Showing Posts For Bebeeru.5901:

Project Blacktide - Pan Continental Alliance Looking for US and EU Guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Bebeeru.5901


It is good that you have chosen BT for transfer, the only step left is to catch the moment of high state. And you can do it, i am sure, I also had that problem but was lucky to transfer fast enough (took only 1 day for me), good luck!

Barba crescit, caput nescit…

Fastest xp in the game

in WvW

Posted by: Bebeeru.5901


BT of course

Barba crescit, caput nescit…

2/11 - Blacktide vs Elona Reach vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Bebeeru.5901


Elona people also want to get scores…


Barba crescit, caput nescit…

ARB getting to first palce this time?

in WvW

Posted by: Bebeeru.5901


Maybe FSvsBT Russian Rumble story happens again, who knows? There are some russian players on Deso too, those who hate BT too much to transfer

Barba crescit, caput nescit…

Project Blacktide - Pan Continental Alliance Looking for US and EU Guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Bebeeru.5901


Overview of current situation on BT from russian point of view:
1) As for FS and BT guilds:
Strong guilds transferred from FS (such as GF, Za Drots, Nugos = League, etc.) consist mostly of russian players and their international friends and allies. In the beginning BT was reperesented on www by mostly russian players (such guilds as Chaos, No Limit, ORDA etc.) After some time good guilds with players from other countries have come to BT and that made BT’s Rocket Jump to T2 possible. So please dont be surprised to see people from same country using same language and sharing same culture to get together on one server.
2) As for last and current weekmatch situation:
Of course russians couldnt give up the tradition to fight each other in a try to degrade fellow countrymen at first and only then seek ways to unite and show true power and potential. That was shown to International Community in BTvsFSvsElona weekmatch. Btw Elona was long before notified that russians would be quite busy cutting each others throats so there was no need to take that weeks results into account. As for me personally, hope that both russian sides got desired fratricidal fun and from now on the time of cooperation and unity begins. So… Someone please notify Elona and Riverside that there are no known russian guilds on these servers – so results shown by BT might differ from last week’s.
3) As for Chaos guild and League of guilds from FS:
Chaos is a large guild with long history that have played mostly in Russian servers of various MMO games. GW2 is the first international project that Chaos players massively participate in. The next one probably is going to be AA. Chaos tends to be focused on mass PvP and Chaos corporation’s motto is “to dominate and win at any cost”. Widely known Chaos’ method is zerking and topnotch efficient zerg administration (not only ingame). But that doesnt exclude players skill
League also has long gaming history but highly focuses on MMO games with international servers. League’s motto is “we are not zerg, we are the skill”.
Those are completely different ways to manage gaming society – and that is the reason for last weeks Russian Rumble, people just wanted to decide the best way.
4) As for future:
Thanks to all large guilds not mentioned above that transferred to BT for www participation (such as WiC, ThUn, CIR, RG etc. sorry if didnt mention). That makes Blacktide really strong server that is absolutely worthy of first place in T1 – really need to rename server to BlackTsunami. Hope everyone would feel themselves comfortable and have lot of www fun, especially on the way to the Olymp.
The only thing that BT still needs is guilds of US prime-time to become awesome 24/7 server. You hear that US people? You are welcome!
I am really happy to see that people on BT (aborigens and newcomers) work hard and strive to make this server best instead of whining and blaming everyone around when hard times come!
Good luck to BT citizen, show your best!

Barba crescit, caput nescit…

ARB getting to first palce this time?

in WvW

Posted by: Bebeeru.5901


relax, next week BT comes to T1 and then Deso and BT are going to gank

Barba crescit, caput nescit…

2/11 - Blacktide vs Elona Reach vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Bebeeru.5901


Just to clarify some misunderstandings:
1) As for FS and BT guilds:
Strong guilds transferred from FS (such as GF, Za Drots, Nugos = League, etc.) consist mostly of russian players and their international friends and allies. In the beginning BT was reperesented on www by mostly russian players (such guilds as Chaos, No Limit, ORDA etc.) After some time good guilds with players from other countries have come to BT and that made BT’s Rocket Jump to T2 possible. So please dont be surprised to see people from same country using same language and sharing same culture to get together on one server.
2) As for last and current weekmatch situation:
Of course russians couldnt give up the tradition to fight each other in a try to degrade fellow countrymen at first and only then seek ways to unite and show true power and potential. That was shown to International Community in BTvsFSvsElona weekmatch. Btw Elona was long before notified that russians would be quite busy cutting each others throats so there was no need to take that weeks results into account. As for me personally, hope that both russian sides got desired fratricidal fun and from now on the time of cooperation and unity begins. So… Someone please notify Elona and Riverside that there are no known russian guilds on these servers – so results shown by BT might differ from last week’s.
3) As for Chaos guild and League of guilds from FS:
Chaos is a large guild with long history that have played mostly in Russian servers of various MMO games. GW2 is the first international project that Chaos players massively participate in. The next one probably is going to be AA. Chaos tends to be focused on mass PvP and Chaos corporation’s motto is “to dominate and win at any cost”. Widely known Chaos’ method is zerking and topnotch efficient zerg administration (not only ingame). But that doesnt exclude players skill
League also has long gaming history but highly focuses on MMO games with international servers. League’s motto is “we are not zerg, we are the skill”.
Those are completely different ways to manage gaming society – and that is the reason for last weeks Russian Rumble, people just wanted to decide the best way.
4) As for future:
Thanks to all large guilds not mentioned above that transferred to BT for www participation (such as WiC, ThUn, CIR, RG etc. sorry if didnt mention). That makes Blacktide really strong server that is absolutely worthy of first place in T1 – really need to rename server to BlackTsunami. Hope everyone would feel themselves comfortable and have lot of www fun, especially on the way to the Olymp.
The only thing that BT still needs is guilds of US prime-time to become awesome 24/7 server. You hear that US people? You are welcome!
I am really happy to see that people on BT (aborigens and newcomers) work hard and strive to make this server best instead of whining and blaming everyone around when hard times come!
Good luck to BT citizen, show your best!

Barba crescit, caput nescit…

Project Blacktide - Pan Continental Alliance Looking for US and EU Guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Bebeeru.5901


hi! i am new to the game and so still cheerful and welcome everyone on BT!

Barba crescit, caput nescit…

26/10 Blacktide vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Elona's Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Bebeeru.5901


Hi everyone! Finally, i’v just bought GW2 – i know i am ret?rded and might have missed almost all fun… however i hope there are some more enemies left and looking for some good fight. But you ll need to wait for a mere week or so for me to level and gear up. Hope to see you all ingame by that time, enemies, be sure to prepare ur lazy kitten (written manually) to be kicked hard !

Barba crescit, caput nescit…