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GW2: my feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolo Bob.6853

Bolo Bob.6853

well for me 1 reason is the story line, we get short sold our story because at some point that trehearn…..or however that plant dudes name is spelled takes over the story. so much for it being our story…..

in GW1 we were the main character, in GW2 it feels like we become some assistant in the cut scene’s. in GW1 our character at least looked more important and even took charge in some parts and told everyone where/what we were going to do.

i havent played since the recent patch, but another thing making me bored was lack of loot. i knew there was anti farming code, which actually hindered the people like me that would fight across a map while heading to a heart or storyline. at some points i would completely stop getting loot or occasionally get 1 junk item every 10 kills.

also i played through on my ranger all the way to the end to feel cheated by the end story reward. plus with all the broken events i feel like i missed out on a good portion of the content. some of the Orr maps only a few events were working when i got there, which case i was under the impression that events would chain across the map;
but never happened.

then they nerfed dungeon rewards, i was hearing all these horror stories about when people would run a few dungeons and start losing the amount of tokens recieved.
well that pretty much put me off of doing dungeons, a dungeon where people have to run over and over to achieve are in turn punished for doing so. just doesnt make sense.

anyway maybe my reasons are lame, but these reasons are part of why i am bored with the game. some are fixable but the story will most likely remain the same.

Making the Engineer flamethrower more interesting and useful.

in Engineer

Posted by: Bolo Bob.6853

Bolo Bob.6853

i like the flamer alot, it is one of the reasons i like engineer…. i feel like a friggin commando when i use it.

the #2 need some fixing for the pathing of the shot and a detonating option, otherwise in events were there is huge crowds #2 is a beast.

also #4 is nice too, if you havent tried yet, put down #4 then switch to pistol/shield and double tap #4 and you just activated “area might”. then swap back to flamer and continue cooking

. #5 seems like somtimes it doesnt blind when im point blank on an enemy, maybe the size of the enemy has to do with it or something. but i like this skill when it works.

. #3 has so many uses, just i wish it was a combo finisher or something, but oh well.

and #1 we cant seem to hit some catapults and other inanimate objects, other than that it rocks in events.

i dont have a lvl 80 engineer yet so i dont know how it works there, but im currently lvl 50’ish and i cant go anywhere without my flamer on.

(edited by Bolo Bob.6853)

Fix Flamethrower's Flame Blast! Unreliable 90% of the time!

in Engineer

Posted by: Bolo Bob.6853

Bolo Bob.6853

i believe you hit the nail on the head as the saying goes.

also at point blank range for example, if im trying to shoot through the enemy and hit a crowd behind him with #2 it will usually shoot into the ground as well.
to be more clear, if im targeted on the enemy that is point blank but i intend to shoot through and hit a group at the proper distance behind the point blank enemy #2 will almost always shoot into the ground in my experience.

just to add i was actually confused the 1st time i used #2, because i was mashing #2 again trying to detonate it. i figured it was a skill like the the #2 on the engineer harpoon gun.
so my 1st impression was “WTF this thing is broken it wont detonate” LMAO anyway just thought i would share my newbie story there.

if they fix the issue with the pathing of the shot, i hope they add detonating of #2 because it just makes sense.