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Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


You might want to add these three, the Jugggernaut perk bug really annoy me since we already pay a 50% selfcripple to have stability, yet I’m still getting crippled debuff is added and cripple animation triggers.

1. normal weapons and its sigils are not giving any stat when a kit is equiped.
2. Flame Blast will get “obstructed” almost every time if used in a target you just blew away with Air Blast, the idea of our combo is to blow them away then hit flame blast while they are at range for the explosion. I have tested it in different places it fails no matter my position. I know that there is absolutely nothing in the way since its an empty field. (note that it will get “obstructed” only if used right away after using Air blast, seems to bug when the npc is performing the animation of standing up after been knocked away)

3. Stability from the juggernaut perk seems to be broken, even though it says I cannot be cripple, chilled, knocked bacl, pushed, or launched. I’m still getting crippled, I see my character moving slower than usual and the animation for your crippled character.

1. I already noticed it and I’m not sure this is a bug but I’ll add it.
2. Added.
3. I’m not sure this is a bug either, from the Guild Wars 2 wiki Stability: Ignore control effects (stun, knockback, launch, knockdown, sink, float, fear, daze) and doesn’t list crippled in the effects ignored but I’ll add it as well.

I’ll talk about the 3rd point : Simply because Stability does not Ignore Conditions but Crowd Control abilities. Cripple is a condition ability … then it’s totally normal to be crippled while under Juggernaut.


Well, snares and roots are generally considered crowd control, soft crowd control but crowd control nonetheless.

Stability is all about preventing the character to be unable to act, which is not the fact with snares and roots you can still attack or cast spells.

does the race affect on the power ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Don’t even mention the shrinked asura engi !

It's like getting a university diploma...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


The events trigger when they trigger and when you are nearby you are invited to participate. Except if you get there at the very end, you will generally get some reward. This ensures that people are willing to jump in and participate.

This is part of the MMO experience, it’s a way to make sure people actually participate. I mean, how many people would join in if they weren’t sure if it would be worth it? Not that many I can promise you.

So what the OP is complaining about, maybe a valid concern for him/her but in the larger scale of things I wouldn’t want them to change it because it’s instrumental in getting people to participate.

Let’s be honest…we were told there were over 1500 events to start with. Well, after doing a fair amount of events I roughly see it comes down to: defend this npc, defend this location against x waves, escort an npc. I’ve killed my share of centaurs by now. Anyways 90% of the events are roughly the same type. Understandable but without a generous reward system, people just would start avoiding more and more events because “it’s not worth it”.


A word of advice: Don't buy keys.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


hmm, anyone cares to mention the price of all the “boosters” plz ?
you all seem to forget that boosters are costing a lot when piled …

"Tanks" needed for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Are we all supposed to play the same type of game for ever and ever ?

Learn the game (not L2P, don’t tax me of trolling/flaming ), know your mates abilities and combine yourselves for great power : a.k.a Combos.

The most difficult part of this is to forget your old knowledges, and re-learn …
Thinking out of the box is not so difficult in itself, just try instead of being totally opposed to the idea.

Only 5 Character Slots Is A Major Disappointment

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


You can buy gems with gold.

THIS. ’nuff said…

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Very good work minilys, Keep going on !

dissun's mine skill challenge bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Did it yesterday on “Vizunah square” [fr], everything was fine.

XP level (Story Requirements).

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlewill.5614



THIS IS NOT “SKYRIM”. (drop any kind of SOLO rpg instead of skyrim)

And not to mention, did you do all :

  • the POI events ? because there is generally 1-3 chain quests in each spot which is simply fat XP;
  • renown hearts ?

I can understand to not doing again&again the exploring stuff, but it’s not to much asked to grab the quest on the road.

And you can still level with all the crafting stuff …

Engineer Mortar - Multiple problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Problem 3: No Ownership.

[…]Why should an engineer lose the mortar he wants to use? Why should a warrior lose the banner he wants to use? Those abilities belong to those characters; other players should ABSOLUTELY NOT be able to take that away from them.

Maybe because : (pick which ever you want)

  • It’s a team game ?
  • Engies have better things to do than being stationary ?
  • You are always playing with kittens that do not use it PROPERLY ?

and much more, but i honestly think that giving my mortar to some1 else is not a problem in itself.

The real problem of the mortar is, except all the bugs, that is not really designed to be effective as it is a stationary “weapon”. look at your tomes, you can move with them, look at banners you can move with them, etc. While in the mortar you are just a Meatball waiting for his butcher …

Things that are wrong with the Engineer.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


(Answering to the OP)


I don’t even know where to start … Ok i’ll take your messages in the chrono order :
First of all, if you wanna play a warrior then play it : You don’t have to compare a classe with each other in this game as they all have unique features and gameplay. Please compare what is comparable, on the same range.

1) You said that you need a melee weapon to tank mobs ?
Ok bro, tanking is about avoiding dmg by any means, having a melee weapon won’t help on that, but hey you can have a shield instead that is working just Great.

2) You said that you have to spam 1 when using a kit
Assuming that is a well known bug and i agree it’s “terribadly” annoying, but not game breaking as you can “Control+RightClick” it to activate the auto-attack. Yes, if you wanna use the swithing possibilities between Weapon/kits its not optimal but still not game breaking as you dont switch weapons in fight to use the Skill 1 but generally it’s meant for the 4other skills. Just let them time to fix their game.

3) You said that you have to use 2 kits and 1 utility skills
Why using 2 kits ? i’m playing with Flamethrower and 2 utility skills depending on mobs that i have to fight :

  • Personnal Battering Ram is a blast utility and even belt skill is awesome.
  • Rocket boots is a great escape tool + curing some conditions. Belt tool is simply great when it comes to Burn foes in area.
  • Utility goggles is increasing your dps by giving you 10% vulnerability + 20% crit strike chance


  • Elix B is a blast ’nuff said.
  • Elix U … nuff said as well.
  • Other elixs are purely for survival utilities

I won’t talk about turrets as it’s really a specific gameplay, more static that i don’t like that much and actually i don’t really know that much about those.

And what about using only Rifle ? so much passive traits awesome with this weapon.
Oh, next time try to go for 2, 1, 1, wait for him to be on melee rnage and do 5, 3 and 4 with rifle against a mob … repeat and rinse just deadly : by the time you’ve finished this cycle (don’t like to call it like this but …) you net shot (skill 2) wil be available again.
So, yes we are a kitting class, not especially designed to play toe to toe.
Even if i’m totaly sure that flamethrower + toughness could be jsut a blast for tanking/dps-ing purpose

Much more to say, but i don’t wanna blame ya, i agree we all have to re-learn to play classes with this game. At first point, some classes seems to be easier to play than others, but the complexity of the engineer prof is just so tricky that i can’t imagine playing something else.

I agree with all the bugs related to mechanical issues of the class not for the rest of your post.


(edited by Battlewill.5614)

Thief - Duel Pistols

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


What about going both …. ?


No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Why the hell on Tyria would you like mounts ?
Too expensive ? TP yourself to the spot and bruise some mobs you’ll be payed back your fee…
Going faster to run from TP to your quest location ? Kidding me, right ?

Seriously, except for fashion stuff that i can understand but disagree, this is utterly useless …

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


I love tons of features in this game but, there are a lot of Game Breaking issues, especially (but not only) with this Profession that is such buggy …
Please guys, take a look at it and fix it as soon as possible !

Cheers, and keep up the good work on this game.

ps: Can we have a sticky on this thread plz ?

(edited by Battlewill.5614)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


You might want to add these three, the Jugggernaut perk bug really annoy me since we already pay a 50% selfcripple to have stability, yet I’m still getting crippled debuff is added and cripple animation triggers.

1. normal weapons and its sigils are not giving any stat when a kit is equiped.
2. Flame Blast will get “obstructed” almost every time if used in a target you just blew away with Air Blast, the idea of our combo is to blow them away then hit flame blast while they are at range for the explosion. I have tested it in different places it fails no matter my position. I know that there is absolutely nothing in the way since its an empty field. (note that it will get “obstructed” only if used right away after using Air blast, seems to bug when the npc is performing the animation of standing up after been knocked away)

3. Stability from the juggernaut perk seems to be broken, even though it says I cannot be cripple, chilled, knocked bacl, pushed, or launched. I’m still getting crippled, I see my character moving slower than usual and the animation for your crippled character.

1. I already noticed it and I’m not sure this is a bug but I’ll add it.
2. Added.
3. I’m not sure this is a bug either, from the Guild Wars 2 wiki Stability: Ignore control effects (stun, knockback, launch, knockdown, sink, float, fear, daze) and doesn’t list crippled in the effects ignored but I’ll add it as well.

I’ll talk about the 3rd point : Simply because Stability does not Ignore Conditions but Crowd Control abilities. Cripple is a condition ability … then it’s totally normal to be crippled while under Juggernaut.


Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Toss Elixir B only gives one boon, and is listed to give all four (and as mentioned, Might’s duration is incorrect).

Changed, thanks.

I really think that this tool-belt skill is working as intended, i mean if you check all your elixirs tool-belt skills, while the “Elixir” itself is giving a bunch of properties, “Tossed” ones always give you only 1 part of those properties. I just think this is a TOOLTIP description problem more than anything else. Even more convinced when you check the cooldown of the “tossed” version compared to the duration of the buffs (boons).

For the duration of the might buff i’m agreeing that its a bug

(edited by Battlewill.5614)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


The Grenade Kit is throwing out 2 grenades for me – both on land and underwater – even though I’m only level 11 and in PvE.
It’s not a case of Grenadier still being ‘on’, as I’ve never taken this character to The Mists or WvW – a completely fresh new character.

Also; should the Grenade Kit have a tool belt skill underwater?
None is showing up.

2 Grenades is the norm now?! Gracious!
Sorry then, Minilys – not a bug, just a very happy surprise for me.

Right, but the tooltip still mentionning that you are firing ONE grenade not TWO. Then its a tooltip description problem, that is worth mentionning even if its not as game breaking than all those real bugs.

(edited by Battlewill.5614)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Dunno if it was intended, but while using the Grenade kit underwater, the auto-attacking skill (n°1) is firing grenades at a crazy rate, like twice as fast (or more) than the fire rate on the gound…
(Making this kit an incredible weapon of choice underwater ! even more with Elixir U o.O)

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Because you have to wait for the event be finished, dozens of bats (harpies?) attacking the camp, before the NPC guards start the “bumping” session.

99% world complete

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Other than the missing POIs, you are also missing 7 vistas dewd !

Visual :)ug: Use of Other Players Gathering Equipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


i’ve also seen some1 chooping down a tree with the vegetables tool !
Not game breaking, but really funny sometimes =)

Double Sigil Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Have you notice as well that the Sigil of bloodlust is not giving you +5 per stack but only +2 ?