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Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bandersnatch.3610


I say one of three things will happen:

Expansions a la WoW

Add-on content via DLC-style

or (my personal hope & favorite)

Free content addons like the Sorrow’s Furnace content patch for GW1


in Suggestions

Posted by: Bandersnatch.3610


this forum is for suggestions on improving the game. you need to go to the game help section.

Remove dynamic level adjustment

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bandersnatch.3610


I don’t care how adamant ANet and NCSoft are about this mechanic of the game, it’s absolutely horrid.

With Dynamic Level Adjustment, level numbers are completely arbitrary. What’s the point of leveling from 1 to 80 if I’m just going to be whatever level the zone is limited at? There’s no reward or advantage to being level 80 over level 50, and no advantage to being level 50 over being level 1. The only difference being what areas of the game we can enter.

I shouldn’t be limited to being a certain level in a zone because my actual level is higher. I should be allowed to be stronger than the mobs in an area because I put the time and effort into leveling. I shouldn’t have the time and effort I put into leveling my character thrown back in my face and told it doesn’t matter how much I put in, the game is only going to limit how much I get out.

If the dynamic level adjustment system isn’t going to be removed, then at least change the way it operates by 1 of 2 ways:

1. Scaling up the amount of EXP that’s handed out for events in lower level zones to match the required EXP to level up for higher level players.

2. Scale levels to the maximum level allowed in a zone, and not in areas of the zone. If a player is level 60, in a zone like Dreadnaught Cliffs which I believe is a 40 – 50 zone, then the player only gets scaled down to level 50 while in that zone. This means that their level does not scale to 43, or 47, or 49 depending on where they are in the zone, it’s capped at 50 no matter where in the zone they are. This also means that players who are level 41, 43 or any level between 40 and 50 get capped at 50 in that zone but don’t scale depending on an area of the zone as well. The second part to this system is that once a player reaches the level cap of that zone, they no longer gain experience in that zone and have to move to a zone meant for their next 5 or 10 levels to gain experience again.

The second option works far better than the current one which scales to all sorts of wacky levels with sub areas of zones and removes the feeling that levels are arbitrary numbers while in the zones you’re supposed to be in.

GW2 was supposed to be a game about playing the way you wanted to, but it’s become the complete opposite of what it tries to be. Limit leveling, no P2P trading, didn’t bother to put in quests, no mounts, fast travel has a cost… This isn’t a game about playing your way, this is a game that can only be played one way, the way we’re being told to.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bandersnatch.3610


first thing I’d like to see go is the scaling system. It’s utterly stupid. If i’m level 32, a friend of the same level and I should be able to take on a level 28 champion mob fairly easily, instead of getting the floor mopped with us. This, to me is the biggest thing wrong with GW2 and needs to be fixed pronto.

Second is they need to balance out the exp gained from killed mobs. It’s way too low. I’m not saying increase it so significantly as to make it the best form of leveling, but right now, there’s not even a point in fighting. You gain EXP faster by gathering than you do by fighting. That, to me just isn’t right. I understand the GW Dev team’s whole thing against grinding, but killing mobs shouldn’t yeild such terrible exp as it does now. Right now, we’re being forced to run around the maps looking for events because those yield the most EXP? But we should be able to earn exp from mobs as an option too. With how little exp we get from mobs, killing just isn’t an option.

Third, there should be WoW-like raid instances for PvE’ers. Raids are one of the biggest attractions to WoW players and MMO players in general and GW1 had raid-like instances at every level with the story events, but GW2 is just one big “run around and look at the artistic detail we put into the world”. Sorry ArenaNet, but I’m not playing the game for the artwork, I want more gameplay from my supposed “Massive” Multiplayer Online game. The game just feels like the kind of game I would play on my consoles for a couple weeks and then forget about because there’s not much to do.

The game has the potential to be a WoW-killer.. the mechanics are all there, but the content is just lacking and there’s too many imbalances right now.

But please for the love of god, get rid of the scaling system.