Showing Posts For BlackmagicKota.8724:

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


lol if you look at pic #6, the one of me waving in the lord’s room, you can see a guy named stalker barely in the background. Gasmic, what the hell kind of guild are you running man? lol im practically naked for crying out loud!

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


Had fun today (when my connection was working) took back our BL in a couple hard fights. Started out easy enough, took Hill with a golem and next to no defenders. Gates werent even upgraded. I was worried no keins were on and it was going to be too easy. Then we took Greenlake, WAY better defended. props to keineng for that cart placement. My golem dropped from 77,000 health to 8,000 real fast. By the time my team capped it I was at 1,400 health and desided to leave the golem behind. Really good show.

Then the real fun began. We had several of our top commanders on board. Me, Zendraya Ashwood(think i misspelled, please dont be mad. its why i usually just call you zen) and Peig from red, and even Chris will count in the list (Barely. As I tell people he is a great fighter but a poor leader) all assaulted Bay. It was the most heavily defended I had ever seen it, and defence is my area of expertise, we had 4 trebs hitting it and I believe 2 cats but you guys repaired is so fast. We kept holding our ground even with Chris insisting that our plan was a failure. (You still owe me an appology btw =P and no commander emblem for the rest of the week) After I tempted chris to calm down with a dance (By now a lot of armor had broken so it was a strip-dance) we broke through. The defense kinda fell apart after that. In the end I was stark nude except for my shoulders and hands, but bay was ours. An excellent fight. =D

Then the utter failure on our part. The long, long struggle to take redvale. So much siege it was obvious you didnt want to lose it. And so close to your spawn you just ran back when we killed you in no time, we on the other hand had quite the hike. I found a week spot in your deffense pretty quickly, if you ran through the gate, ignored the shots you took, and went straight to the right there was no siege hitting you. I instantly told my foces to head there and get ready for a charge on the inner siege. But found out too late I was alone in it, and after i had fallen there you guys set up siege to cut off that path too. Everyone was too focused on the siege up top and waisted our time fighting it. In the end we took Rebrair before the camp and im not sure how the camp fell, had to spawn before then and didnt make it back in time, but it was probably a lot harder way then the one I saw. Anyway that was yet another fun fight =D

Hope tomorrow is just as good, and that we can keep all of our BL through the night. Now if you’ll excuse me i gtg to bed (yawn)


Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

(edited by BlackmagicKota.8724)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


@ Bones no real offense taken good sir. that post was more or less at mighteous. and i know its usually best to ignore those kinds of people. but i never can, certiantly not when he claims to want a fight. as ive said im more than happy to give him one =)

btw it was a little sad earlier today just after that pic i ran into connection problems and couldnt get back on, i just got home from work so hopefully ill be able to get back in the fight now. i dont understand what went wrong though m internet worked fine

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

(edited by BlackmagicKota.8724)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


so about us running away. i had 8 guys with me fighting about 8 keins a minute ago. form SB i believe. and they just ran away the whole kitten day.


Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


Chris. its not just PRO thats been saying it. also you make yourself look bad.

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


not taking it seriously. just want to fight him, take some pictures of my win. that kind of theing. he can post all he wants. but i want to fight him. also im not saying he stays in the back simply from those pics. im saying that from what people in keineng say about him.

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


interesting how in none of those fights your at the front lines. i know i was in it. we won. also the bottom one wasnt even kittening in WvW. again. either give me a time and a place or get the kitten off these forums
Kota the Strong, that dervona that helped kill you =P

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

(edited by BlackmagicKota.8724)

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


dont need a commander Wolf? im hurt lol. sorry about that happening, i came on just a little afterwords and heard it was lost pretty hard (didnt mention cause of no defenders =P) good news is we got it back at least.

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


Commander Kota the Strong here (my fellow Devonian’s may recognize me for leading in our own boarderlands often, as defense is my specialty. Fergs and Kiens may recognize the tag FWAE in zergs that tend to block you out of there, at least for a while lol) I just want to speak as an old member of DR. I for one am glad that PRO is here. Some of their members, as has already been said, have been a little… pridefull but they are on the whole a great group and a true asset for our server. I desided to make my voice heard after getting to about page 4 on this thread (I had only just resently learned that these forums existed for our specific battle lol) and saw several negative posts at Phizyn, PRO’s leader. Enough of it, especially you Chris for reasons that should be obvious, for christ’s sake we are Devona’s Rest! We were one of the greatest communities, all working together. I remember a time when just before PRO joined. Bay was falling to a huge Kien zerg. I rallied all of my guild and those whom would join me amd fought the enemie in the Lord’s Room. Thanks to the flank and more support that came pooring in Bay was saved. All due to the amazing amount of teamwork and detemination we showed (of course an update appeared moments later and when we came back the kein’s overwhelmed the few of us that returned T_T).
The point I’m trying to make, and I will shut-up after I say this i promise lol, is that we are a team. All PRO did was join our team. We should welcome our new teamates and try to work with them. They promise that DR can move up in the rankings, which if you havn’t noticed up is about the only direction we CAN go, I say we support and help them accomplsh this. My guild the Exemplar’s of Virtue, may be small. But we will fight tooth and nail alongside them to make it happen.

sorry about any spelling errors or other gramatical mistakes, its 4 am currently and im exhausted. Tomorrow will be full of WvW for me. I’m trying to get a meeting between us old leaders and the leaders of PRO to think of ways to further cooperate and address any issues that may exist. I hope to get us all together BEFORE the switch tomorrow.

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

(edited by BlackmagicKota.8724)

Commander needs to be on more then 1 Character

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


BlackmagicKota has commander on Kota the Strong. Warrior, good for assault.
BlackmagicKota doesn’t have commander on Kota Southernwood. Mage, good for deffense.
Thus, when Kota the Strong wants to attack something, he has an army following him.
When Kota Southernwood wants to deffend something, he is left alone.

BlackmagicKota agrees that commander on all accounts is a good idea, also he enjoys speaking in third person.

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

Devona's Rest, filled with bots

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


So I’m just here asking for a little support to come to the Devona’s Rest server. As it is we have a small amount of actual players. For the most part our population is made up of bots(characters that are running on scripts to do activities or events) Thus in WvW, when we actually have a lot of teamwork and coordination,(Have a server wide Teamspeak, and several good alliances) we wind up getting whiped out due to low numbers of people. Take tonight for instance, asainst keining we had our entire boarderlands (which took a few hours of hard work from everyone) and it was close to fully upgraded. As soon as we try to campain into Eternal Battlegrounds a force of 40+ keins comes out of nowhere and whipe away our forces as we found ourselves outnumbered 4 to 1. now i ask is it fair that a server with so few actual players, even though they work together so well, get put into such uneven fights? We need more help in WvW. Either more people on our server or those that are on our server to become more active and help. Sorry that that may of been a little immature or something asking for help like this, but it is needed. Some of us have invested a great deal into making our server better, but without help it is impossible.

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

(edited by BlackmagicKota.8724)