Showing Posts For Bearpants.9025:

Dual Swords for Thieves, better sheaths, Warrior adrenaline mechanic?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bearpants.9025


I would love the fact for thieves to get the dual-swords option. It really doesn’t make sense that a mesmer can get that and thieves can’t. Realistically I don’t see a mesmer with two swords, waving them all around, but instead for a thief to be doing that. But that aside I think would open alot more opputurnity to thieves as a whole of what they are when it comes to the game itself and mechanics. My main is a mesmer and my alt is a thief I been leveling for a little while ago, in the 40s.

Now I don’t know much when it comes to the warrior profession, but I always liked the idea of rage/adrenaline. I think if that was added to the profession I would most definately give warriors a try and see if I like them.

But the last thing about cosmetics happens to almost anything with a skirt or trenchcoat like outfit. My mesmer has trouble with viewing weapons because of her dress or skirt because it’ll either hide them or just cut too much into the armor. Though my mesmer is human, I think it happens to any and all the races.. Would be a nice change overall!

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bearpants.9025


I got on today and lost about 80 silver using the currency exchange. I haven’t gotten the gems I was trying to get. ):