Showing Posts For Baron.7436:

(Video) (challenge) Prove me wrong

in Warrior

Posted by: Baron.7436


shout heal condi build pretty stronk


in Warrior

Posted by: Baron.7436


I love the way these weapons compliment each-other so well. I usually run skullcrack build so i can show off sunrise/moot, but i find myself using hammer/sw-sh lately because its less of a 1-trick-pony build

[Video] Axe/Shield Warrior Solo Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Baron.7436


Hey nice video. It really highlights how fun an axe warrior can be! shield bash and eviscerate is a very satisfying combo

After patch builds (WvW roamers)

in Warrior

Posted by: Baron.7436


Yep, condi warrior roaming is extremely powerful even now.

but then again.. pretty much every class is a condi roamer now.

Apheríon: WvW Roaming Skullcrack Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Baron.7436


Good ol’ Skullcrack build. I love the playstyle and it still works great, but I feel other warrior builds offer more.

This nerf has brought something amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Baron.7436


Will it be a video of people still crying "Heal Signet OP!!!!"??

Stuck inside wall Tribulation 2-3

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Baron.7436


So I am fairly far into Storm Wizard 2-3 for my final token and my Storm Wizard weapon when an explosion blows me into a wall with no way to get out.

I’ve tried digging for bunnies to attack me, but they get spawned outside the terrain I am stuck in.
