will be kicked from the guild an ban from the web site an vent an non members will be ban from the web site NO EXCEPTIONS

If you want to join us please visit an register or contact us in game by pm or mail.
We also wecome members world wide.
We are a English speaking Guild.

Contact info in game.
Bad Skulls Rod:6912 (Bad Skulls Rod ,Bad Skulls Arrow, an Bad Ring of Fire.)
Rock:9723 (Bad Rock an Bad Rock of Lore)
BADDEMON:3206 (Satansdemon of Lore)
Chadly:6912 (Chadly an Carlian)

Come in an visit with us or come to our web site.

(edited by Bad Skulls Rod.3746)