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Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bauer.7905


Is this for Light, Medium, and Heavy armor? Has the armor been transmuted?
I see this only on Med chest, leg, and foot armor. PvP as well. This the case?

Thank you!

In my case it is my Medium Chest, leg, and foot armor. They have been transmuted up to CoF armor stats. I cannot speak to the shoulder or arm armor because I did not keep those skins. It did not affect the Helm armor piece however, which was also transmuted up to CoF armor stats.

(edited by Bauer.7905)

Whispers Coat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bauer.7905


Its not only the coat, its the coat and the boots (original poster, does it allow you to edit the post title? If so can you add boots to the title please!). And it seems to have only affected the Male version of the set. Female versions of the whispers set have the 4 dye squares on the coat and the 3 dye squares on the boots, where the male version of the coat has 3 dye squares, and the male boots have 2 dye squares.

The coat piece that is now mandatory red and is missing the dye square, is the outline running from the hip down the whole coat to where it terminates at the gold points on the bottom of the coat.

The boot piece that is now mandatory red and is missing the dye square, are the daggers on the boots.

Please tell me this was a “whooopppsssyyyyyyy” and not something you ment to do!?

(edited by Bauer.7905)

Halloween all over again.... good lord.

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Bauer.7905


People are upset because its an obvious cash grab. Its little more than a dev saying to the support team. “How can we make people buy more black lion keys.” And one of them says, “lets put some more rare skins in them, people love rare skins. But lets also make sure its less thakitten% chance, ensuring that people have to constantly buy to even get a shot.”

I know this is true because I just took a little expendable income I had, bought 60 Keys. Which btw is 5,600 gems(75 dollars). And out of those 60 keys, I got an additional 20 keys. Making the grand total attempt’s to get a Fused weapon ticket, 80.

Out of those 80 tries, the only items of value i received were.
~ 1 Hairstyle kit
~3 Dye kits
~1 Charr backpack
~3 BL salv kits
and 1 Fusion ticket.

I know they don’t want people saying “don’t buy this” but if you want to gauge your risk vs reward in this type of rng system. Prepare to be disappointed.
1 out of 80 tries.

Consider yourself lucky bro, well luckier than me. Out of a total of 111 chests opened ($105) spent I got no ticket. I have put over 1500hrs into GW2, over 2500hrs into GW1 so I don’t mind putting money into ANET’s hands because I love their products. I typically do NOT do any sort of gambling or play into those systems, however the Axe skin (in my opinion) is the nicest looking axe skin in the game, and would fit my ranger’s look perfectly; so I decided to give it a shot.

I threw a chuck of my hard earned money into keys, and got nothing but disappointment and the feeling of being cheated; by the very game and company I have loved for years. I knew going into it I was playing a chance game, but you have got to figure over 100 tries would net you what you were looking for. Well yea… I guess not.

This is the first time I have EVER said anything negative or tried to get others not to put money into something that I enjoy, but I wouldn’t buy any of the keys if any of you are thinking about it. As a previous user said reward does not equal time/money spent. For the two users in this post that have given their stats (quoted user and myself) out of almost 200 tries, 1 ticket. 1 / 191 = 0.005

Before this I have but a few hundred dollars into the store, again because I don’t mind supporting the company that makes a game I enjoy, however I am done putting money into the store for a very VERY long time. Not because I didn’t get lucky in playing the RNG game, but because I no longer enjoy the game the same way I did 2 nights ago; because of this. Last night I actually had a second thought about logging into the game, because the feeling of being cheated came back to me. I did log into the game, but as I was playing it lacked that “release” that I normally got while playing. It just sucks that I was forced by ANET to play the RNG game to get a skin, that in my mind, was that “perfect” skin for my ranger.

Before any of you wonder why I spent RL$ instead of IG$, its because I don’t have an extra bankroll in game being as I am working on my second legendary weapon, so any money I get instantly goes towards mats and stuff I need for it. Plus I don’t have as much time to farm gold for hours on end just for keys. My IG$ priority is my second legendary.

(edited by Bauer.7905)

receive legendary skin in S/T PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Bauer.7905


IMO, when we craft the legendary weapon we should recive a “Credit” or “PvP Skin” to transmute one of our PvP weapons. I would really like to use my legendary in sPvP.

ANET would this be possible?

[ BUG] Through the Looking Glass [Story mode]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bauer.7905


Same issue here. Playing as Sylvari, no audio/video of the portal or eye during the cutscene where the portal is supposed to spawn with the Eye, and cannot advance past the part where we take cover. :*(