Showing Posts For Bastilean.7042:
This change is my least favorite of the patch and I play professions with and without quickness.
Nerfing the mezmer skill was a nerf to everybody.
Dungeons already take too long. I literally pop some pop-corn during the Troll vs. Koler fight in AC.
I kid you not, this game is full of so many ka-maya-maya scenes it might as well be a bad Dragon B@ll Z parody.
The dungeons are so hard with monsters that have so much health that most players find glitches and bugs to complete dungeons more often than an actual brawl, because an actual brawl has an element of failure risk even for good players. Mistakes happen and creature damage is high, CC is high and dungeon denizens in general are highly unforgiving.
I feel like nerfing quickness is just one more step in the wrong direction.
It’s entirely disappointing to think that PvPs think that frenzy which increases the damage you take by +50% was too stronk. I mean the ability already was a death wish skill on an elite skill cool down. could have decided that Ignore Pain shouldn’t be useable while you are Frenzied. An easy solution would be to disallow multiple stances at once. To me, this would be a far less devastating compromise. It’s a stance.
Signet build is looking better and better. Why does this make me feel so ill?
The title says it all: Has anyone Tested Superior Rune of Speed since the patch yesterday?
Also, if there is a youtube of a test showing whether the Runes make you faster while using swiftness I would like to see it.
Also, if Runes of the Traveler provide the same effecct as Runes of Speed (6) I would also like to know that.
Would GW2 please either allow Runes of Speed to increase your speed over 133% or change the (6) to something useful:
(6) Reduce duration of cripple, chill and immobilize by 50%.
(6) WPs are now free.
Why can’t you get Laurels for doing both? Why does think that rewarding people for participating in both PvP and PvE is bad? please reward me for both. This would be a massive step in the right direction.
Encourage people to be part of the Renaissance.
The dagger attacks twice as fast and therefor benefits from healing signet and sigil of blood more. Do your math again. Compare the dps too.
The aura build with signets kinda sucks for healing. Do not think its your job to be everything to everyone.
Runes of Dwayna let you prock regen on your bros which procks the Water XII trait to remove conditions.
I can’t hug every cat.
Read through the entire rating system for traits. Great job.
Some of your descriptions were very useful. Thank you for these.
For Example: your description of why Cleansing Water is so good, because it got me thinking about Runes of Dwayna and how I want them. Maybe I can be as good a support as a warrior with Soldiers. I kind of feel like Elems are not that good at helping others, but easily boon themselves.
The one rating I think you didn’t set high enough is Inscription. This is the lynch pin of anyone who wants to go without many of the other traits. The boons it provides with Healing Glyph really set the stage for traits like Elem Atunement which would seem out of place without it. I would say it deserves 4 for around the clock regen or swiftness.
I am also looking forward to changes and improvements to the trees described by Arena Net.
(edited by Bastilean.7042)
I’d put together a broad list of the changes I would make with accompanying explanations, but I get the impression it would probably just be wasted.
I would certainly like to see it! However, you are right that the devs probably will not see it. D=
The profession balance designer said in the last interview (less than a month ago) that he is avidly reading the forums, but that has been requested not to post much lest he take time away from working, so don’t be discouraged.
(edited by Bastilean.7042)
Something that made me think was… why not have different elemental signets proc different elemental auras for Fire’s Embrace? The healing signet could proc whatever elemental aura you are currently elementally attuned to.
I like how Elemental Shielding is tied to auras, because you can proc auras with combo fields.
McKeone, ya it is.
-In general Fire/Air/Earth/Water traits are too atunement specific. Add more broad appeal.
-CD traits should offer further advantages, such as more damage and/or effects (like other classes gets)
-Sucky traits should be more compelling.
Ok, I want to talk about the trait lines.
Right now, 0/10/0/30/30 is very popular. I would like to do a shout out to WoodenPotatoes for doing such a good job not just showing how good Water and Arcane are, but also showing other sub-optimal builds and explaining why they don’t quite match up.
In water 15 pts gets you a free heal on atunement. If you are speccing heal at all, this is very hard to pass up.
10 points in water gives you access to vigor/regen on cantrips or condition removal. Both of these are excellent traits.
30 points in water gives you access to both of the above and aura sharing or more condition removal. These are both excellent choices.
The arcane tree only improves upon the atune bonus of water by reducing the time between atunement swaps. Arcane is arguably a good trait line for any build at all.
If you put 10 points in arcane you can have the atunement boons trait which is excellent for protection and/or regeneration.
30 points in Atunement give you free heals on your dodge that are splash. Right now, there are no better ways to heal than Water/Arcane for multiple reasons.
Earth has some excellent traits but as someone has already pointed out, the base stats for Elementalists are soooo bad, that the extra toughness in Earth is a liability.
Air also has some excellent traits. The fury/swiftness boon on auras is great. The glyph’s CD is also arguably good and synergizes with the glyph boons trait. The glyphs boon trait is arguably very powerful, providing uninterrupted swiftness on your heal, uninterrupted regen on your heal, etc. It’s good.
So looking at fire the fire traits are almost all bad. Trait XII is amazing, and gives more power and condition damage than fire and earth put together. However, until you put 30 points in fire you won’t have it, and Trait XII is mostly for killing bosses because it takes some stoking before the fire is really hot. Fire is almost all damage, even more so than any other trait line I have seen in this game so far and I think that is bad.
Here’s some recommendations I would like to make to help fire.
1. Allow aura durations to stack so if I cast fire aura twice or three times I get three times the duration. Makes sense right? This helps with the burden of positioning and being a squish.
2. Add a +100% aura duration trait to fire.
3. Improve Burning Fire so that it provides 6 seconds of Vigor instead of extra burning on top of your burning. Most power trait lines have vigor and elementalists don’t need the current Burning Fire trait. Also, the juxtaposition with Soothing Mist would be cool.
4. Increase the damage on Soothing Mist. It’s really bad.
5. Reduce the cool down on the Air Trait XI as it’s too long.
6. Move condition removal to the Fire Traits? Could call it Cleansing Heat or Cauterized Heat or Cauterized Wounds?
These are just some small recommendations that would improve some current builds that could use a bump.
-Aura-Share would have options to use Soothing Mist and Burning Fire with Mist Form and for Fiery Greatsword for Regen and Vigor.
-Selfish-Signet build would be able to choose between Fire XI and Fire XII as well as Burning Fire and damage traits.
-Fire in general would be a little bit more enticing without being a big step.
I can’t say this would fix the situation, but it would be an improvement on a few weak traits and trait lines. Thanks for reading.
(edited by Bastilean.7042)