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Bounties Training Mission is a ripe-off!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Badgadan.6042


Honestly I like the IDEA of the training missions. I think that they had the right idea on adding content for smaller guilds. Sadly the implementation feels hasty and not well thought out.

The biggest problem I see with the missions is the time limit along with the complete lack of locational information on the bounty. I do not feel that I should have to seek information from a 3rd party on the “possible” location of the bounty. Having to alt+tab every few seconds is NOT a fun game mechanic. I do not mind searching for a bounty and if the needless time limit were increased I wouldn’t feel the need to seek out location information to find the bounty. They either need to provide more information on the bounty location or increase the time limit.

When a small guild invests influence into these missions, which take 3 days to train, I’m pretty sure most of them expect to succeed. The probability of success should not depend on a needless time limitation of 15m; I think 30m or an hour is perfectly reasonable considering the amount of other things to do in any given zone. Having needless limitations is not fun to anyone and it is a lazy excuse for “difficulty” imo.

I agree with this tbh. I’m new to the game and to guild bounties, but we did a couple of training missions last night and failed them both. One was the golem which we lucked upon with about a minute of the 15 to go and couldn’t kill him in time, the 2nd was the escaped prisoner who we didn’t even see before failing.

So yeah as this guy said, either increase the time limit, provide reasonably accurate location info or restrict the training bounties to the targets with small/short pathing routes!

Retribution is beyond broken right now [Merged thread]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Badgadan.6042


I came in to say that this is probably the worst mission so far in the game. Being perma-stunned is more fun than this. I too died loads of times on my 65 warrior before I found this thread which gave me some comfort at least (first time I’ve done it).

i ended up doing it by exploiting it tbh. there is a pile of wood on the right, and some barrels on the left side of the arena by the steps that lead to the walls. i discovered that you can get on them and take out the acolytes at range, the minions can’t reach you.

i managed to take out both the summoning guys by doing that and was left with the captain and brute, which was also not fun.