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Help I'm stuck in a PvP Match!

in PvP

Posted by: Barionic.5904


Hello, we are stuck in Kyhlo after a ranked match.


Half Baked Komali?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Barionic.5904


Okay. I’m tired of this guy. How do you kill him. I don’t want to hear anything about knocking him back out of circles, I want to know, from personal experience, how other guilds have killed this frog.

Since the patch, we have tried killing him with a small group, trying the KB, and also trying to just burn him down, we don’t have the time, it takes more than 7 minutes to kill him by just random zerging.

There is something to this fight, I can’t find a guide anywhere on the internet for him. Does anyone know how to kill this guy?

During my last fight with him, we had 12 people. Halfway through the fight, randomly, his fire shield was removed, but was reapplied like 20 seconds later. We don’t know what caused it, but something happened.

I would love to hear how other guilds kill this guy. Even if your guild just 50 man burns him down, I hate that our guild basically sighs and gives up when we see this guy pop up on our list.

Dredge Powersuit (Very unbalanced)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Barionic.5904


Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I wasn’t the one dying. All it takes is one person to slip, which causes another to try to rez, and it can snowball out of control.

We never wiped the whole fight, but we fought him for like an hour, because we kept making little mistakes. Not to mention the bombs can be buggy, sometimes they have a timer, sometimes the circles do not appear and you just get instantly killed.

I would call us a coordinated guild group, we were also all on vent. I’m going to repeat that I know he is not impossible, he is doable, but compared to the other fractals, he is way overpowered. I’m just pointing out a balance issue.

Dredge Powersuit (Very unbalanced)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Barionic.5904


This is easily the longest fractal to complete, and to top it off, the Dredge Powersuit boss at the end is absolutely ridiculous.

He is way to difficult at Fractal Difficultly 1. A group of us who have already done all fractals (including the same one with the Ice guy instead), gave up, because it was not worth our time. For how annoying it was, we are probably going to skip that fractal if we ever do it again.

This is a problem. He needs to be tuned down. I would be fine if he was this difficult at like, 20 Difficulty or something, but 1 was just crazy. Its the 1-hit KO bombs, the constant aggro problems with people going down next to him, and the healing. I like the mechanics of the boss, they just need to be tweaked to make it balanced.

I do know he is not impossible, and I’m sure other people have beaten him with ease. The problem is if your party slips up, and a bunch of people go down, the boss will just heal right back up. Its crazy and requires too much coordination for Fractal Difficulty 1.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Barionic.5904


Replying to some of the responses, yeah sorry, I just assumed she was the final boss.

And we used all the tips Orcao described, no luck.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Barionic.5904


Okay, there is hard, rightfully hard, boss encounters. Then there is cheap mechanics making bosses impossible to do 99% of the time. Lupis falls under the hard category. He is hard, but once you know what your doing, after you’ve practiced, he can be taken down.

But then there is Simin. You would think spending 2+ hours on the same boss, after spending 4 hours in the dungeon already, would lead to some sort of progression or completion. But nope, we had to give up. 6 hours wasted. There is an unfair mechanic to this fight, which makes it way more difficult than it should be.

For those who don’t know, Simin is the second to last boss of the seers path in Arah. By herself she isn’t that hard, she has some hard hitting attacks and some circles, but she is generally okay. The petrifying is also a nice touch, and some teamwork is needed. But then… oh but then, around 45% health she turns invisible and starts healing. In this time your team needs to gather 5 invulnerable sparks from around the room and bring them to the center. The longer it takes to do this, the more she heals.

It sounds simple enough, but my complaint comes from not the full aspect of the fight, but simply the tedious placement of the sparks in their own circles. This is just RIDICULOUS! Not only do they just miss the spots 75% of the time, they also leash on occasion. In addition, sometimes the graphic glitches out, meaning we have no idea where the last spark goes. Its just a big mess and its 90% luck whether your going to get it right or not. It is frustrating.

Out of the hundreds of times trying this in those few hours, we maybe had a good pull 5 times, but we still never got her below 40% or so. We scoured the web for tactics, we tried them all, but we didn’t get anywhere.

I know its possible, but this is something deserving of a new rank than just explorable, killing this should guarantee an exotic or something, its something you won’t understand until you’ve spent 2 hours of your life whaling on a boss that just refuses to die.

I do propose a solution, make it so the sparks just need to reach the statue, but not be required to be in a designated spot. If it was simply a ring around the statue, that would be perfect. It would still take coordination, but it wouldn’t be as cheap as it is now. If you must, make her stronger, make the fight with her more of a challenge, but don’t use this frustrating mechanic to make the fight impossible.

I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, so I would love to hear experiences or any thoughts on the subject.

(edited by Barionic.5904)


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Barionic.5904


The amount of waypoints in a dungeon is unbearably annoying at times. Some dungeons the waypoints are fine, such as AC. In AC, you get a waypoint after killing each boss, which makes sense. (I’m only referring to explorable versions by the way, but I’m sure it can be applied to story mode)

Now lets go to CM, this dungeon isn’t that bad, since its a fairly small area, but it could do with another waypoint for some of the paths which go underneath the mansion.

TA…TA… this is just ridiculous. It is devastating if someone dies during this dungeon, because it is a crazy long walk back. For most of the dungeon you only get one waypoint, the one at the entrance. This dungeon is a long skinny tunnel, there are no overlapping paths, so if you die and you cannot be rezzed, you need to spend 2-4 minutes walking all the way back. If I recall you get a waypoint just before the tree, but still, the tree is the easiest part of the dungeon most of the time, so it doesn’t serve a purpose. Something needs to be done about this.

SE is just as bad, if not worse. The two paths I did today both had no extra waypoints. Just the one at the entrance. A couple times we were just sitting around in the dungeon waiting for teammates to get back. It takes ages, and something needs to be done.

Those are the only explorables I’ve done, so someone could perhaps vouch for the waypoints in the others, but it still doesn’t change that this really should be fixed.

A simple fix would be to do how its done in AC, when you get a chest, you get a waypoint. (Obviously there are some exceptions).

I understand there is supposed to be a punishment for dying, and graveyard rushing is not the intended way of doing things, but some of the runs back are just absurd, it goes beyond just a punishment and begins to take away from the experience.

Another solution I propose is introduce some optional bosses, or challenges, which act as a way for the players to unlock waypoints. This would allow people who wish to play it risky and speedclear the chance to still do so, while allowing the more casual folk to unlock waypoints they feel are needed.

I can’t be the only one who feels this way about waypoints. I would also like to know if anyone supports the current waypoint system. Any discussion is encouraged.

Ghastly Weapons Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Barionic.5904


I’ve tried at night, during the day, and during instances, none of them make it glow.

Ghastly Weapons Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Barionic.5904


I have been told before that the ghastly weapons from AC are supposed to glow a blue fire around them. I’ve seen videos on Youtube with them, but when I bought my staff, no such effect. Its just a dull regular skin.

I’m hoping this is a bug, because I recall Anet even saying they are supposed to glow.

Has anyone else come across this?