Showing Posts For Baneful.5843:

Mighty Defenses funny:

in Warrior

Posted by: Baneful.5843


Bumping this thread this is so true

WvWvW: Need ORBs to Return

in WvW

Posted by: Baneful.5843


The orb is needed in WvW. I’m sure everyone here has noticed one server just dominating one borderland and having no presence on other. That’s because the incentive to switch and not control an entire borderlands isn’t as high without the orb.

The the problem of it being to beneficial to the winning team. I’m all for giving the orb karma, magic find, gold find, and give WvW exp. This way their is no direct combat difference for the winning team but controlling them makes kills and capping things more efficient. This gives incentive to control orbs and makes the big zergs need to split up among the borderlands to control the orbs.

Instead of saying fix the hackers which is almost impossible to get them all fix around them. If the problem was them fly hacking in and stealing it, make it so the orb cannot be moved until the keep lord has died and circle is up. This way if a fly hacker comes in he would have to kill the lord before he can move it, which makes it harder to hack. If a regular zerg comes to cap, kills the lord, and wants to move the orb they need to kill the lord and move the orb before circle is down. Which is plenty of time if you want to move it. If you want to leave it then let the circle cap and it locks there until next team kills the lord and circle is back up.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Baneful.5843


I would like to point out a couple of things you may have overlooked. Main one being wells go great with power and this build has none. Although the corruption rips boons on pulse people never stand in it for more then 1-2 ticks, and the blind is defensive but would not need ground target since most of the time would want at your feet against the melee that closed the gap. The vulnerability well is the highest damage well but stacks with power and does very little without. Also the vulnerability does not effect condition damage.

Couple of things on play style you mentioned which are fine but would like to clarify for people. The dagger 4 is a blind but also an aoe condition transfer and recommend using that way. The staff 2 and 3 are great to place before a fight that you know is coming since they will stay there and last until the cooldown is back but the 4 wont. The 4 is also an aoe condition transfer and I would recommend saving it for that.

Design a GW2 "Raid"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Baneful.5843


I think we need more people to bump this thread some good stuff here. Just to add onto it a bit I think 10 man at least would be optimal because 5 man content feels to small making support feel less needed to to the amount of players. This may help the dps to win problem. Also this would make combo fields feel more needed with more people able to put them down and use them as a finisher. Mechanics like needing a person with a water field to blast finish to help sustain an aoe boss hit. Also for loot since you can make bosses drop stuff that can be part of a legendary on the hardest difficulty. Like obsidian shards or beating last boss gives a couple clovers and lodestones. As well as unique looks. The game right now is lacking ways for good players to show skill. Tpvp is about it WvW is a zerg fest which biggest group generally wins, and the dungeons are super easy and just a grind for cosmetics.

Idea for new blueprint

in WvW

Posted by: Baneful.5843


If you made them around the price of a siege golem and around the same supply I bet it wouldn’t be over as much. Also its health should only enough where a group of 5-10 would take around 10-15 seconds to kill but a small group of 2-3 a bit longer. Making zergs that normally just run through aoe and can rush players in open now have to stop and attack something before rushing. Also to make them easier to kill if it would be a problem, make then unable to be repaired like other siege. This way in time attrition will take the wall down.

Idea for new blueprint

in WvW

Posted by: Baneful.5843


I had an idea for a blueprint which is a wall blueprint. It can be useful for blocking choke points or back entrances from huge quick zerg rushes. Making more coordinated attacks more reliable and small defenses able to hold their ground a bit better. The trick to implementing them is balancing how much supply it would take to build, yet balancing the health bars to make it more of a deterrent then a barrier. Defending supply camps would be more reliable if the back entrance had wall to defend from a ninja attack coming around, but was slowed to break the wall giving time for a reaction. Just an idea!