Showing Posts For Blumoon.5437:
And now no one will farm gambits anymore. Thanks a lot /s. Players want to farm gold, that is what we want. Stop taking away all the good farms.
Speak for yourself. Some of us enjoy the content for what it is.
The farming narrative is getting very old.
For those of you who are giving Zephyr kitten for sharing this:
1. Search doesn’t work on this forum.
2. There’s no sticky about this, so we can’t assume every player knows everything.
Please consider that there are many players who aren’t on the bleeding edge of Guild Wars 2-related news.
I’m with AcidicVision: Keep up the enthusiasm! I love getting excited about stuff like this; it’s even better to see other players into it.
(edited by Blumoon.5437)
My Guildie made over 500 Gold from doing the Queen’s Gauntlet alone. THAT is new money entering the economy.
Wait… what?! How did someone make 500 gold just playing the boss arena?
Oh, duh! I remember being excited about OAuth2 support. I don’t know why it slipped my mind at a time like this. Thanks for the reminder, zeeZ.
One of the most exciting selling points of the Extended Experience as it was originally presented was the ability to not only pull data from the game, but push data back in, as well. This allowed for exciting functionality like out-of-game guild chat, pinging the in-game map for your friends, and more. Will we eventually see this functionality through the API ecosystem?
If you’re new to API programming, I highly recommend this list of free courses on Codecademy. I learned most of what I know about interacting with APIs through JavaScript from those courses. Highly recommended if you’re just starting out!
Let’s say I develop a web app that shows all of the dye colors accessible in the game. In the future when OAuth support is implemented, will a logged-in player be able to see their favorites and unlocked dye colors for each of their characters?
I’m working on building a simple site people can visit to easily check out all the GW2 apps, get involved in the open-source ones, and maybe share and vote in the future.
Awesome. I’d love to program with people to make GW2 apps. I currently work in C# and SQL, but I could start dusting off Python if there’s more interest in that.
Trello – @gilosean
Not on Github or any source control system yet.I agree that it is a better idea to let individual projects choose their own source control with maybe a central person who has access to all of them so even if devs leave the project can keep going with new people. We might want to have a central development spot for things that everyone will be using, like an API wrapper for each language?
Awesome! I added you to the Trello org. A central spot for all the API implementations sounds great for the central app page. I’m thinking I can list a collection of all API implementations/apps and filter by language; maybe even sort into categories eventually to separate purpose-built apps from tools and frameworks.
Nice! Looking forward to seeing this evolve. If you’re interested in collaborating with other API developers in the future, I’ve got an effort going here:
Thanks! I added you.
So I’m having second thoughts about the Github organization. It requires organizing users into teams and the organization would own any repos involved. I would rather everyone retain ownership of their respective projects. I don’t want friction to overshadow collaboration, which is the ultimate goal. I’m going to nix the Github organization for now so we can keep the repositories separate and just collaborate and manage each project in the Trello organization.
That said, I do still want to create a page to show all of our apps in one place. For now, I’m just going to build a simple website and use the Github API to pull info on everyone’s repos.
I can help in android.. Or java app’s if we do something..
edit: trello username: Mimi
Is “Mimi” your display name or your @username? I need the @username to invite you. Turns out there’s a ton of Mimis on Trello!
Hey guys! I was floored when the public API beta was released yesterday. I’ve been waiting since they first announced the would-be mobile apps. So, I decided to gauge interest on /r/Guildwars2 soon after the announcement and got a strong response from nearly 20 people who were interested in joining a collaborative effort to make awesome, open-source apps for Guild Wars 2. Now I see this forum bursting with cool ideas and example projects not even 24 hours later. How awesome is that?! I think there’s more than enough passion here in the community to eventually build the apps ArenaNet first set out to offer us. Interested? Let’s dive in!
Public Chat Room
A place to discuss the API and related topics in real-time
Trello Organization
Organize teams, share and vote on app ideas, get projects off the ground
Post your Trello username and I’ll invite you to the org ASAP.
(edited by Blumoon.5437)