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Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

An update from my side.

I am now at a different location as I was when the problems started (on holiday). I’m on a different computer, with a wired connection, different ISP and a different connection speed (20/20). The problem remains the same – during prime time, I get random disconnects, everyone around me keeps warping around, the skill lag can be from 1s to 10s and generally the game is unplayable.

So don’t waste your time and resources on your own machines to diagnose the problem, because you won’t find it. Your PC/laptops are fine – the problem is on their end. What it is exactly, I don’t know, but once they drop their ignorance and start diagnosing/fixing their servers, maybe we’ll get stable connections. Not before.

Judging by the response time, we’ll probably see ANET getting serious after they’re done celebrating Christmas…in 2015.

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

It’s becoming evident that this problem is simply out of ANET’s technical expertise.

Suddenly, your power goes out. People come to you complaining about the power outage. You look around and everyone in the area has no power. What do you do? People are expecting you to fix the problem.

Why should you have to fix the power lines? Why are you expecting ArenaNet to fix your internet?

The servers are not the problem, the route to them is. It’s not just GW2 that is affected but NCSoft’s EU datacenter. Basically, it’s your ISP that is the problem. Specifically, it’s one of the links between your ISP and NCSoft. Do you really want ArenaNet to tell you that? It could take months to resolve this issue depending on the cause. There is a chance that the problem is on NCSoft’s side however and it simply comes down to money. Telia for example could be wanting more money out of them.

As shown a few posts above, use a VPN in an attempt to bypass the problematic networks.

I have tried a couple of VPNs (BattlePing and and the trial version of WTFast) but neither have alleviated the problem. GW2 is the only application among all my games and services to lag. You do have a point about my ISP being a potential source of the problem.

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

It’s becoming evident that this problem is simply out of ANET’s technical expertise. I’m thinking about moving on from GW2 and so should you. It’s not a light decision for me because I’ve already invested a lot of time and memories into this game, but after patiently waiting for a decent fix for over a month, I’m finally starting to see that it’s simply not worth the trouble and frustration of having to log on every night in the hope that things are back to the way there were before, only to suffer the same disconnections, lag, and delayed skills, and for who knows how much longer?

ANET’s unprofessional conduct regarding this matter is not worth any of your emotions or time. I know it’s going to be difficult, but ditch this sinking ship and start finding other games and companies to support. It’s not like the experience is going to be worse than the current state of your gameplay.

P.S I’m from south-east Asia but have been experiencing the same connectivity issues as those in Europe since the start of the Silverwastes. I’ve never had any significant connectivity issues prior to that kitten day.

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

Have you tried playing the Choir Bell mini game with this lag ANET? It’s sad beyond compare lol. I hope you’re happy to know I’ve already persuaded a couple of people not to pick up this game, and I will continue to discourage more players until you get the people with sufficient competency to fix this month-old issue.

I honestly can’t remember what it’s like to play GW2 without experiencing a 2-3 sec delay for EVERYTHING.

Merry Christmas.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

It’s easy. Tell your friends and anyone considering GW2 to spend their precious money elsewhere. Even if GW2 is at 50% off, it’s not worth the experience of being tossed to the side for weeks, even months, whenever there’s a problem

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

Past 3 Weeks. (UTC+08:00)
Tarnished Coast
Skill lag in every single location, as well as intermittent disconnectsions

I have not been able to enjoy this game since the Silverwastes patch. The lack of meaningful updates about this problem is infuriating to say the least. I can’t believe I actually spent money supporting such an unprofessional organisation. At least I’ve managed to persuade a number of friends to not buy this game and I will gladly continue to dissuade more people in response to Anet’s appalling customer and tech support.

Other games like Battlefield 4 and Team Fortress 2 work just fine. Also, I’ve attached the tracert report to prove that the issue isn’t on my end or with my ISP:

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 22 ms 14 ms * []
2 8 ms 10 ms 8 ms
3 12 ms * 7 ms
4 * 24 ms 13 ms
5 10 ms * 22 ms
6 186 ms 178 ms 179 ms [205.129.5
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 239 ms 228 ms *
10 224 ms 232 ms 224 ms []
11 246 ms 223 ms 221 ms []
12 219 ms 223 ms * []
13 225 ms 235 ms 242 ms []

(edited by Big Small.6230)

3/1 Yaks vs Ebay vs CD

in WvW

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

So yakkers… slow day huh?


Only a Guardian...

in Guardian

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

Only a guardian knows the fourth virtue is patience. Because the zerg is usually 25-33% faster than him most of the time.

Only a Guardian...

in Guardian

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

Having already read the equivalents in the WvW and Engi threads (and enjoying the lulz), I’d like to get something similar going on here.

Only a Guardian would use Line of Warding to hold back a zerg, despite knowing 4/5th of it will pass through with laughable ease before beating the kitten out of said Guardian.

Your turn (: