Showing Posts For BlckDrgn.1960:

The amazing Phantasmal Warden

in Mesmer

Posted by: BlckDrgn.1960


I disagree – I think the Warden is working as intended as it is not only a melee phantasm, but also totally static during an attack. I think the extra speed is to make up for the fact it can be quite easily AoE’d down unless you’ve also dropped a Chaos Storm on it for the Aegis boon, but even that only lasts a short duration and then it’s defenceless again.

New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlckDrgn.1960


Back on topic: For those worried about core parking, you don’t need to hack your registry, you can simply set your power plan to high performance instead.

About this, I also thought this, and it is the general consensus; however, being on a laptop I was most definitely on the Performance plan and the odd numbered cores were still parked on my i7, FWIW…

That’s odd. It might only work for desktop i7s then. Have you gone deeper into the power settings to check what the setting is for your CPU in high performance on your laptop?

No I haven’t, but one of the three keys already had a 0 value for Min, so I would assume that was the performance profile. However, I’m sure I was already on it, but my odd numbered cores were all parked.

New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlckDrgn.1960


Back on topic: For those worried about core parking, you don’t need to hack your registry, you can simply set your power plan to high performance instead.

About this, I also thought this, and it is the general consensus; however, being on a laptop I was most definitely on the Performance plan and the odd numbered cores were still parked on my i7, FWIW…

New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlckDrgn.1960


I can verify that I had 4-5 cores parked when playing last night. I did the regedit tweak and saw zero performance increase.

Did you do a full power down then cold boot? Technically a restart should have the same hive reload effect, but I wasn’t in a hurry and did the full shutdown.

Edit: Also, did you keep searching through the registry for all instances of that key? Personally, I found three different ones on mine, but it depends on how many power profiles your machine has, just like the instructions say.

New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlckDrgn.1960


re: core parking. This only applies to idle cores, of which none are during GW2 game-play (look for yourself before applying some stranger’s regedits).

I never noticed the game using all 8 cores on my i7 previous to applying this, and using the FPS meter in the graphic options, I saw around a 5-10fps increase including during spinning around which generally causes a VERY noticeable drop in framerate. Again, this hurts nothing unless you’re on a laptop and like to play without AC power or your proc is prone to overheating already while playing.

Edit: I’ve been in IT for over 10yrs (I know, I know, everyone on the internet is a computer expert, as well as a brain scientist and a rocket surgeon…) and the only thing parked cores do is save power which equals less heat. If you’re not worried about either of those two things, then this has no downside. I run this on a laptopkitten no noticeable heat gain and if I’m playing a game, it’s plugged into the wall. Again, I’m not recommending using some stranger’s basement app, but the manual regedits are straight forward and harmless

(edited by BlckDrgn.1960)

New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlckDrgn.1960


I’m not having any of the issues anyone in this thread is having, and i’m on a Pro-Star P170EM (kepler i7, NVidia 680M, latest drivers as of last night) except for the ambient occlusion/transparent terrain issue.

As for the CPU bottlenecking issue, I found this on a Reddit thread and definitely saw at least a 5-10fps boost from doing this (full disclosure: I used the manual regedit method – I generally don’t install progs from random people). Give it a try, it can’t hurt:

Hello. I can see that many players on the forum are having trouble with their FPS in this game – especially multicore CPU users.
What I did for myself was disable CORE PARKING.
There are two ways to do it. One is with an application. The other is through a registry edit.
Regedit method:
PLEASE PLEASE BACKUP YOUR REGISTRY BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT THIS. I am not responsible if your computer blows up when you try the method below.
- Go to run (windows key + r)
- Type in regedit and run
- CTRL + F and find this key:- " 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583 "
- Within this key, there is a value called: " ValueMax "
- This value represents the % number of cores the system will park – the default 100% ie: all Cores are potentially park-able
- Change the value from 64 to 0 so the " ValueMin " and " ValueMax " are both zero
- You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found – the number of instances will depend on the number of power profiles in your system [ in my DAW it was only found twice ]
- Do a full shutdown and power-off and cold-re-start
This worked for me perfectly. I went from low 30s to high 50s. Hope this works as well for you as it did for me!
Good day!

Hope the above helps someone here, and it does make sense that this would have an effect on a CPU-bound game.

If you own an nVidia GPU. GW2 is not the game for you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlckDrgn.1960


For reference, I have a new Pro-Star P170EM with an i7 and a 680M using the latest release drivers (at work so don’t have the exact details)

I’m easily over 30fps anywhere PvE so far, haven’t tried PvP or WvWvW yet so can’t speak to those. Everything is maxed except for shadows which are on Medium, 1920×1080. Whenever I quit the game, even after multi-hour sessions, card is around +55 deg C.

No crashes of the game whatsoever, just a weird ‘looking through the bottom of the world’ thing whenever the camera is anywhere near ground level.

Field of View.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlckDrgn.1960


I can live with the current FOV – what I want to stop happening is if the camera is anywhere near ground level all of the sudden everything looks like I’m looking up through the bottom of the world, but overlaid on top of what is ‘above’ ground. With all the hills, especially for Norn, this is a major PITA…