(edited by Beef.3072)
Showing Posts For Beef.3072:
Then the both of you are specced glass. More times than not, a glass ele is gonna die instantly when he runs into a 2v1 or even 2v2 for that matter.
Not really, the ones that dont know how to survive as a ele will probably die. In a 2v2 or 3v3 ele can survive very easily and should not die instantly if built correctly, even as glass.[/quote]
Are you one of those ‘glass cannons’ that run around with your entire utility bar filled with cantrips?[/quote]
No, obv tho if you are not running mist form then i think u are doing it wrong, normally as glass u should be using arcana skills.
We don’t need an explanation of how to fight a thief. We are just fine at that. What i want an explanation of us is WHY do thieves have HIGHER DAMAGE OUTPUT that not only hits harder HIT FOR HIT, but is also SPAMMABLE, LEAPS TO TARGET, and gives BONUS DAMAGE when the target’s health gets lower.
What I am seeing in the pics here is Back Stab, which does nothing that you stated… Backstab and the other stealth attacks actually the only thief weapon attack that can be said to have a “cooldown”.(u cant restealth for 3 seconds after breaking stealth)
Another thing, the guy who got 1 shotted for 13k? Supposedly the glass cannon spec? Idk for sure but if this is true, then I’d say its working as intended. You give up all toughness for damage and got rolled on… try another tactic. I’ve played against an Ele who stood in a rock shield as 4 people pounded on him.. He nearly killed me and nearly got away.
Don’t get me wrong, Thief does feel OP 1v1 which is what the description SAYS IT SHOULD. If I can get my Spider Venom, Devour, and Haste up I can burst most pubs down to death 1v1. But now my combo is on a 30 second CD(60 if i want haste again) and im all out of initiative, meaning anyone who gets to me right then is going to have a much easier time killing me.
Something else I am seeing is that most of the people complaining about thieves seem to be using caster/light armor professions… coincidence? Or do they just want the WoW mage that can 1v2 people with 1 button?
You dont always have to give up toughness to go glass. as a ele you can actually achieve a really good amount of toughness while sacrificing only a little bit of damage. and that rock shield is a CD for 33% damage reduc so lets not use that as an example :P. even with my 1600 toughness as glass cannon i have from time to time gotten 2-3 shot by thieves that know what they are doing to some degree, and they can easily stealth and reset the fight if they dont kill you in that initial burst.
The only way i see this working is if there was a point right after the game ended where it is ok to leave(the 10 sec skirmish after a match would be what im referring to). The auto balance system in its current state i feel is perfectly fine, You dont get much glory for winning anyhow(what it is 5 bonus glory? correct me if im wrong) in the end it comes down to personal performance and you keep all that even when you switch, so as long as you are capping nodes and killing dudes everything should be alright no matter what side u are on. At the end of the match if you feel your team sucks or w/e then that is the time to leave, otherwise early leavers would be penalized accordingly. Now if only we could fix those afkers :p
So what you are saying is, people will be forced to stay in one never ending game of pvp or else they will be punished somehow? the only way to stop playing currently..is to leave
I guess i can agree with the turret thing, its not like targeting a turret is in any way desirable atm and is a waste of time. but look at it this way, targeting a turret and then putting damage into it is the MISTAKE that you yourself made, but you still have the option to if you so desired. I dont find clicking on the player in a crowd of around 10 turrets/minions/illusions really that difficult, having the option to target and damage w/e you like should always be there in any game imo.
13k hp is actually pretty standard on a ele glass spec. i dont know how much toughness he has but if the thief crits his entire hp bar then maybe he has very little. Toughness is most of the time better then HP if you want to survive. Still tho, 13k crit for one ability is rather ridiculous if you ask me
[/quote]Then the both of you are specced glass. More times than not, a glass ele is gonna die instantly when he runs into a 2v1 or even 2v2 for that matter.[/quote]
Not really, the ones that dont know how to survive as a ele will probably die. In a 2v2 or 3v3 ele can survive very easily and should not die instantly if built correctly, even as glass.
I think the ele class in general is actually very good. Very high skillcap and takes alot of practice to play well. they have high burst and good survivability even as glass. I think alot of the problems with ele comes from very minor things.
1: Ride the lightning is not very reliable, often gets bugged out and leaves you standing still in a ball of lightning for 4-5 sec.
2: updraft does not last long enough in my opinion, the dragons tooth/updraft combo is easily dodgable by competent players and that really is the only way to maybe land a dragons tooth.
3: Mist form does not stop any condition damage on you, and with limited condition removal on a ele this makes things like rangers or necro very hard to kill simply because mist form does almost nothing vs them.
In my opinion if those things are fixed on a ele then it is a step in the right direction, like i said these are very minor things and in no way would this buff the class and make them OP. It would simply make the class function properly imo.
If i couldnt target a mesmers phantasms i would be prettykitten off, same goes for necro minions and rangers pets. Maybe using tab target as your primary targeting technique is not the best way to go.
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