Showing Posts For Baromega.6509:

Possible Dungeon Finder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Baromega.6509


again, they’re making an improved LFG tool for the game. again, they are not(ever) making an auto matchmaker ala WoW.

I must ask, why not? I hope the reasoning isn’t something as silly as “server community” when GW2 is such a global game (global TP, overflow servers, guesting in the future).

The only thing endgame is lacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baromega.6509


No, its not 100+ and I don’t have the exact number but I know it’s freaking ludicrous. Around 60 if memory serves. Couple that with the fact that explorable modes are just way too tedious and there is simply no motivation.

Key word is tedious by the way. They’re not difficult, they’re just boring as heck.

The only thing endgame is lacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baromega.6509


A good motivating factor would be to severely decreasing the amount of runs needed to afford a full set of explorable gear. Honestly anything more than 20 is pushing it, but I’d be okay with 30/35 if all dungeons simply shared the same tokens.

Either way, it needs to go down by AT LEAST half.

Has anyone heard rumours about sales numbers?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Baromega.6509


Didn’t SWTOR sell like 2 million copies at launch? Sounds pretty successful to me.