Showing Posts For Bestia.9426:

LF guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Bestia.9426


Forgot to add… American based guild, because i checked some mails and most of guilds are EU based( maybe because last 10 hours it was nite time in US)

LF guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Bestia.9426


Player is looking for a decent guild( team with constant spot) to do the tournaments mostly. I can play as bunker engineer or dps mesmer(better on engi).
About me.
Last 3 big games i played was:
AOC PVP10 , full t3 pve( some NA 1st on bosses) Tyranny pvp
Rift ( pve game) cleared all content have multiple sets, our guild was 12 worldwide.
SWTOR cleared all content in 8 men, in pvp rank 99 , was world 1st(our team) to take highest rating 2400( ended with 3100 rating).So overall…. pretty decent player looks for some pvp, since my current guild is mostly dead.
Pst Hyssant/Groza in game or send mail

(edited by Bestia.9426)

Automated Response doesnt work

in Engineer

Posted by: Bestia.9426


Automated Response( 12 in alchemy) doesnt work… just tested it 4 times and .. maybe it even removes 1-2 conditions,but still have a lot of conditions and they do damage for sure, so its broken.

A month ago it was working as intended, but every time i use it in actual pvp , i have an Impression that this trait is unreliable. I feel like sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt, anyone have same impressions about this Trait?

Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Bestia.9426


frenzy debuff from quickness elixir. Medium glass canon ranger here never took more than 9k damage, go troll somewhere else.

LOl, why i have to complain about underpowered class, like a thief, maybee they need a buff?


Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Bestia.9426


Engineer with base toughness and 24000 hp( knight amulet) vs average thief,I want to add that i dont have any debuffs or any kind of frienzy and all damage comes from stealth .. Anet needs to do something about thiefs and its amount( 50 % of every team)


Thiefs and Mesmers... and 15k hit

in PvP

Posted by: Bestia.9426


I bought a knights set of gear and I noticed toughness really does help a ton like the above poster is talking about (and knight’s isn’t even the tankiest gear it’s kind of a mixed between toughness/power).

However in spvp you cannot really spec your armors like wvw and pve I forget what the original armor you get has on it.

Its not WvWvW, its Battle of Kyhlo.. so no knight’s sets and i must say 80% of ppl have base toughness in spvp.

Thiefs and Mesmers... and 15k hit

in PvP

Posted by: Bestia.9426


I usaly dont post on the forums, but after like an hour of pug pvp against mostly 2 classes i had to go here and post this screenshot, its average game where on enemy team is 4 thiefs and 2 mesmers and some thief hits me for 14,5 k backstab( iam not a warrior on frienzy), i have 24 000 hp and thief 2 hit me to death

I’m very interested in seeing your stats.

And how many stacks of vulnerability you had, and how many stacks of might the thief had.

base toughness .. like 950 , no stacks of anything.. i stand on the point and see the thief is comming, than he goes stealth and i die in 2 .. i REPEAT <<TWO>> hits from stealth. I am engineer with 24 000 hp. As for the mesmers in previous game it was 4 mesmers and 3 thiefs and in any game i played today it was 70% of these 2 classes

Thiefs and Mesmers... and 15k hit

in PvP

Posted by: Bestia.9426


I usaly dont post on the forums, but after like an hour of pug pvp against mostly 2 classes i had to go here and post this screenshot, its average game where on enemy team is 4 thiefs and 2 mesmers and some thief hits me for 14,5 k backstab( iam not a warrior on frienzy), i have 24 000 hp and thief 2 hit me to death


Working as intended... :D

in PvP

Posted by: Bestia.9426


Thank you Arena Net.
We need more thieves and mesmers.

1 – ranger
1 – guardian
2 – mesmars
3 – warriors
3 – engineers
6 – thiefs

yes, i am sure mesmars are the issue

1 – ranger
1 – guardian
2 – mesmars
3 – warriors
3 – engineers( these are actualy the elementalists, engineer is TOO kittened and bugged , so there is none on any of 4 Screenshots in this thread)
6 – thiefs


(edited by Bestia.9426)

LFM mesmer/guardian /thief

in PvP

Posted by: Bestia.9426


LFM guardian /mesmer/thief for the tournaments ( in general chat on my server)are the only classes i see… sometimes its up to 3 thiefs or 3 mesmers per team….

Anet is going to do anything about that? The Reason people play only these 3 classes is simple and itskitten imbalance, these 3 classes are the alfa and omega od modern pvp.

In battle of kyhlo mesmer can insta repair the trebuchet, so basicly there is no point to destroy it, since mesmer teleports back with repair kit and keeps shooting.

Engineer explosive shot is way too weak

in Engineer

Posted by: Bestia.9426


Yeah but other than the thief those bleeds are only single target, right? We also have a few bleed traits…not sure about those other professions. Look at coated bullets and…wow!

The problem with traits that prolong the duration of bleed is comes from a bleed itself,
Example : warrior’s bleed 7 sec , war has 50% bleed duration from 1 trait so its 11 sec +30 % from traits + 50% rom runes so total is 16 sec( if u take everything wich no one would take.. just theorycrafting) and with attack each second u can and crits u can have up to 20 stacks of bleed just from spamming <1>
On engineer you have 2 sec bleed ,so 30 % from explosives and 50 % from runes so its 80 % bleed duration so even if u will take EVERYTHING to increase the duration, literaly everything u can u will have 3.25 sec duration, so basicly 3 sec
3sec compare to 16 secits 5 times longer and damagewise: 3 × 100(100 is as example )= 300, and on warrior 16 × 100= 1600

Engineer explosive shot is way too weak

in Engineer

Posted by: Bestia.9426


Explosive shot ( 1 on pistol) is way too weak imho: i have strong condition damage build and it heats for 120 damage + 2 sec bleed= 320 damage , it crits arround 200 damage, even if you use only <1> ability u can have maybe 4-5 stacks at the most on golem, but in matters of Spvp , when u need to dodge ,CC , e.t.c you maintain maybe 2-3 stacks. So whats the point of this ability if even in heavy condition damage build it doesnt do any damage, as a condition toon i keep up 2-3 stacks ……. needs to be buffed. Lets check other classes for condition damage: warrior has 7 sec of bleed with 600 damage on< 1>rifle without any condition damage ,just default, so 600+ 70×7=1100 damage and can be kept up to 12 stacks…..\

Ranger can keep max( 25) stacks, thief is same…i can say about other classes but its all the same , my Question :Why the class ,that can use only 2 weapons have it so weak compare to another classes?