Showing Posts For Banes.4601:

Liberating Apatia

in Personal Story

Posted by: Banes.4601


First of all on a personal note, I would like to thank the idiot that thought it would be a good idea to make this section of personal story quests impossible. There was nothing wrong with any of these quests (I have 8 characters so I’ve done all the variations) that involve the NPC “Apatia”. That said…

Over the last week I have been working on several characters that are all 65+. I have several that are 80 as well. The reason I have stated this is to show that I have done these quests before so have an idea of how they go. Now this last week I have come across bugs with the initial quest where you free captives from the cages with Apatia and this bug is already in the forums. The one thing I havent seen is any comments on the changes made to the boss at the ends of these “Krait Tower” quests with Apatia. These quests where you have to fight a champ krait at the end have gone from decent to OMFG YOU NEED A RAID to get it complete. This is not an over exaggeration. The end champ is as its clear a Champion, where as before you just fought it and had to deal with the poisons and whatnot. Now the Champion not only does direct poisons and AoE poisons, but also summons extras. This would make it a little more challenging so no pro…. except in 30 seconds you are fighting a Champion with AoE poisons, 2+ Veterans with knockbacks, and 10+ regular krait that also knockback, all on a very small platform thats already hard enough to move around on. This is not an exaggeration either, have submitted a ticket with screenshot showing all of this as well as not only my Ranger w/Reef Drake pet but also all 4 of the other Npc’s that seem to have paper armor and about 100 hp, dead as well, while theres at least 10 krait as well as the champ (not even down to 1/2 hp) standing around the platform.

This is the end of Liberating Apatia quest, but the other quests involving Apatia and the krait tower are also just as ridiculously jacked up. Not against making it more challenging at all, but this is really just idiotic.

(edited by Banes.4601)

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Banes.4601


Event is bugged so ppl are randomly crashing. Happened to me 3 different times. Wouldnt be so bad but each time my contribution was wiped clear. On top of that I came back in to 3 different overflows, at 3 different points in the event, till finally on the last crash I come back in to NO EVENT!! It was already over. So the last 2 1/2 hours were a complete waste and I had died, and fought, and killed for nothing. Even the drops were grey item vendor trash. This by far is the worst example of an “Event” I have ever seen in any MMO that including WoW for 5 yrs, Rift, SWTOR, and this game. All this work to have stupid “overflow” bugs. You should have planned on all the ppl that dont play, jumping in for the event and crashing the servers. This was such BS and a waste of time. If this is what GW2 is and has planned for the future I’ll write this game off as a complete and total loss.

Final Event Rewards

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Banes.4601


I didnt get kitten. Event is bugged so ppl are randomly crashing. Happened to me 3 different times. Wouldnt be so bad but each time my contribution was wiped clear. On top of that I came back in to 3 different overflows, at 3 different points in the event, till finally on the last crash I come back in to NO EVENT!! It was already over. So the last 2 1/2 hours were a complete waste and I had died, and fought, and killed for nothing. Even the drops were grey item vendor trash. This by far is the worst example of an “Event” I have ever seen in any MMO that including WoW for 5 yrs, Rift, SWTOR, and this game. All this work to have stupid “overflow” bugs. You should have planned on all the ppl that dont play, jumping in for the event and crashing the servers. This was such BS and a waste of time. If this is what GW2 is and has planned for the future I’ll write this game off as a complete and total loss.

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Banes.4601


Event is bugged so ppl are randomly crashing. Happened to me 3 different times. Wouldnt be so bad but each time my contribution was wiped clear. On top of that I came back in to 3 different overflows, at 3 different points in the event, till finally on the last crash I come back in to NO EVENT!! It was already over. So the last 2 1/2 hours were a complete waste and I had died, and fought, and killed for nothing. Even the drops were grey item vendor trash. This by far is the worst example of an “Event” I have ever seen in any MMO that including WoW for 5 yrs, Rift, SWTOR, and this game. All this work to have stupid “overflow” bugs. You should have planned on all the ppl that dont play, jumping in for the event and crashing the servers. This was such BS and a waste of time. If this is what GW2 is and has planned for the future I’ll write this game off as a complete and total loss.

Was it worth it?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Banes.4601


NO!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Event is bugged so ppl are randomly crashing. Happened to me 3 different times. Wouldnt be so bad but each time my contribution was wiped clear. On top of that I came back in to 3 different overflows, at 3 different points in the event, till finally on the last crash I come back in to NO EVENT!! It was already over. So the last 2 1/2 hours were a complete waste and I had died, and fought, and killed for nothing. Even the drops were grey item vendor trash. This by far is the worst example of an “Event” I have ever seen in any MMO that including WoW for 5 yrs, Rift, SWTOR, and this game. All this work to have stupid “overflow” bugs. You should have planned on all the ppl that dont play, jumping in for the event and crashing the servers. This was such BS and a waste of time. If this is what GW2 is and has planned for the future I’ll write this game off as a complete and total loss.