Showing Posts For Bobby Digital.3190:

Where did you get your PreCurser?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bobby Digital.3190

Bobby Digital.3190

All three came from the TP. The fourth one will too unless I somehow get insanely lucky.

Where did you get your precursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bobby Digital.3190

Bobby Digital.3190

I bought Dusk for 1,320g on the TP :-P

A guy in my FOTM 38 PUG got The Lover from the final chest last night. First time I’ve ever seen a precursor drop. Miracles really do happen!

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bobby Digital.3190

Bobby Digital.3190

While I like the idea of the megaserver for most zones, it has completely ruined Orr for me and my guild. We are on one of the lowest population servers, Eredon Terrace (GO ET WOO). We used to be able to count on doing temple runs as a guild every day, and we used them to recruit. It was ~our thing~ for lack of a better phrase. Actually, that is the best phrase. It was totally our thing LOL. And Orr being desolate was great. Not just because it let us spawn temples when we wanted and run them as a team, but because Orr is a barren wasteland full of Zhaitan’s rotting minions that should be empty.

Anyway, Orr is awful now. There are two reasons for this:
1) I don’t know what’s up with the megaserver, but my non-party guildies were not spawning in to the same instance as the party I was in; and
2) All the temples are massive zerg fests with everyone spamming 1 because they couldn’t be bothered to remap it to Q and booooooring ;_;

I know temples don’t require the most (any) skill, but it was fun to be able to team up and coordinate Balth or Grenth on TS. Anyway, we’ve decided to abandon temple runs and just stick to dungeons and fractals and I guess WvW? Like I said, I understand the megaserver and think it will be an improvement for most zones, I just wish it weren’t happening in Orr.