Showing Posts For BearAE.1042:

Maybe GW2 is not for me...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BearAE.1042


you do know that the community ONLY shares these things to jump the prices on the TP. Look at the bottle for nightfury, 500G. It was 14G 3 days ago….

Crafting in this game seriously sucks. There needs to be better clues, maybe quests that are used for unlocks that give better information..ect.

the only exception is the mystic forge, I like how that is done. Cause its pure RNGness :-)

But crafting needs some love from the devs. Updated UI, better hint system,…ect.

They spent the time and effort into figuring this out. Maybe even gold on failures and even reported on their progress during it (they didn’t have to do that at all). And its “not fair” for them to be rewarded for figuring it out?
There are posts all over reddit, the forums here, and probably other places about how and what does/doesn’t make it.
They put in the effort to figure it out and got rewarded for it. Don’t know why you’re making it sound so unfair.

And yes the Batwing Brew went up because people wanted to make it not some conspiracy for a get rich quick scheme. Tattered wings went up by 10gold in a matter of an hour earlier today.
“Supply & Demand” – The Economy

The clues are there, even the devs gave out a clue.
If you can’t- look for help ASK for help… this is Guild Wars 2 people actually help here.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BearAE.1042


I just got back from a pretty long hiatus. A-lot has changed.

Tried to unlock my HoM gear for my wardrobe and unfortunately its disabled… Kinda wish I could unlock it somehow without the guy. (If theres a way and I don’t know of it- please let me know.)
I want my Fellbladeee~ cri.
Anyway, hope it gets fixed soon.

does weapon/armour smith even give anything?

in Crafting

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Self sustainability.
My thief is a Leatherworker/Weaponsmith, I can make both armor and my weapons for characters instead of having to buy it. Also another very nifty thing is being able to refine any/all materials which gives me slightly more then just selling the unrefined materials.

Will Rich Veins Respawn...

in Crafting

Posted by: BearAE.1042


I often do my dalies in Queensdale for the sake of speed and I know a few places that always have a Rich node.
That said, rich nodes DO respawn, but they take about 24 hours. Standard nodes respawn every few hours.

If by camping the nodes you mean sticking one of your characters at the spot and playing an Alt waiting for it to respawn, yeah I guess that’d work, not very efficient though.

What people don't get is...

in Thief

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Could be worse… we could be Eles.

And yeah I more or less agree with this.
Poisons need to be either fixed or reworked. (Usage on block and extreme lack luster effects).

I’d complain about our underwater elite but everyone is on equal grounds for that…

If you have to nerf us at-least take the GW1 path and create PVP skill power /PVE skill power. I’m sick of getting screwed over in PVE because thieves made a few kids in PVP cry.

Updates during prime time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Some patches (like todays) NEED to get out A.S.A.P.

The fact that Unidentified dye dropped from 4s+ each to about 1s each is extremely significant.
Most of the prime-time patches have huge bug fixes that the staff works out and fixes during their work day as quickly as possible to push it out.

Any official word on guesting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Server transfers and guilds

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Hate to break it to you but if you switch servers you don’t keep the influence or upgrades cross server.
Back when the game first released I started on Fort Aspenwood and gained about 500 influence in the guild and bought and upgrade. It did NOT carry over onto Tarnished Coast. So I wound up switching back to FA and the influence I gained while on TC didn’t carry either.

That said, I don’t know if the guild bank operates if you jump servers.

P.S. I don’t know if this changed post release though.

(edited by BearAE.1042)

Conjure Earth Shield Ideas.

in Elementalist

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Earth Shield with no condition damage at all thats just depressing. At-least pop ONE bleed on the thing.
All the other conjured weapons have an effect. Axe/Greatsword can cause burning. Bow can heal. Hammer can stun and sorta CC.

Earth shield… no bleeds.

Conjure Earth Shield Ideas.

in Elementalist

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Title continuation: That’ll never see the light of day.

I like the earth attunement. I like the bleed stacking, I like the defense it adds, and I LOVE churning earth. But Conjure Earth Shield is extremely lackluster to put it VERY lightly.

+Toughness / +Condition damage.
Conjure Earth Shield:
Shield Smack – Smack your foe with the magnetic shield. (No CD)
Crippling Shield – Throw your shield in a line, crippling struck foes. (8 sec CD)
Magnetic Surge – Unleash a magnetic force, surging at your opponent and dazing them. (12 sec CD)
Magnetic Shield – Pull nearby foes to you with a magnetic force. (25 sec CD)
Fortify – Use magnetism to envelop yourself in a shield, becoming invulnerable. Lasts 3 or 5 seconds I believe. (45 sec CD)

Uh oh… the skills don’t look very condition damagey. The shield isn’t spikey or barbed in any way to cause bleeding, so there is no condition damage. Which for an earth elementalist that is your bread and butter.
But, fear not, It has fortify! Toughness n stuff right? But wait, 45 second cooldown? Way too long for a conjured weapon to be useful compared to a warrior’s shield block.

So, now that you’ve seen this. Why would you want to conjure up an earth shield that offers extremely limited protection an absolutely no condition damage? Yeah, neither would I… but I did without looking at it on the wiki before hand.

Time to rethink things:
Passive adjust – Its a shield that adds literally nothing to defense, unlike other shields.
Either add a defense bonus or a +toughness % by level bonus. Something to make this shield actually a shield. (Defense would probably be better.)

Shield Smack – Smack your foe adding 3stacks(Cap of 9) of bleed. (No CD)
Why 3 stacks? Its a temporary weapon running off charges, each attack uses a charge. Without traits adding additional charges you only have 15 hits.
Earthen Rush – Raise your shield and charge at your foe dealing damage, adding 3stacks of bleed(Same cap of 9), and making your foe vulnerable. (10sec CD)
You just charged your foe with your shield, that hurts, not to mention its got spikes on it so now your foe is making a mess all over the floor… are you going to clean that up? Pff no, you’re too busy being awesome. And its a freakin rock shield… its gonna crack something, be it armor, bones, ego(?).
Magnetic Surge – Stay as is.
Magnetic Shield – Stay as is, add cripple? (15-20 CD)
That shield is a strong magnet… its gonna take some effort to get away from it.
Fortify – Stay as is. (25-30 CD)

Could swap Magnetic Shield with Earthen Rush for better balance.

Yeah I admit this might get a little redonk especially considering anyone can pick your spare up, but again keep in mind it only has 15 attacks. At-least this makes earth shield a legit utility to pick up an use.

This one is completely for the lulz.
Magnetic Smash – Smash your magnetic shield down creating a magnetic shock-wave pulling down your foes and exploding shortly afterward it.
Basicly Earthquake and Churning Earth in one completely OP skill

PvE, Toughness or Vitality?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Personally I like Earth more then Water. So I’d go toughness.
Also if toughness workes like it should Less Damage > More HP. At-least IMO.

Earth stacks bleeds. Damage over time is nice. Though if you wanna go support then Water would be better.

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: BearAE.1042


My favorite line from OP:
“I just dont want to see Anet listening to the majority of you and make major balance changes based on what the average joe QQs about.”

So you want Guild Wars 2 a game whose design philosophy is to be accessible to everyone (YES that means the average joes) to throw that out because a group of “hardcore” players mastered the class and deem it “good as is”?

Hahahahaha, Oh you.

I may not be “Pro” like you, nor do I sPVP, but I shouldn’t struggle in PVE fights because my D/D doesn’t put out enough damage for the high risk/reward style it promotes being in melee range (yes I switch elements and I don’t just pop cooldowns). Also since it has no weapon swap you’re locked into melee-range, you have no fallback ranged weapon. Suuure I could go S/D or whatever combo or just use a staff but another real awesome feature of GW2 is CHOICE. I wan’t to use D/D, I love the skill set that comes with those weapons, and more importantly I like being able to use what traits I want too. Not being forced into a weapon-set or trait set because it works the best for survival or DPS or because a group of “hardcore” players say its the build you should use because, hey, look at this biased kill montage, its awesome right!?!

The majority of people are complaining for akittengood reason. Eles are decent, they need to be better.
Recently I picked up Earth shield. I figured, hey I like the earth skill set the best, maybe that shield will make me a tank temporarily. NOPE. It does nothing passively for defense and the only defensive skill is on a 45 second cd.

Ementalist : A really good Class

in Elementalist

Posted by: BearAE.1042


Emerald… Tarnished Coast is that way.

Ele is FUN especially D/D but it has some serious survival issues compared to every other class.

225 LW Rascal set looks "off" to me.

in Crafting

Posted by: BearAE.1042


I had a feeling I was just being nitpicky, oh well.
Anyway, yeah I have plenty of those transmutation stones and even the Hall of Monuments sets so if it bothers me that much I can switch off.

225 LW Rascal set looks "off" to me.

in Crafting

Posted by: BearAE.1042


It may just be me but the 225 Leatherworking armor set (Knights Rascal) on my Human thief looks like I body swapped with a norn, or I suddenly gained 20+ pounds.
I unfortunately scrapped my previous armor set before I noticed so I’m using town clothes as a reference.

Front Reference
Front Rascals

Its far more noticeable from the back
Back Reference
Back Rascals

Maybe I’m being nitpicky, but I can’t help but feel odd about how that armor looks.