Showing Posts For Boo.5167:


in Ranger

Posted by: Boo.5167


This is the build I have based my roaming build off of. Mine is slightly different to my own liking.

Its does pretty well, almost worthless in zerg running though.

RTL vs Rush, why were we nerfed again?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Boo.5167


Just got hit by Rush for 3,789 with 3100 Armor and 2,159 toughness. I been trying to play the not so standard builds and classes but it is starting to get a bit discouraging to be kitten near instagibbed by some of these classes, mainly thieves and warriors.

WvW Roaming S/D vs S/F

in Elementalist

Posted by: Boo.5167


I run a similar build, which is based off this video.

Like the video I run S/F. Once in awhile I will run S/D but I prefer the defensive options on the Focus over the dagger. I also go all the way up to Fire’s Embrace in Fire, but I have been recently contemplating trying something else. The 3s duration is just too short alot of times I find and make it not worth it. Other than that your build is and concept seem to be similar as what I been running on my elem. It is a very single target build which I have found to be burdensome if you find yourself ending up running in a group or the zerg.

D/D Signet Condi build: thoughts?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Boo.5167


This is the build I"ve based my condi roaming build off of. I have had fairly good luck with it. However, it lacks in zerg and the larger the group fight ends up being is less effective in my opinion.