Showing Posts For BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951:

Cassi broke [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951


Annnnnd she’s still bugged! What the hell Anet? So annoyed I can’t complete my daily now. Made even worse as my alternative is a jumping puzzle… which i suck at…

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951


Honestly, it boggles me….Why do you want to solo a map that was advertised as being an end-game content? You know it is not because some players are obviously better skilled than others that they aced it in the first try….They also had to fail and then they adapted their gameplay to the content hot contains because it is different than core GW2. I am casual player, I play the class with the lowest personal DPS (mesmer), I have no intention in raiding and yet I find hot maps a lot more interesting, valuable and fun that core maps…How do you explain that? If the map is sparse I suggest you to look at the LFG if you are struggling too hard to do the events. As for the personal story, I sympathize because it was so buggy before that you couldn’t do it but now it is possible. To jump into the air you just need to follow your group with bram, you don’t even need to press the jump bar, only do it when your are thrown into the air to activate your glider[/quote flog.3485]

Again, I am happy for you, honestly. The fact that you enjoy HoT more than the core game is great news for you. Personally I don’t find it as enjoyable as the core game and being as casual player myself, I haven’t ever felt like I want to go to the jungle to unlock areas, because I am alone. And being swarmed and murdered for the tenth time in a row and having waypoints contested for long amounts of time isn’t my definition of fun. And I’m quite prepared for the ‘NooB’ comments, however as I have 100% the map in central and have killed Zhaitan pretty much solo on all 10 of my characters, I was a happy noob who could have fun playing this game.

(edited by BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951)

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951


lol its hardly ‘insane’ my advise is simply use the final fight as motivation to experiment with builds. Ive solo’d it on a zerker ele and an aura ele, its not hard it just needs thought. If you can work out why it is the vast majority of players can happily solo this place and you cant you will learn to love the game all the more – beating challenges is satisfying and fun too and dying is fine. There are also 28 or so zons that can be facerolled when you fancy an easier run. The alternative is that everything is easy – and no-one wants a lack of diversity right? Put it this way, in a year your experience will have grown by a years worth but the content will stay the same, so content to be played long term.

But this content is not being played! I have swapped maps several times in a small space of time and still lost events, because the maps are empty!
Do I feel like this expansion should be able to be played solo? Yes, I do!
Do we not remember that Anet changed Zhaitan so it could be done solo?! If your argument is ‘This is end game content, you’re supposed to be grouped up’ why did they change it? Because MANY of us would at least like that option to be able to do it alone. Why didn’t Anet learn that some people don’t have guilds or want to use LFG tool.
And as for ‘many of us have soloed HoT and didn’t have a problem’ honestly, I’m happy for you, but this post was about the many of us who don’t feel the same way, and that’s not balanced.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951


I’m actually genuinely heartbroken. I preordered the deluxe version of HoT months before a release date, and couldn’t wait to explore the jungle!
I have been waiting for a friend to help me with my final story since october… Tonight we spent 2 and a half hours trying to kill Mordremoth, beating him down to a third of his health, [/spoiler even reuniting me with tybalt,] which, had me choking back a tear… only for the game to not let us jump into the air during his ‘ultimate floor of death’ move or suddenly having our wings disappear during mid glide, then being sent back to the very beginning?! What? WHY?? Fighting Zhaitan was tough, but if I died fighting the mouth, I came back fighting the mouth! Why are there no checkpoints in this fight at all?!
I am not here trying to slag the game off, I truly love this game! I have even defended HoT many times to my friends, even going as far as to say maybe the chaotic feeling in the jungle is to reflect the chaos of the situation. And the story is amazing as always!
But it’s too difficult to just go exploring solo. And so many people I know people who love guild wars 2 who have literally stopped playing because of this expansion. And others who promise if the next expansion isn’t ‘better’ they’ll stop playing too…
And if you are one of the people that aced this all first time, then I am happy for you, but you are not in the majority here.
I have played this whole game solo, only joining groups to do the odd dungeon or fractal. I’m not saying the people on the map now aren’t friendly, but the map is sparse most of the time, and i have been party to more failed missions than successful ones recently. Doesn’t it say something when I’m happier redoing old content rather than exploring the new areas?
Please ArenaNet listen to your players! I understand that some players want a ‘Real Challenge’ you have provided raids to people who want to push themselves to the max, but it’s unfair to us who play because we love the story, our characters, and your universe, to now have us play on insane mode to experience new content is ridiculous.
Now i’m not sure when, or if, I even want to try the last part of my story again, I will probably stay in central tyria just having fun instead.

(edited by BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951)

Any speciat event planned?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951


I’m hoping so, my poor Lv 80 ranger is bored ????

Jumping puzzles: yuck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951


I never found them to be challenging at all, just find the purple ring and interact with it.

Disclaimer: I “may” have payed for the occasional portal.

I think I love you lol! :-P
Now, I just need to find some poor mesmer friends and I’ll have a degree in applied jumping in no time…

Any PVE/ living world Events planned?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueEyesWhiteDragon.6951


Hey people!
I am relatively new to the game so firstly, I apologise if this has been asked before ????
I know that the expansion is due this year sometime, but I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about any PVE/Living World Events?
For example The mad king, A very merry Wintersday ect?