Showing Posts For Biffels.7451:

4/19 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: Biffels.7451


Would like to thank SF for letting me in their voice chat for the night while we poked holes into SoR’s garri all night. Was fun running with some fresh (for me at least) commanders for once. Had to leave before potentially capping it sadly but I hope you all got it eventually.

GJ to TW and the rest of SoR following them inside their. They held up a defense against BG and JQ’s SF for a very long time and I’m not even sure if we made it all the way in or not since I had to leave.

As always, ANET get better servers! The lag from a 3 way garri battle is unavoidable regardless of the numbers each server brings sadly

Hope EMP and SF get to work together soon because it was blast learning some new tactics and ways of leading

- Biffels [EMP]

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: Biffels.7451



You talked about how someone who you didn’t ever see an EMP spoke up and demanded their opinion be heard and here you are throwing your’s out there, mind giving us a character name because I don’t recognize your little tag there at all =/

As far as Oxy giving out misleading information goes, he hasn’t. Everything in that post he made is perfectly correct. Our forum mods and officers actually just finished fixing our forums after our entire WvW tactics/class discussion sections were wiped along with many accounts.

I was not present for the officer meeting before the guild meeting but it is true that he “left” the game before the meeting even started. Everyone can attest to this because we have the post he put up when he left.
As a core member I didn’t know about the transfer until the day it was magically decided. No one seemed to know except 1 officer and 3 of the 4 leaders.

I don’t know what more you need to believe this isn’t misleading at all but I’m sure you’ll just call me another EMP member simply defending his guild.
This should never have entered the forums and it’d be dead already if people (myself included in this) who don’t know the full story (that’s every single member of EMP and RE aside from Oxy, Raw, and Lee) simply stopped posting.
So, yes, I’m here to partially defend my guild leader because he knows what he’s talking about just like Lee and Raw do so let them do the stories and give the information rather than assume each side is trying to convince the other to xfer one way or the other.

P.S. You might want to rephrase your last sentence to avoid hypocrisy.

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: Biffels.7451


To clear up things because I hate drama and the assumption made with it.
Of the 4 leaders of EMP: Lee went to DB, Raw quit, Tiger is no longer a leader, Oxy has EMP on JQ.
Roughly 2-3 Officers of EMP moved to DB (I’m looking at the roster of EMP as I write this) and most of EMPs most relevant officers (Frost, Syka, Nite, Sleven, Fyn, Exxo and I’m sure others that just aren’t on during my time) are still in EMP and either on JQ still or coming back if they transfered.
There are a few good officers who left to DB and are currently in RE as well.

Most of EMPs core NA group is now on DB. Our entire gank squad, those who have 5-10 manned SM with no one looking, are now on DB.
As far as I know, which means what Sleven told me, the gbank was intended to be split and in fact Raw himself pulled all of it and all of his own assets and then pooled them into items that are to be sold and split evenly between RE and EMP. Lee has no control over this, neither does Oxy; Neither of them have the items.

Note to Lee: The members of EMP were at the meeting. Our decisions were made due to information that came from the meeting. You can’t possibly think that the forums rumors are influencing us with “slanderous lies.” We did not stay here for the #1 slot either. Most of us stayed because EMP stayed. I’ve now talked to 10+ well known people of EMP who all agreed they would have likely moved to DB if EMP had moved instead of you making a new guild with some of its members.

Sad that my first post on the GW2 forums had to be about this =/

- Biffels

(edited by Biffels.7451)