Showing Highly Rated Posts By Bolthar.7192:

Trading Post: Armor Weight Filter!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


The game is almost 2 years old! Only what… 2 months left? I think I speak for the whole community when I say this features has been missing for too long.

The cheers of glee that would be made if this feature finally added! The deepest sleeping Elder Dragon would hear us like the Grinch heard the Who’s in Whoville!

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


Adding more lighting effects to the game in forests and caves and night settings would greatly increase the look, feel and emersion of this game. When it’s night, make it darker, it doesn’t always need to be clear as day. At least in some zones more than others. Grab a torch. We’re adventurers but I can see everything from where I stand at all times! I don’t suggest making it a pain, I just mean make it noticeably darker. I often don’t even realize when it’s become night in the game. Caves should be darker for sure. Let torches provide the extra light. Not pitch black just darker.

Weather is NEEDED! The world has events but that doesn’t make a map alive. There is more potential. Give queensdale some dense rain! Add periodic rain/lighting/thunder storms to different maps. Places near the coast could have periodic monsoons-type effects – maybe the krait get active during these times, maybe special events happen during these storms. Give ore sand storms maybe. Maybe lightning elementals and earth elementals get rowdy during rain/sand storms. Shiver peaks could have blizzards! And lastly, wind! A lot of gear has dangly bits and more should. When you climb to the top of a peak or are trapped in one of these storms, lets see that stuff sway in the wind! This would truly help to make a map feel alive.

Mount Maelstrom has a volcano. Maybe that thing could become active once a month with unique events to that period of time. Ash is in the air and visibility is lessened a bit. Periodic magma balls fall from the sky setting things on fire where players will need to put them out and avoid getting hit by them all together. MAYBE while this volcano is active special magma/volcanic ore becomes available that can be used to make unique magma/volcano gear that has smoldering smoke rolling off of it and fire. (I have another post that expands on this idea here: )

Make some noise if you’d like to see this implemented!

(edited by Bolthar.7192)

Find new skills for your weapons!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


A new approach to an idea I had earlier:

In short:
Weapon Trainers – in cities, train you to use new skills for weapons your class can use.
Weapon Skill Unlocks – more skills will unlock at after default skills are unlocked only at a slower pace.
Weapon Masters – Hidden throughout Tyria, teach a specific skill for a specific weapon at level 80. These skills give a character a feel of power
These skills are swappable with the default weapon skills, same as utility skills.

A bit more:
Lets use a greatsword for example. It has 5 skills to it. At different levels you can learn from weapon skill trainers a few new skills that you can swap out with the starting default skills. Even better though, hidden though-out Tyria are Weapon specialist – old combat legends – that will teach you an even more advanced skill for a weapon (only at level 80). These skills are more flashy than the default ones and give a player a feeling of progression to combat as they level up and the feeling that a character is becoming more skilled with their weapons and powerful.

Another idea to the acquisition of weapon skills after your default skills are unlocked and would be that instead of weapon trainers, weapon skills would unlock the more you use a weapon. The weapon would level up so to say but in a horizontal manner rather than doing more damage. Maybe only certain unlocks are available at each 20, 40, 60 interval.

Make some noise if you’d like to see this implemented!

(edited by Bolthar.7192)