Showing Posts For BlueLion.7498:

Dungeon armor/weapon skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlueLion.7498


Hello everyone,
have you ever felt like ‘’That armor looks so cool! I want it!’’ but then you happen to take look at the cost: one dungeon armor set costs 1200 tokens not to even mention you need to use transmutation crystals to change it. 1200 tokens is 20 daily dungeon completion, takes roughly one week to get your full gear IF you do all 3 paths each day (excluding Arah which takes 5 with all paths every day). And that’s just armor. Weapons cost range from 210 (offhands) to incredible 390 (two handeds). Example: you want full armor from AC and two handed weapons. Cost increases to 1980 tokens which takes 11 days of all 3 paths daily completion.
My suggestion: add skin versions of the armors and weapons with a cheaper price. This way we don’t have to farm a dungeon for a week to get our looks and we also save transmutation crystals.
Feel free to disagree but don’t hate for opinion.

Normalize base health

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlueLion.7498


I ,too, am annoyed quite a bit by this. As a guardian I have 30 points in Honor (vita/healing) and vita from 80% of my items (including runes etc.) but still my warrior has 5k more health and so does my necro. Funny part: neither of them has any vita from gear nor from traits. I guess guardian boons are supposed to make up for the lack of health…

Weapon you'd like to see for your profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueLion.7498


Javelin/spear-on-land for Guardians!

Ways of getting badges of honor unfair for some.

in WvW

Posted by: BlueLion.7498


I feel your pain… on top of that, I’m in a server that’s loosing all the time but not enough to drop to lower ranks of WvW and also my guild is more focused on PvE. I’m not either a great fan of PvP. Getting 500 BsoH is just pure farming it seems…

PC freeze with a loud buzz

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueLion.7498


Happened 2 times today but I played LoL and didn’t crash and now I lowered graphics and no crash but I dunno if I have to play longer…

PC freeze with a loud buzz

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueLion.7498


Hey, I just got my PC back from being repaired and at first it worked well but after playing for ~2 hours, everything froze and I heard a very loud kind of a buzz from my headset(not a pleasant experience-.-). I checked all drivers and updates and also that my fan speeds, voltages and temperature are good. This only happens while playing GW2.
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
8,0 GB RAM
Windows 7 64-bit

Remove WvW from PvE completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlueLion.7498


I just tried ‘’a little walking’’ ,our server is running away/nowhere to be seen and enemies are pushing basically on every direction of the map and what I mean is that they should make separate PvE and WvW completion.

Remove WvW from PvE completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlueLion.7498


This has been bugging me for some time: you have to go to WvW to get full world completion(plus monthly achievement) and the problem is that if your server doesn’t do well in WvW, it’s basically impossible to get the PoIs, vistas and skill points in there, plus there are 4 areas. Rushing doesn’t work since there are always rangers and thieves (I’m a guardian)that outrun you. Also, you cannot enter keeps/castles that aren’t in your control and since your server population is more focused in e.g. PvE, it’s a complete mess.