Showing Highly Rated Posts By Beta Sprite.4169:

Camera motion and target selection w/ 1 click

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

I’ve been having this issue more and more as I started playing a mesmer (over my previous playing of a warrior). With the mesmer, I might adjust my camera a little bit, suddenly be targeting one of my clones, and then be unable to use an illusion skill due to not targeting an enemy. The targeting really needs to NOT change on right-click, or have an option to not use right-click targeting of allies/enemies.


Balancing achievement points

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

Ugh, this I actually just made Sunrise last night, and 5 achievement points for months of work seems so cheap. At least give us something for each step like creating each gift rewards 5 points, its not like you can farm those easily. It does tend to cater to the easier things in the game giving the most points, which is completely backwards if you ask me.

Did you honestly make Sunrise for the achievement points?

Seriously, the reward of a legendary is the legendary itself, not the little points that come along with it.


New armour?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

I don’t have a link, but there was a thread where someone had datamined some gem store strings that seemed to indicate that some more skins would be put into the store (sounded like the Primeval Armor that is currently there) at some point. No mention of if it would be with the Southsun story, or if it is something for the future. Heck, it might even be a string for something that was planned, but won’t ever be released.


That noise the guy in the cage makes...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

I would also like this noise. I keep hearing it as "Yeah, boy!", though.


The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

Just adding my voice here. I loved Cantha, the Jade Sea, the Echovald Forest, the Luxons, the Kurzicks, and Shing Jea Monastery. Kaineng City was an interesting idea, although the wooden terrain everywhere wasn’t really that interesting.

I feel like having Cantha in Guild Wars 2 can only add to the quality of the game. I’d like to see more Asian-themed items and abilities.


Pickup Completionist

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

I had this same problem, and eventually found that I had to actually hit someone with the the blind skill for it to count it and complete the achievement.


Dragon’s Revelry Starcake recipe :( not fair

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

Why is this recipe such a big deal to you? You can still buy RDCs and have a chance to get it, and even if you don’t, it’s just a food recipe.

I do recall there being something about recipes in the RDCs before they released them, but then there wasn’t anything when they actually were released. I can’t find any evidence of it now, though.

Edit: Oh, and if you’re trying to get a moderator to respond, being completely negative and half-unintelligible isn’t the way to do it. No one wants to talk to someone who is flipping out. Including me. I’m done.


Allow gem items to be partially refunded

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

All right, so I think that we all know that it is inevitable that the Chop-It-All logging axe and its friends are not the last unlimited gathering tools that are going to grace the store. This isn’t from data-mining or anything, it’s just figuring that ANet would continue to make money by making more gathering tools going forward.

So, if a new logging axe comes out, wouldn’t it be good to be able to trade in your old one for some gems (maybe 50%) towards the new one? I believe that this would both make it more likely for previous purchasers to purchase again (because they’re not paying for the ‘same item’ in full price again), and it would make players more likely to purchase in the first place, knowing that they can get part of their investment back if something more interesting does come along.

Now, personally, I wouldn’t want to limit this to just the gathering tools. How about those Aetherblade armor sets? They all come in one chunk of 800 gems, but what if you just want the gloves, shoulders, and boots? How about being able to return the three pieces you don’t want to get ~200 gems back? 600 gems for the pieces you really want may be easier to swallow than 800 for the whole thing.

Taking it one step further, perhaps the items could return gems at a rate of 80-100% if refunded while the item is still being sold, which gives someone who has buyers remorse a chance to get most of their investment back without feeling ripped off.

As for implementation… Well, as a developer, I know that I hate getting designs that already have the solution in their requirements, but I have a suggestion, anyway:
- A new tab on the TP that is just for refunding items. Applied skins cannot be refunded.
- Right-click option that opens the TP to that tab, with the item selected, just like the ‘Sell item at trading post’ menu option


Still ICD on F1-F4 after 11 months?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

Yes, page 3. I must missed this one.
Maybe a lot of us did not saw that replies or just think its fine the way it is? Even if its not an hour it hurts to read that they wanted to fix it.

the reason i made this thread. i knew people would come with their sarcastic bs “How long is the ICD” but what they don’t understand is that it doesn’t matter. This was supposed to be fixed and fixed long time ago. Nothing been done and they let it broken like dozens of other skills/traits in this game.

How long it has been in place is irrelevant. How badly is it affecting players, and is it worse than other things that need a developer’s time?

If the answers are “not affecting many player’s ability to play mesmers” and “not as bad as other issues”, then it will not be prioritized, regardless of how long it has been in place.


Tab targeting is awful

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

I think it’s fine as it is.
Personally, I swapped that out for “Nearest Enemy”, which is actually much more useful.

I also did this, as it is far more useful for targeting relevant enemies (imo). I wouldn’t mind being able to have it filter out non-hostiles, though.


Mini Colossus & Shizz

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Beta Sprite.4169

Beta Sprite.4169

So “the content has been temporarily disabled” preventing you from making it in the MF, anyone know why?

Also, shouldn’t it really be a mini holographic dragon on some kind seen as it’s the dragon bash event? o.0 … oh and I hope the shattered wings look like Kerrigan’s from starcraft 2 and not those midgety, hyper-active spyro wings.

But for the most part good-effort, it’s nice getting an event every month, keep it up!

They’re Kralkatorik’s wings. If you’re unclear what that looks like, look up the next time you’re in LA. Those are the wings.

Quick correction: The Shatterer =/= Kralkatorik.

The hologram in LA is the Shatterer. Kralkatorik is way bigger.
